
Friday, December 31, 2010

Blog Award # 9

I couldn't begin 2011 without taking care of some unfinished business! ;)

My dear blogging friend, Hannah from Project Journal, presented me with this really fun award a few months ago:

Pretty cool, huh? I'm sorry it took me so long to post about this! I don't know if there are any official rules I need to follow for passing this award on to others, so I'll just choose five bloggers whose blogs regularly inspire me with their awesomeness. And they are:
There are many more I could include on this list, so if your blog isn't mentioned in this specific post, don't think for one moment that you aren't awesome! ;)

Thank you, ladies, for your awesome posts on your awesome blogs! And don't forget to visit Hannah's awesome blog, too!


  1. Thanks, Amber! I'm glad I popped over today--even though it's been a little busy with holiday visitors and such. Your encouraging blog is always one place I make sure to visit on a regular basis. Blessings!

  2. Thanks so much for thinking of my Amber. You have listed some of my favorite people. :)

  3. Renee Ann,

    You're welcome! :D Thank you so much for the kind words about my blog--it thrills me to know that "Seasons of a Humility" is a place you enjoy visiting! :)

    Blessings to you, as well!


  4. Joy,

    Of course! :) Aren't there so many wonderful people in the blogging world? :D


  5. Amber,

    Thank you so much! I've really enjoyed visiting your blog over the last few months. And thanks for recommending that devotional, it sounds like it really blessed you :)

    Have a wonderful New Year and enjoy every minute of your break!

  6. Julia,

    You're welcome! :) I've enjoyed visiting your blog, as well, and thank you especially for being my friend!

    I hope you have a wonderful New Year, too, and thank you for your kind words!


  7. Sorry I'm so late getting back to you but thank you for the award it's great! You so deserved it and I appreciate you passing it along to me. It may take me a while but I'll get it posted. ;-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  8. Renee,

    Oh, no worries! :) And you're welcome! You definitely post "awesomeness" on a regular basis, and I'm glad I could pass on the award to you. ;) Thank you for the sweet compliment, as well!

    As for your last note, it took me months to post about this one! So no rush or anything. ;)


  9. Thanks Amber! Sorry it took me so long to get over here, it just kept getting pushed to the backburner. But thank you for thinking of me and hey, congrats on ONE HUNDRED followers! You go girl!! :D

  10. Casey,

    No problem. :) I'm happy I could share the award with you! And thank you for the kind words! It's definitely exciting to have 100 followers! :D



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!