
Monday, March 28, 2011

Blogoversary Day 1: Remembering Movie Week

Welcome to the first day of the week-long blogoversary extravaganza here at "Seasons of Humility!" This week is going to be all about reminiscing the past year on the blog, particularly the themed weeks. Today we're remembering Movie Week!

For those of you who are visiting or are new to the blog (or if you just want a blast from the past!), here are the links to the posts from Movie Week:
Today's post is going to be like the "Movie Update" post from Movie Week. I'll share some of what I've been watching recently with mini reviews. I love movies, and I've seen some great ones recently! Click the cover pictures to check out the following movies on (And keep reading to the end of the post for a chance to enter a fun giveaway!)


Don't be turned off by the big, blue head and the hero vs. villain theme--this movies is fantastic and anything but predictable! Megamind is clever, witty, and just plain fun!

Megamind and Minion are lovable characters, and from the first moment I saw Megamind as a baby on the screen, he stole my heart with his bright green eyes and his future-self's laugh-worthy narration. With a great message of understanding, not being held back by the past, and good triumphing over evil, this movie is not only entertaining, but also meaningful.

The Terminal

Once I got past Tom Hanks having a Bulgarian accent, I found The Terminal to be such an intriguing movie! ;) But seriously, while Tom Hanks plays quite a different role in this movie from You've Got Mail and Sleepless in Seattle, he still won me over with his sweet disposition and his determination to keep a promise he made and to not lose purpose even when falling "between the cracks." It certainly wouldn't be easy to adapt to living for weeks/months in an airport terminal! And yet Victor (Tom Hanks) perseveres and makes some loyal, quirky friends along the way. This movie is a treat!

Despicable Me

This is another movie that shouldn't be judged by first appearances. I was told this was a great movie, and my mom reassured me that even though the beginning seems strange, it's a cute story. Well, I'm here to tell you that she was right! This movie is adorable--different, but oh, so cute! With little yellow minions, a villain with a dream from his childhood to reach the moon, and three girls in need of some love, Despicable Me is unique and definitely one to make you say, "Awwww!"

The Giveaway

All three of these movies can be found on, as well as many other movies. So today's giveaway is a $15 gift card, to help the winner celebrate his or her own Movie Day/Week!

Just leave a comment mentioning a movie you recently watched that you really enjoyed, and include your e-mail address, and you'll be entered for a chance to win!

(And pack your bags for tomorrow--don't forget the sunscreen!--because we'll be reminiscing Vacation Week with author Laura Frantz!)


  1. One of the best movies I have seen this past year, was Standing Firm.
    Happy Blogoversary!!
    Lisa Nelson

  2. Amber, I loved Despicable Me as well! So touching. :)

    Most recently, a movie that I loved was The King's Speech. Made me cry! Of course course, that's not hard to do. :)

    Congrats on your anniversary!

    missytippens [at]

  3. We saw Unknown a few weeks ago. It was fast-paced and interesting enough that I didn't want to get up to go to the bathroom :) but not sure I liked the final twist it took. Would have liked for it to end differently...

    Thanks for the heads-up on the giveaway. Came over from The Borrowed Book. Congrats on your blogging milestone!

    My email is ckbarker at gmail dot com

  4. Despicable Me is hilarious. "it's so FLUFFY!!!!" LOL!

    Congrats on your blogoversary! :) Let's see...the last movie I watched was The Tourist, for like the 4th time. I LOVE that movie...great escapist fun. :)

    ruthellenanderson (at) gmail (dot) com

  5. I LOVED Tangled! :D That was a fun one!

    I have heard of Dispicable Me, but haven't seen it yet. The ads were all over the TV when it first came out and that is often a clue it's either really good or not so great. Know what I mean? :-P Good to know you liked it! :)

    And I've heard tell there is a Cars 2 coming out...Sounds fun! :)

  6. What a play on words. Blogaversary is a grand name. We recently saw The Lincoln Lawyer and loved it. I especially liked the change in character. DH said kudos to the writer.

