
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Looking Ahead: 2011 and "Seasons of Humility"

Thank you all for making 2010 a most memorable year for me! I can't believe it's been close to a year since I started to blog. On the other hand, I can't believe it's only been that long. Time is a funny thing!

I have loved taking this journey with you. God has blessed me abundantly through "Seasons of Humility"--through your friendship, your kindness, and your encouragement. I hope this blog will be a place you'll want to visit often in 2011, as well!

I'm excited to give you a glimpse into my hopes for this blog in 2011. Of course, this is by no means a list of what exactly will happen in 2011. As Proverbs 16:9 says, "A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps."

And as James 4:13-15 says, "Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that."

So this is just a look at some tentative plans for this blog in 2011:

To Keep and Continue:
  • Sundays by the Sea--I have enjoyed having this weekly feature, even if doesn't always happen every week! ;) When I'm at school in Oregon, I'm farther from the ocean than when I'm at home in Northern California, but nevertheless I have loved taking a deeper look at this aspect of God's creation and writing devotional posts. I hope to continue this weekly feature, looking at the sea from different angles and sharing hope and encouragement with you at the beginning of the week.
  • Mondays for the Military--Along with "Sundays by the Sea," this weekly feature has lasted through the months and become a bigger gift than I could have anticipated. It has been such a privilege to meet military men and women, as well as those who minister to them, through these posts. Thank you to all of you for making it such a success! It is my hope to not only continue this feature, but expand it--to post more regularly and introduce you to even more of our nation's heroes. I'm going to enable the comments on this feature's page, so feel free to visit and share your thoughts about the feature (and let me know about any military men and women you know who might like to be featured here!).
  • Sightseeing by the Seasons--Let me start by apologizing for not pursuing this series more actively...yet. I haven't given up, though, and I'm thinking about bribing some of you to help me give this feature the shove it needs to take off! ;) Be looking for a post or two regarding this series near the beginning of this new year. And feel free to take a look at this feature's page. I'm going to enable the comments on this page, as well, so if you have any suggestions for me, fire away! I would love any assistance!
Annual Events:
  • Camp Humility--I had so much fun hosting this "summer camp" here on my blog, that I would love to do it again! Last year we had a great time rafting, hiking, telling stories around the campfire, etc. So be looking for the Second Annual Week-Long Camp Humility in May or June!
  • End of Summer Bash--It's hard to see the end of summer approaching, knowing that the carefree days of warmth (and no homework!) are coming to an end. But end the summer with a bang and join me for the Second Annual End of Summer Bash in August, where you'll see some of your favorite authors and enjoy lots of fun giveaways!
  • Love Finds You Blog Party--What an event this was in 2010! Join us in late fall/early winter of 2011 for another party celebrating the "Love Finds You" book series. More authors, more giveaways, and more travels to the fun and quirky towns featured in these books!
New Events:
  • Contentment Reading Challenge 2011--This is the first reading challenge I've ever joined, and the first one I've ever hosted! The purpose of the challenge is to foster an overall attitude of contentment and encourage all those who join to look back on the books they love and read them again. You can read all of the details (and join the challenge) by going to this feature's page. The comments have been enabled. Since this is a year-long feature, there will be monthly posts regarding the challenge. Hopefully, there will be some fun extras for all who join. More information to come in January 2011!
  • Valentine's Day Party--Original, I know. This is not the final name of the party, so no worries! ;) I have nothing official to tell you about this yet, but just know that there's a party in the works (at least in my imagination so far!), and it should be pretty sweet!
  • Blogoversary--The end of March marks the first birthday of this blog, which is cause to celebrate! I'm hoping to have a big party, so stay tuned!
This is just a taste of some of my dreams for this blog in 2011! Of course, there will still be plenty of book reviews, movie reviews (including more PBS Masterpiece!), themed weeks, and updates about the everyday life of Amber Stokes. ;) I can't wait to start this new year with all of you!

On New Year's Eve be looking for a post about my resolutions. I love a new year!

(Note: The picture above is of another one of our Christmas decorations!)


  1. I just recently found your blog so I've never participated in any of these events. I'm looking forward to them in 2011!

  2. Haha cute snowman!

    I can hardly believe it's been a year already! AWESOME! Time does fly by though doesn't it? I'm so looking forward to all the fun stuff you have planned for 2011 and that you're bringing back old favorites like Camp Humility and your LFYI party! Yay! Keep up the great work on your blog. I'm so glad we got to meet through the blogosphere!

    XOXO~ Renee

  3. Sounds like a fantastic time coming up. I can eargerly awaiting that Contentment reading challenge. :)

  4. LOVE the snowman, Amber!
    It's been a year? Wow, time does seem to fly; especially when having so much fun. I can't wait to join in all the exciting events you have planned, Amber, since they were so much fun the first time around. And look at all the followers you've gotten! 96? I feel a party coming on. ;D LOL
    I've loved hanging out here all year, and the blessing this blog has been.
    Have a wonderful and blessed New Year, Amber!
    Love Ya,

  5. So glad I found your blog.
    Looking forward to reading with you.

    Happy New Year!

  6. Happy New Year's Eve, my friend!!

    It's exciting to see all the wonderful things you have in store for us this coming year! Thank you for all you do and all the time and heart you put into blessing us :) Please know it is greatly appreciated and visiting your blog is a highlight in my day as I'm sure it is for many others here!

    And I think those beautiful Scriptures you shared are so perfect for this New Year. How true that Proverbs one is- we always plan and have our own ideas of what we should do and how we want things to go, but we are not our own. I pray the Lord will guide our every step this year as we travel the path He has so sovereignly and loving laid out for us :)

    God bless you, dear Amber!!
    Love ya!
    Amanda Stanley

    P.S.- I got the SWEETEST card in the mail today with the CUTEST little praying bunny on the front! Thank you, my friend, for the smile you ALWAYS bring :)

  7. Ellie,

    So glad you found my blog! :) Thank you for your excitement--I'm looking forward to sharing these events with you!


  8. Renee,

    Thank you! My mom has some adorable Christmas decorations. ;)

    And thank you so much for sharing this blogging journey with me! Time certainly does fly! I'm so grateful for all of your help over this past year--it's been so fun. :) Glad you've enjoyed the posts! Your blog is wonderful, and I'm honored to have you for a friend. :)


  9. Casey,

    I'm definitely excited about 2011! I'm so glad you're joining me for the Contentment Reading Challenge. :) Thank you for all of your encouragement!


  10. Ashley,

    Isn't he cute? He's there by the front door and the hall closet to greet our visitors. :)

    Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm so glad you've enjoyed the events this past year, and I'm looking forward to all the celebrations in 2011. It's been fun making new friends, and I think a party will be due soon, for sure. ;)

    Thank you for your friendship and support, and I hope you have a wonderful New Year, as well! :D


  11. Michelle,

    I'm so glad you found my blog, as well! :) I'm looking forward to reading together in the new year--thank you for joining me!

    Happy New Year to you, too! :D


  12. Amanda,

    Happy New Year's Eve to you, as well! :D Thank you so much for your kind words--I'm so glad this blog has been something you look forward to reading. That means to much to me! Thank YOU for your friendship!

    And yes--may the Lord truly guide us as we start this new year, and may we be open to His guidance. :)


    P.S. I'm so glad you liked the card! :) My sister has a pet bunny--bunnies are just so adorable, aren't they? Hope you are doing well, my friend!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!