
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Birthday Story Bash Finale

We're going to end the week like we started it--with a bang! =)

First we'll start with the poll results. If I was interviewing ya'll collectively, and I asked you who your favorite Toy Story character is (I guess I kind of did that, huh?), your answer would be a three-way tie between:
  • Woody
  • Jessie and/or Bullseye
  • Rex

Coming in close second(s) would be:

  • Slinky Dog
  • Hamm

I guess all of the Toy Story characters are so great that you had a hard time deciding! ;)

And now for the moment you have all been waiting for. It's time to announce the winners! Winners have through Monday to respond to my e-mail, or I'll pick another winner (so be on the lookout for that e-mail!). And the winners are (drumroll please) . . .

  • Karen : autographed and personalized copy of Love Finds You in Hershey, Pennsylvania by Cerella Sechrist

  • Lindsay : The Prophecy by Dawn Miller

  • Deb : Love Finds You in Pendleton, Oregon by Melody Carlson

  • Ariel : Pedigreed Bloodlines by Sandra Robbins and Dog Gone by Eileen Key

Congratulations to all of the winners!!!

And now for some huge "thank you"s!

Hannah over at Project Journal gave me a grand surprise party on her blog yesterday!!! It was wonderful! In fact, I think there might still be some cake left over, and that bouncing house might still be up if you want to go check it out. ;) We would love to have you join the party!

And while I was at that party, Hannah gave me some "thank you" notes that I could use. =) So here are some other wonderful people I want to say "thank you" to:

  • Cerella Sechrist: Thank you so, so much for letting me interview you, and for giving away a personalized, autographed copy of your book! It was so much fun having you visit this week (and in the past, as well!). Thank you for your kindness!

  • Angie: Thank you for your generosity! I know we all appreciated having you give away three of your own books this week! You are such a good friend, and I'm so glad we could meet in the blogging world. :)

  • Renee: It was so much fun interviewing you! Thanks for always being so patient when I ask you blogging questions, and thank you for all of your support and encouragement! (You were my very first follower, and I haven't forgotten that!)

  • Emily: Thank you for being such a sweet sister, and thank you for letting me interview you! =) I'm so proud of your achievements, too! (My sister got a scholarship last night for her academic achievement. She's going to be in 8th grade soon! I'm so proud!) =)

And a BIG, BIG THANK YOU to all of you!!! Your sweet comments and your enthusiasm made this week a memorable one for me. I hope you all had even half as much fun as I did! Thank you for making my birthday week so special for me!

In closing, I want to remind you that Toy Story 3 is coming to theaters June 18! Don't forget!!!

And here's a video I found on YouTube of "You've Got a Friend in Me." I think it's a great song to sum up how I feel. You, my dear blogging friends, have a friend in me!

(Toy Story picture from the Pixar website.)


  1. YAY!! It's been a great party, Amber. :) I hope Toy Story 3 lives up to all your expectations and more, and that you have an absolutely lovely 19th year. =D

    Oh...and I voted for Rex, of course. I'm so proud he made it into the top 3! LOL!


  2. Yaaaay! Thank you Amber! You are such a sweet girl :)

  3. Hi Cerella and Ariel!

    Cerella: I'm so glad you had fun! :D Thank you so much for your kind words...and for everything! You helped make this week so wonderful for me! And yay for Rex! He is a sweet character, isn't he? ;)

    Ariel: You're welcome! I'm so glad you could join the party this week! ;) Happy reading!


  4. Thank you for a great week!! It was fun! I'm really looking forward to watching Toy Story 3, since it was only a couple of months ago that I watched Toy Story 2 for the first time. :P

  5. Bluerose,

    I'm so glad you enjoyed the Birthday Story Bash! :D It was a blast for me, too!

    As you know, I'm really looking forward to Toy Story 3, as well! Hope you have fun watching it, too!


  6. Hey!
    Amber, if you get this this afternoon. I was wondering if you would proof my graduation speech. The deadline for them is tomorrow and I'm looking for some more opinions (I have family reading it, but they might tell me it sounds good when it sounds bad because they're family! Lol...). I could send it to you in an email, if you're willing. It wouldn't be quite the same because you know you're not hearing it only seeing it. But I think you'd be able to critique it well.

    Send me an email if you're interested or leave your email for me something...


    If you know anyone else who wants to/would be willing to read it let me know. I'd appreciate it! Sorry if it's too late notice for you, but I figured the day was still pretty young since it's not even 3 yet.


  7. Hi Hannah! I think I might be able to take a look at it. :) I love editing/proofreading, so I don't mind at all!

    I'll e-mail you soon!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!