
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Review of Love Finds You Under the Mistletoe

Here's a description of the two-in-one book from Summerside Press:

"Irene Brand

Love Finds You under the Mistletoe: An Appalachian Christmas

A promise to her dying sister compels Julia Mayfield to take her young nephew to Mistletoe, Kentucky, a tiny town tucked away in the Appalachian Mountains. Sparks fly when she meets David Armstrong, a World War II veteran like herself. Even as shadows from the past weave a dangerous web around Julia and David, will their love flourish like the mistletoe that blankets the nearby hills?

Anita Higman

Love Finds You under the Mistletoe: Once Upon a Christmas Eve

Hollie Goodnight’s store has just been voted best Christmas shop in America. All the new publicity draws flamboyant novelist Van Keaton to the cozy town of Noel, Missouri, demanding to write Hollie’s story—a dramatic tale of misfortune and triumph. She is swept up in his world of beautiful words and fanciful interludes…until Owen Quigly, her lifelong best friend, launches a plan to win her back."

My Rating: Spring

My Review:

This is a sweet book for the Christmas season, or anytime of the year! The first story by Irene Brand, "An Appalachian Christmas," is a cute story that transports the reader to Mistletoe, Kentucky. It's perhaps a bit syrupy sweet at times, in that it has rather traditional romantic elements that aren't too surprising, but it's still a fun trip. I confess that I had moments when I was rather frustrated with Julia, the main character, and I don't know if the tension/conflict throughout the story was overly compelling for me as the reader. However, what I really liked about the story was getting to visit Mistletoe and spend some time in the mountains with the characters. There are some great secondary characters, like Granny and Bobby!

The second story by Anita Higman, "Once Upon a Christmas Eve," is really fun! The plot and setting is rather unique, and the characters even more so. Holly and the two men vying for her attention, Van Keaton and Owen Quigley, are both quirky and charming. I was intrigued while reading this story, and I liked that it was a romantic story with almost outrageous elements that didn't compromise on authentic emotions.

Overall, I really enjoyed these two stories. In case you haven't seen this cover in person for yourself, let me assure you that it is quite lovely. It has a sort of silvery shine to it, which I love! And between the covers are two stories that shine with Christmas cheer and love.


  1. Love your review. I just got this book today and after reading your post, I want to get started on it even more.

  2. Thank you so much for your review of Love Finds you Under the Mistletoe! Great review.

    Happy new year to everyone who reads this blog!

    Anita Higman

  3. Ellie,

    Thank you! It's a fun, sweet book, and I hope you enjoy it! This is a great time of year to read it. ;)


  4. Anita,

    Thank YOU for writing one of the stories in the book and for stopping by! I enjoyed the book a lot. :)

    Happy New Year to you, as well!


    P.S. I got Love Finds You in Humble, Texas for Christmas, and I'm really looking forward to reading it, especially since I liked this book so much! :)


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!