
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Quick Update

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to ask for your input on which book you would prefer to discuss this week. I would greatly appreciate your vote on the poll in the sidebar. The discussion will begin on Friday, June 11. Thank you!

Also, I should be finishing Love on a Dime soon, so be looking for my review! Which leads me to a fun question for the day:

What are you reading right now, and what are your thoughts on the book so far?

Happy reading!


  1. I am currently reading Highland Blessings by Jennifer Hudson Taylor. I am liking it so far. It reminds me of MaryLu(M.L.)Tyndall. I am looking forward to the discussion this weekend. :) Great idea!

  2. Hi Casey!

    I've heard of that book--it sounds good! I love MaryLu Tyndall's work, so Highland Blessings sounds like one I would enjoy, too. :)

    Thanks for sharing! And I'm glad to hear you like the book discussion idea. Hope I can pull it off! ;)


  3. I am reading Sixteen Brides by Stephanie Grace Whitson. I just started it so I can't really tell you much about it atm.

    I just finished Love on a Dime and I really enjoyed it...looking forward to hearing what you thought about it. :)

  4. Angie,

    I've heard of Sixteen Brides--the cover looks cute! :) Hope you enjoy reading it!

    Love on a Dime is a sweet read so far. I should be posting my review sometime today or tomorrow!


  5. I'm reading The Real Me: Being the Girl God Sees. It's by Natalie Grant, and I'm really enjoying it so far :)

  6. Ariel,

    Sounds like an inspiring read! That's great that you're enjoying it. :) Thanks for sharing!


  7. I finished Ransomme's Honor by Kaye Dacus yesterday. Really loved it. I love a book that makes me talk back to it, and I was definitely doing that.

    Right now, I'm deciding between A Tailor Made Bride by Karen Witemeyer, Cool Beans by Erynn Mangum, and a couple of other books. Can't seem to decide yet.

    I read Love on a Dime a couple of weeks ago, very enjoyable read.

  8. Michelle,

    I have Ransome's Honor, but I confess I have only read maybe a few pages. My roommate this last year read it, though, and she really seemed to love it, too! :) And it is fun when books engage you so much that you verbally interact with them!

    A Tailor Made Bride sounds good! I love the cover! :) Good luck deciding on a book! ;)


  9. I'm reading Tantalize by Cynthia Leitich Smith. I'm at the beginning, so I don't know what I think of it yet. Then I hope to get back to A Passion Redeemed! :)

  10. Bluerose,

    Sounds intriguing (at least the title does!)! Hope you enjoy it! :)

    And A Passion Redeemed is a great read! I think my favorite is A Passion Most Pure, but the second one is pretty powerful, too! ;)

    Thanks for sharing!


  11. I'm currently reading Texas Roads by Cathy Bryant. When this came in the mail I was so excited I put everything else away and have not been disappointed. Cathy quickly hooks the reader in.

    I'm also reading Family-Driven Faith by Voddie Baucham for Crossway's homeschool blog program.

  12. Julia,

    I've heard of Texas Roads, too! :) That's so great that you're drawn into it and that you're enjoying it!

    And that book for the homeschool blog program sounds like a good, meaningful read. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!