
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Review of Sons of Thunder

Here's the description from Summerside Press: "Sophie Frangos is torn between the love of two men and the promise that binds them all together. Markos Stavros loves Sophie from afar while battling his thirst for vengeance and his hunger for honor. Dino, his quiet and intelligent brother, simply wants to forget the horror that drove them from their Greek island home to start a new life in America. One of these “sons of thunder” offers a future she longs for, the other—the past she lost.

From the sultry Chicago jazz clubs of the roaring twenties to the World War II battlefields of Europe to a final showdown in a Greek island village, they’ll discover betrayal, sacrifice, and finally redemption. Most of all, when Sophie is forced to make her choice, she’ll learn that God honors the promises made by the Sons of Thunder."

Note: This description is a little different than the one on the back cover of the book, but it still gives the same idea.

My Rating: Summer

My Review:

It’s been a while since a book has had me so enthralled! This is one of those books that once started, cannot be put down! I was touched by the author’s note at the beginning, and I really think she did a great job of showing God’s deliverance of the three main characters. The story wraps up beautifully, and the book is written poignantly.

Action keeps the story moving constantly, and there were times when I had a really hard time setting the book aside to go do other things! And the romantic elements—wow! Powerful, thrilling, and heartbreaking, the romance kept me turning those pages.

This is an epic story that truly draws the reader in and stands as a reminder that God loves us enough to offer second chances and redeem us. While this could be intense for some readers—with deaths and strong romantic elements—I think they are handled well and contribute to the overall theme of our need for deliverance. I highly recommend this book!


  1. Okay, you've sold me -- I'm heading out to see where I can get my hands on a copy!

  2. Love the review, and I totally agree. This was truly a wonderful book! Go and get it Kav!

  3. KAV: Oh, good! ;) Definitely a great book!!! Hope you enjoy it!

    MICHELLE: Glad you enjoyed the review, and I'm glad we agree on how great it is! ;)


  4. I LOVED this book! I am really anticipating the next one in the series...I hope it comes out soon! This one is definitely on my keeper shelf and best books of 2010 list!

    XOXO~ Renee

  5. Renee,

    I so agree! I really want to read more of this series!!! :D I'm glad you enjoyed this one as much as I did!


  6. THANK YOU for this recommendation Amber!! Your review was AMAZING! I never heard of this book or this author before but your review convinced me I have to read it! You have such a gift for writing- if you don't win that Flash Fiction contest by a landslid those judges are crazy!!

    Thanks again my friend, I'm definitely going to check this book out! So good to have you back :)

    Amanda Stanley

  7. Amanda,

    Wow! You are too sweet! I'm so glad you liked the review, and I definitely recommend this book--it's powerful!

    Thank you so much for your encouraging words about the contest!!! And I'm so glad to be back, too! I love reading your comments. :) You have no idea what an encouragement you have been to me! THANK YOU!


  8. Great review! I'm a big fan of Susan May Warren and I'm looking forward to this new series of hers.

  9. Sara,

    Glad you liked it! :) I think this is the first book I've read by this author--but I hope it won't be the last!

    And it's always great to have a new follower! ;) So, thank you!



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