  7. YAY! Congratulations on your Blogoversary Week, my friend!!! So excited to see what you got in store for us! :D

    I don’t usually watch movies but I’ve watched quite a few lately! I recently watched “Leap Year” (just in time for St. Patty’s Day!) with my mom and a friend. It was a sweet, funny romance – and I just loved the accents! Then we watched “Penelope” which was like a grown-up fairytale! Cute, liked the romance (AND James McAvoy!), and it had a great message – be content with who you are because there are people (and the "right" guy!) who will love you for you and not wish to change you. I also re-watched “Pride & Prejudice” (Keira Knightley version) and that is ALWAYS wonderful! ;) Hey, I hear “Tangled” comes out tomorrow!! I’m so excited to see it, especially after the great reviews you and Ruth gave it! :D

    Thank you so much for this very fun giveaway too! :)



    P.S. – Just sent you an email! FINALLY ;)

  8. Just last night I watched How to Train Your Dragon for the 15th time :P My roommate had only seen the first 20 min of it and I own it because I LOVE it, so we watched it together :)

    Looking forward to a great week! Thanks for the giveaway Amber :)


  9. Congrats on your blogoversary!! I just saw Dispicable Me about a month ago and it was really cute...I love animated movies. One other that I recently saw was The Blind Side with Sandra Bullock. Even though I'm not into football or even know who the guy, it's a really good movie and I like that it's based on a true story.


  10. Congrats on your blogoversary!!! The most recent movie I've watched was Cleopatra with Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and Rex Harrison. I recently read two books where Cleopatra's daughter with Marc Antony was the heroine, so I've been in an Egyptian sort of mood. I've watched so many documentaries on ancient Egypt lately. So when the news came that Elizabeth Taylor died last week I decided to watch Cleopatra. I had watched it once before many years ago. I enjoyed it then, and I enjoyed it now.

    mchapman (at) windstream (dot) net


    I don't get the chance to watch a lot of movies, which is a shame because I LOVE movies, especially older ones, but I did watch one of my favs last week with my hubby and daughter -- HITCH!! Soooo funny and soooo cute and relatively moral, which is really unusual these days!!


  12. Hi Amber!

    Hubby and I recently watched `Tangled`.
    We both enjoyed it.


    i'm not a 'movie person' but i did catch a barbra streisand film last week...'yentyl'

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  14. HaPpY Blogoversary Amber!
    you're {we're} off to a great start with this movie intro ") blstef1 at mts dot net
    i'm still luving jane austen's 'persuasion' !!

  15. I just watched Harold and Maude for the hundredth time. I love that movie.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  16. Congrats on your blogoversary! I'm a sucker for all the animated movies. The last one I saw was Toy Story 3. Made me cry. I've enjoyed them all--they seem so real:)
    maggiebrendan (at)comcast(dot)net

  17. And I've never seen any of those...I gotta get my nose out of books. ;-)

    I would have to say I really enjoyed Downton Abbey despite a few scenes that made me cringe, overall it was a great look at life in Edwardian England. As for an animated film I gotta say I'm completely in love with Toy Story 3 LOL! It's so fun and cute!

    Happy Blogoversary Amber!

    XOXO~ Renee

  18. Congrats, Amber! What would the blogosphere be without you? Not as bright for all of us, that's for sure! . . . I love so many movies. Lots of them were mentioned in your post and the comments section. The movie I re-watched and enjoyed again most recently is While You Were Sleeping. Sometimes I just have to pop it in to soak up some of that warm, fuzzy atmosphere. It never fails to make me smile :) . . . Thanks for hosting such a fun week. Blessings! reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  19. Hello, everyone, and thank you all so much for coming today! I just love movies, so it's been fun reading your recommendations. :)

    LISA: I glanced at that one on, and I'm guessing it's a Christian movie, right? It sounds like it must be pretty powerful! :)

    MISSY: I've heard about The King's Speech--is it relatively clean except for language? And I know what you mean--there are some movies I just can't help but cry when I watch, like the movie Though None Go With Me. :)

    CHERYL: Sounds interesting! Thank you for visiting from the BB! It's been such a pleasure to be a contributor over there. :)

    RUTH: Hahaha--yep, definitely a cute movie! ;) I haven't seen The Tourist, but it sounds like it's a fun one!

    CASEY: Oh yes, Tangled was a great one! I actually just ordered it tonight from :) Yay!

    And Despicable Me is super sweet--I highly recommend it! I've also heard about Cars 2 coming out; I'm curious to see it, as I've LOVED all the Pixar movies so far! :)


  20. LOREE: Thanks so much for visiting! :) I read recently in a book I'm going to be reviewing for my Nature & Structure of the English Language class about some of the words that go with the blogging domain now, like "blogosphere" and "bloglish"--fun stuff. ;)

    Anyway, that sounds like an intriguing movie! What is it about?

