
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Revell Blog Tour: My Review of Stars Collide

Here's a description of the book from Revell:

"Her future's so bright, she's gotta wear shades

Kat Jennings and Scott Murphy don't just play two people who are secretly in love on a television sitcom--they are actually head over heels for each other in real life. When the lines between reality and TV land blur, they hope they can keep their relationship under wraps. But when Kat's grandmother, an eccentric star from Hollywood's golden age, mistakes their on-screen wedding proposal for the real deal, things begin to spiral out of control. Will their secret be front-page news in the tabloids? And can their budding romance survive the onslaught of paparazzi, wedding preparations, and misinformed family members?

From the soundstage to a Beverly Hills mansion to the gleaming Pacific Ocean, Stars Collide takes you on a roller-coaster tour of Hollywood, packing both comedic punch and tender emotion."

My Rating: Spring

My Review:

What a fun and crazy ride! Stars Collide has a sweet romance and a great supporting cast. I loved the names of the chapters and the constant references to famous movie quotes. For a great excursion into a place where "happily ever after" is more than just "The End," this book is the ticket!

All of the characters are wonderful, and I think that a lot of the secondary characters, like Kat's grandmother and the child star with more to her than meets the eye, stole the spotlight frequently. I confess that it was hard to believe that there were so many Christians working on the same set of such a popular show (that was family-friendly and clean). Of course, I really don't know how many honest-to-goodness Christians work in Hollywood in real life, so perhaps it really isn't all that unbelievable. But either way, it made for a sweet story with lots of encouragement to trust God and have hope for the future.

And if you're looking for a book with a happy ending wrapped up with a shiny pink bow, Stars Collide is it! Although the conclusion did seem a little too nice and neat for real life, so to speak, all of the happiness fit somehow. I really enjoyed it! Stars Collide is sure to lift your spirits, complete with a "special feature" at the end that will put a smile on your face.

*With thanks to Revell Publishing for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

“Available January 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”


  1. Great review, Amber. I've seen this title popping up all over the place and wondered if I'd like it because I'm not into the whole Hollywood starlet thing, but you've sold me!

  2. I really like your review, Amber! Seems like a sweet, fun read :) And it would be nice to think some honest-to-goodness Christians work in Hollywood - would certainly make watching TV and movies a lot easier and safer ;)


  3. Hi Amber:

    Did you know that Janice also writes the best mysteries for children as Janice Hanna? These are educational, Christian, and as much fun as Nancy Drew. Perhaps you can get Janice to talk about these books.


  4. Kav,

    Thank you! :) I'm flattered that my review "sold" you; I hope you enjoy it! :D


  5. Amanda,

    Awww, thank you! It definitely was a sweet, fun read. :) And yes--wouldn't it be nice if we knew Hollywood was cleaner and safer in the movies and shows they put out there? ;)


  6. Vince,

    I knew that Janice Thompson is also Janice Hanna, but that's neat that she also writer children's mystery books! :) Very cool! I confess that I think the only other book I read by her was Love Finds You in Poetry, Texas (written under the name Janice Hanna), which wasn't really my cup of tea. But it sounds like her children's books are great! Thanks for the heads up! :)


  7. Have you read Thompson's Weddings by Bella series? Those are a lot of fun as well!

  8. No, I haven't, but I've heard it's really good! :) Thanks for the recommendation!



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