
Sunday, February 6, 2011

A New Season is Almost Here!

That is to say, the "Season of Love" begins tomorrow! Stop by here on Monday for the first day of the "Season of Love Blog Party," where I'll be hosting author MaryLu Tyndall and offering a fun giveaway. Click HERE to see what else is in store for this upcoming week-long bash to celebrate Valentine's Day!

See you tomorrow!


  1. Looks like fun, Amber! Looking forward to it!

  2. MaryLu?! YAY! Laura on Sunday over at Renee's blog?! YAY! I'm SO excited for this week!!

    Have a beautiful, blessed Sunday, my friend :)

  3. Kav,

    Thanks! I'm looking forward to it, too. :) Can't wait to see you there!


  4. Amanda,

    I know, right? ;) This week is going to be so much fun!

    Hope your Sunday was wonderful, and talk to you soon!


  5. Grace,

    Yay! Thank you for sharing my excitement! :) See you tomorrow!


  6. You say you were not a Christian when you first married.

    May I ask what happened to make you become one?

    THanks for the giveaway.

    Carol T

    buddytho{at} gmail DOT com

  7. Carol,

    Did you mean to add this comment to MaryLu's interview post?

    I'll enter your name in that drawing. :) I'm not sure if MaryLu will see this comment, though. You might want to stop by the interview post, too, if you have time!

    Thanks for visiting, and good luck in the drawing!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!