
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Vacation Videos

Here are a couple of videos from our trip to Sunriver that I thought would be fun to share with you!

The first one shows a family of deer (a mom and her two fawns). So adorable! The home they are walking by is the house next to the one we were renting. In the first half of the video, they are way in the back, and you can kind of see the mother's silhouette. They come into the sunshine towards the end of the clip.

I hope it's OK with my family that I share this next video! =) I'll have to let them know I put it on here (but hey, if you listen all the way through, you'll know that I warned them!). Anyway, my goal with this video was to let ya'll walk with me along part of the rim of Lava Butte (located between Sunriver and Bend, Oregon--about 5,020 feet tall at the highest point, if I remember correctly).

While I hope you enjoy the sights, I also hope you aren't too annoyed by the sound quality! I actually "filmed" both of these videos (above and below) on my iPod! Isn't that cool?

And my family is too cute in this clip! My mom was teasing my dad about his "obsession" with picture-taking, so she kept asking him to pose for pictures! Too fun--enjoy!


  1. Love the crunching sound as you walked!!! And what breathtaking view. Reminds me of a lot of the books I've been reading which all seem to be set in the west. LOL

  2. Oh, I love the videos! Deer are such beautiful creatures, except when they get in the path of your car. ;) Sorry my grandparents hit deer twice on vacation, so that's what I always think of when it comes to deer.

    I loved the second video too, too funny! Looks (and sounds) like you made some wonderful memories on vacation. I pray you treasure them always.

  3. KAV: Thanks! ;) I guess the second video must seem kind of funny--I was trying not to talk and just let the scenery speak for itself, but I think the way my family got involved was great! :D

    MICHELLE: I'm so glad you enjoyed them! :) And oh dear! (In both senses, "deer" and "dear"!) That's too bad about your grandparents' experiences. :( Yes, I much prefer deer that don't wander onto the road! ;)

    I definitely made some fantastic memories, many of which I haven't even begun to mention or cover on this blog! Thank you for your sweet words, and thanks for taking the time to watch the videos!


  4. Uh wow that must have been some hike LOL! It would be worth it though! The views are gorgeous! Thank you for taking us along on your trip ;-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  5. Renee,

    Yes, it was interesting, to be sure! ;) But that was just a hike around the rim, so not too long or anything!

    Isn't the view lovely? There are SO MANY beautiful sights in that area of Oregon--this is just a glimpse! God's creation is spectacular!

    And you're welcome! :D Glad you enjoyed it!



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