
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

That's It for Now!

My dad has a lot of pictures from our trip on his computer, so I might have to borrow some to put on my blog. But for now, I think I've given you enough to read and watch!

Be sure and check in on Friday, July 9, for "A Hot Summer Day with Julie Lessman," including a giveaway!

I also plan on posting about the award Casey from Writing for Christ so generously gave me, so look for that post soon, too!

And if you read any of the posts that I just shared, I hope you take a look at this one. It contains some exciting news I just had to share with my blogging friends!

Yes, I'm back on the blogging scene!!!


  1. AMBER!! Welcome back!! We missed you!!!

    I'm SO blessed you had a great time! I LOVE what you've shared so far about your trip- the movies (I love deer, David's Psalm always whispers across my heart when I see them AND the view in the second video was BREATHTAKING!), the cool pic of you and your dad in the glider, and the WONDERFUL news that you made it through the first round in that contest!! How EXCITING! I'm SO happy for you!! And what a BEAUTIFUL surprise that the museum had an exhibit that went along and was helpful to your manuscript! God is SO good, every aspect of our lives is important to Him- it's like you can find His thumbprint upon every page of our life story :)

    Can't wait to hear more about your trip my friend! Praying the rest of your day is beautiful!!

    Amanda Stanley

  2. Oh, Amanda!

    You are too kind--beyond words! :D Thank you so much for sharing in my happiness! I'm glad you enjoyed the videos, and thank you ever so much for your encouragement! I love the way you put it:

    "God is SO good, every aspect of our lives is important to Him- it's like you can find His thumbprint upon every page of our life story."

    Thank YOU so much for sharing that--it's so true that God cares about every detail of our lives and is at work in ways we can't even comprehend! It's so amazing when we see ways He has blessed us when we weren't expecting it!

    Hope to talk to you more soon--and I hope that if it's God's will, I'll someday be able to share this story that is on my heart with all of you! :)


  3. Amber,

    I hope that you'll be able to share your story, too. I just love hearing what God has done in other's lives. My favorite fictional authors are often those who have taken risks to put their own heart in their books.

    I can't wait to see Julie's post! I'm so excited about her upcoming book!

  4. Julia,

    Thank you! This story has been with me for a long time, and I hope that if it's God's will I'll be able to get it published someday! :) Thank you for your support--you have no idea what it means to me!

    And I so agree--I'm very excited for Julie's next book!!! And after you read tomorrow's post, you'll be like me: desperate to get your hands on it! ;)

    Talk to you tomorrow!



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