
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Books, Books, Books! And Blog Award # 4!

I have lots of great reading material for the weeks ahead, so I hope I'll have lots of great reviews in store for all of you! And since I just acquired some new books, I thought I would share my excitement for reading by doing a mini theme of "books" for this week.

This mini theme will (hopefully!) consist of:
  • Book reviews

  • Poll (see sidebar)

  • Thoughts on reading/writing/storytelling

  • Possible book discussion(s)

We'll see how it goes! It might be interesting to take a book many of us have read recently and share our thoughts on it for the "book discussion" part I mentioned. =)

And as far as themes go, let's just say that I'm thinking about having another themed week soon that will take us on a "blogging vacation." Hopefully I'll have more information to share with you in the coming weeks!

Now for the blog award! Laura Frantz over at passed on "The Versatile Blogger" award to me! Thank you so much, Laura! If you haven't already visited Laura's blog, please do! She is the fabulous author of The Frontiersman's Daughter and her new book, Courting Morrow Little. I haven't read Courting Morrow Little (yet!), but The Frontiersman's Daughter is a wonderful read! Beautifully written!

Since Laura passed this award on to three of us bloggers, I'll pass it on to three more bloggers, as well! So here they are:

These three wonderful bloggers post about a variety of things, from book reviews and giveaways to what's going on in their lives. These bloggers have great posts and great comments, and they really connect with their readers. Thank you for your great blogs!

Here's to the start of a a fresh, new week for all of us!


  1. Thank you, Amber!!

    Geez.....I need to step up with this awards banquet! LOL! I think I might do it now since I have time (we're not doing anything in English class today). So, be on the lookout - for real this time!!!

    Thanks again, talk to you soon,

    Thanks for the help with the speech. It's all handed in *crossing fingers* That's all we can do now, cross our fingers and wait : )

  2. Oh! I forgot to say that I think you should defintely do book discussion type posts! I've always wanted to be in a book group, but alas, I have no one to participate in it with me *grin*

    I'd definitely join in on that fun (if I had the book of course)!!

  3. Thanks for the blog award, Amber!!!! You're so sweet!!

  4. I like you blog, please visit me at I do review and somtime giveaways, I have a book giveaway going on now "Returning Injury" by Becky Dew.


  5. Hannah,

    You're welcome! Don't feel you have to rush on the awards banquet--it should be a pretty big party when you do have it, though! ;)

    And I was happy to help with your speech! :) Hope it goes well!

    Thank you for the encouragement, too! I'm happy to hear that the book discussion idea sounds fun to you. Maybe we'll have to do a couple of them so that there's more of a chance that you've read the book.

    Looking forward to the awards banquet (and the chocolate-covered strawberries!)! ;)


  6. MaryLu,

    You're more than welcome! :) I'm happy to pass it on to you! I love your blog!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  7. Hi Edna!

    How fun to have a new follower! And thank you for the compliment. :) Your blog looks very nice, too!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!