
Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Readers Have Spoken

I know that's a pretty intense title for a blog post announcing the results of a poll, but I think it's kind of fun. Brings back happy memories of Christmas and our Wizard of Oz ornament that says various phrases, the last one being, "The Great Oz has spoken." ;)

So what did you, the readers, have to say? Well, half of the 10 voters declared their preference of doing a book discussion on Courting Morrow Little, so with the greatest amount of votes Courting Morrow Little by Laura Frantz wins! I look forward to discussing this amazing, beautiful book with all of you! I'm not sure yet of the exact date of the discussion, but I think it will probably be within the next week or so.

Also, I have another exciting announcement. The winner of Fatal Judgment is Katy! Congratulations!

As for the coming days, I hope to have some more book reviews for you, as well as a link to my first blog post on The Borrowed Book (Monday). And don't forget that the Season of Love Blog Party starts on Monday!!! Believe me, you won't want to miss out on this!


  1. Ohh! I am looking forward to a book discussion on Courting Morrow Little! That book looks really good!

    Oh, I went back and checked the giveaway to be sure that there were no other 'Katy's who entered. YAY! :-) Thank you for the giveaway. Do you need me to email you my mailing address?

    Oh! I how could I forget the Seasons of Love Blog Party? I am REALLY looking forward to it!!

    ~ Katy

  2. YAY! I voted for Laura :D This book is my favorite and I'm greatly looking forward to discussing it! A friend from church is borrowing my copy at the moment but as much as I like sharing the love, she better hurry up and finish already ;) I miss my Morrow! And I'm also greatly looking forward to the Season of Love Blog Party! Thank you, my friend, for always giving us something fun to look forward to :)

    @ Katy- Congratulations and happy reading!!


  3. Katy,

    Me, too! Courting Morrow Little is an absolutely phenomenal book, and if you haven't read it yet, I very highly recommend it! :D

    And I'm sorry I hadn't e-mailed you yet! I will definitely get on that and ask for your mailing address so that I can send the book out to you today or tomorrow, hopefully. :)

    I'm so glad you're looking forward to the blog party, as well! I think it will be a blast! :D


  4. Amanda,

    Oh, Courting Morrow Little is such an amazing book, and I'm looking forward to discussing it, as well! That's so sweet of you to lend it out, although I know what you mean about being anxious to get it back. ;) There are certain books you don't want to lose!

    And I'm excited for the party, as well! See you there! :D


    P.S. I sent you a couple of e-mails this morning. :)

  5. Oh Amber, you've blessed me so much with this! Amanda and Katy, too! I pray your discussion is fun and uplifting and filled with blessings! You've sure blessed me:)

    Amanda, so thoughtful of you to share with a friend. Hope she loves it as much as you!! If you ever lack a copy I'll send another:) Would you believe I am OUT of paperbacks for CML as I sent my last one out 2 weeks ago. I still have a couple of hardbacks through Crossings Book Club. Guess it's time to reorder!

    Love and prayers with you all!

  6. Oh Laura, thank you so, so much for your sweet generosity! But you don't have to do that, my friend. I won't lie, a hardback of Morrow would be really cool, but I'm sure my friend will be done soon and I'll have her back safe and sound :) She was all excited after church last Sunday when she said she was almost done, so I'm sure shes loving it! How could she not?! Thank you again for your offer, it is much appreciated :) Hope you can get more books soon!

    Love & Prayers right back at ya!

  7. I voted for Morrow too! I just might have to go back and re-read it this weekend for a refresher and to count towards my Contentment challenge. ;-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  8. Laura,

    Oh, I'm so glad! I'm thrilled to be hosting a book discussion for Courting Morrow Little--I loved it so much! :D I'll have to let you know when we have the discussion so you can stop by if you have some time. :)


  9. Amanda,

    Isn't Laura so sweet? :) As are you, my dear friend!


  10. Renee,

    Glad to hear it! And that would be awesome if you could re-read it soon! :) Courting Morrow Little is one of those "keeper shelf" books, and I think it would be a great one to re-read. I'm looking forward to our discussion! :)


  11. Definitely a book worthy of discussion! I can't wait!!!

  12. Oh, I look forward to discussing Morrow! Actually I can't wait. Will have to re-read. Such a chore, lol!

    Actually I am about to recommend Laura's books to one of my former high school teachers. I'm certain she'll enjoy them.

    Congrats to Katy! I thought Fatal Judgment was great.

  13. Michelle,

    Me, too! :D I'm so glad you're excited about it and that you're going to go back and re-read it. Awesome! :)

    Laura's books are great books to recommend to others--so beautiful and poignant, full of historical detail and deep themes. :)

    Thanks for stopping by!



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