
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Review of When the Soul Mends

Here's the description from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group: "Returning to the home she fled in disgrace, will Hannah find healing for the wounds of the past?

After receiving a desperate and confusing call from her sister, Hannah Lapp reluctantly returns to the Old Order Amish community of her Pennsylvania childhood.

Having fled in disgrace more than two years earlier, she finally has settled into a satisfying role in the Englischer world. She also has found love and a new family with the wealthy Martin Palmer and the children she is helping him raise. But almost immediately after her arrival in Owl’s Perch, the disapproval of those who ostracized her, including her headstrong father, reopens old wounds.

As Hannah is thrown together with former fiancĂ© Paul Waddell to work for her sister Sarah’s mental health, hidden truths surface about events during Hannah’s absence, and she faces an agonizing decision. Will she choose the Englischer world and the man who restored her hope, or will she heed the call to return to the Plain Life–and perhaps to her first love?

When the Soul Mends is the third and final book in the Sisters of the Quilt series."

My Rating: Summer

My Review:
This book shares a powerful story of healing and hope after deep suffering. The author’s writing style, as well as her apparent knowledge of the different worlds (Amish, Mennonite, and Englischer) contained within the story, made this an engaging read. Each character had his or her own problems, sorrows, and pain—making each one of them true to life.

Although I did not read the first two books in this series, the author included enough back-story to make the book stand on its own. Of course, I’m sure that the book would be that much more powerful if read after finishing the first two in the series, but I don’t think it is necessary in order to become invested in the story and learn from it.

With past and future forced to reconcile, this book drew me in and held my interest. I was moved by the characters’ hurt, saddened by their brokenness, and touched by their ultimate hope and perseverance. It’s easy to see why this is a New York Times bestseller!

*With thanks to the author for my copy of the book, which I won on the Seekerville blog.*


  1. Amber,
    I've read the first and am currently reading the second. They. Are. Phenomenal!! However, reading from the beginning, I would have to disagree about reading them out of order. I cannot imagine reading them out of order. In the beginning of the second book, there's some background, but it definitely doesn't even touch what the first book covers. Truly it doesn't.

    Now, I don't know about the 3rd novel, but I would highly suggest going back and reading the other two. They're amazing!!

  2. Hannah,

    I agree--this book was great, and I'm sure the whole series is, too!!! I know the series must be wonderful read in its entirety, especially because you'd become more invested in the characters. I guess I was just saying that I could still understand what was going on in the third book without having read the first two. ;)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


  3. I can't remember if I read this or not...I did read one of the books in the series and I didn't care for it so it might not have been this one since you really loved it and we have similar taste ;-) That said I do love her latest series and I'm super excited for Bridge of Peace!

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. Renee,

    First of all, I have to say this is fun to be online at the same time! It feels like we're almost "chatting." ;)

    Second, it must have been a different one, because I think you would really like this one! The characters felt so real, and the romantic elements were definitely *sigh*-worthy!

    Glad you enjoyed her latest series--I hope I can read some of her newer books!


  5. Yeah, I know I would be confused on the second one if I hadn't read the first....first.'s just that there's so much happening...


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!