    AMANDA: Awww, thank you! I'm excited to show you what I've got in store for you. ;)

    I've seen all four of the movies you mentioned! I recently watched Leap Year for the first time recently, too, and thought it was very fun and sweet, as you say. :) And yes, I hope you get to see Tangled soon! I just ordered it from, and I can't wait to see it again! ;D

    (And thank you so much for your e-mail!!! I e-mailed you, too!)

    ARIEL: LOL That's awesome! ;) I LOVE that movie, and I've seen it several times--it was near the top of my Christmas wishlist, and I'm glad to have it in my collection to watch over and over again, as well. :)

    SARA: Wasn't Despicable Me cute? And I haven't seen The Blind Side, but it's good to know that it's still enjoyable even if you aren't a big fan of football. :)

    MICHELLE: Cool! Egyptian history is fascinating, for sure, although I confess there's a lot I don't know about it. Have you ever read the book City of the Dead by T.L. Higley? I think you would really enjoy it! :) Oh, and I also recommend Guardian of the Flame--Cleopatra is a secondary character in that one!


  21. JULIE: I know--movies are so much fun! :D I haven't seen Hitch yet, but it sounds really good!

    MICHELLE: I'm glad to hear you and your husband enjoyed Tangled--I can't wait to watch it again when it gets delivered to me on DVD soon! :)

    KAREN: Thank you! I'm glad you were able to watch an enjoyable movie recently. :)

    FAITH HOPE CHERRYTEA: Gotta love those Jane Austen movies, for sure! I love Emma and Northanger Abbey, especially. :)

    DOMESTIC DIVA: I haven't seen that one, but it sounds good! :)

    MAGGIE: Oh, I love those animated movies, too! I've seen Toy Story 3 several times, and I've cried every time. :) Being a college student I was able to relate to those emotional final scenes...

    RENEE: Hahaha--yeah, you've been reading like crazy lately! ;) From what I did see of Downton Abbey, it certainly was well done. :) And I LOVED Toy Story 3, too!

    RENEE ANN: That is so sweet--thank you so much for your kind words!! And I love While You Were Sleeping, as well. :) Such a sweet movie!

    EVERYONE: Thank you all for your kindness and for helping me celebrate my blogoversary! :D Happy watching! Winner announced on Saturday. :)


  22. I really haven't watched many movies lately, except all the Toy Story movies. That's all for my little boy, though. As much as I like them, they are growing old. :P
    So, my favorite is still How to Train Your Dragon, which I watched AWHILE back, so I hope it counts. I thought Despicable Me was extremely cute, and as soon as I can watch the whole thing, it will probably be a favorite. I've missed most of the middle both times I've watched it. :)

    bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com


    Oh, you should definitely watch all of Despicable Me! I think you'll love it! :) And we're agreed on How To Train Your Dragon--it's a fabulous movie, and one I enjoy watching over and over again! :D


  24. The absolutely best movie that we have watched in a while is "The Blindside". Saw it in the movies, had to buy it as soon as it came out and watch it on TV whenever it is on. Our family loves the movie.


  25. I just watched "Downton Abbey" and agree with Renee over a couple of scenes that could have been left out... overall it was great and I am waiting for the second season. I also enjoyed "Letters to Juliet", a sweet and romantic movie. Congratulations on your blog anniversary!

    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  26. Since I have two kids and mostly get to watch kids movies with them...I'd say, The Suite Life movie *grins*

    Thanks for the chance!
    Molly AT reviewsbymolly DOT com

  27. I watched Homeless for the Holidays. Great movie with a surprise ending! I'm not normally a big movie watcher. This one was on TV. But there are some I'd love to see--Soul Surfer for one.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  28. Easy A. I laughed till my stomach hurt.

  29. My favorite movie of all time is Pendragon - Sword Of His Father! (Sarah Holman loves this movie too!) The acting isn't the best ever, but the rest of the movie is 100-stars-worthy!!!!! It's set in King Arthur time period (how awesome is that!), and is a Christian version (even better!) AND ... there are all sorts of cool things I could list about this movie.

  30. Yes, I do know I'm really late on telling about Pendragon and getting here. Not my fault.

  31. Ysa,

    Thank you for the movie recommendation! Always fun to see what gets others excited. :) Sounds like an interesting story!


    P.S. Never too late to share a comment! ;)


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!