
Friday, June 4, 2010

Birthday Story Bash: Day 4

Happy Friday to one and all! Today is the last giveaway day of the birthday bash. Tomorrow all the winners will be announced!

Once again, I will remind you that each day of the bash will include a guest interview; movie, book, and song-of-the-day selections; and a giveaway! Also, each day will have its own theme based off of one or more of the characters from Toy Story.

Today's character is . . . Slinky Dog! Thus, today's theme is all about animals (especially dogs)!

Now my 12-year-old sister is a big fan of animals, and even though that's not what she's going to talk to us about today, I think it makes her just the right candidate for an interview today! She was very sweet about agreeing to be interviewed for my blog, and with some prompting I got her to answer the questions for me! =) So please welcome my sister, Emily!

Amber: Who is your favorite Toy Story character?

Emily: Woody is my favorite character because he has a lot of enthusiasm and he's a good friend.

Amber: What is one of your favorite stories? (This could be book, movies . . . anything goes!)

Emily: I really like The Hardy Boys series because it's adventurous and has a lot of action in it! I also like The Hardy Boys T.V. series from the 70s. My favorite character is Joe Hardy!

Amber: If you could be a Toy Story character, who would you be and why?

Emily: I would probably want to be Jessie, because she's friendly and active. She's a lot of fun!

Amber: Thank you so much, Emily, for joining us today! It was fun to interview you! =)

Readers, I also have a fun story for you about Emily! When she was about 3-years-old, we went to Disneyland. She had a Woody doll that she carried around with her everywhere. One time Princess Belle came and asked if we would like to walk with her for a little bit. It was winter time, so Belle had a muff with her, which she let my sister carry. Well, Emily put her Woody doll in the muff, and we had a wonderful time walking with Belle to Snow White's wishing well, where we got some great pictures. So, so cute! Just had to share (and now you know that Emily's love of Woody is not a new thing!).


Now for today's selections!
  • Movie of the day: Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (This is a great movie! Yes, it is animated, but it is one of the best animated movies I've seen that wasn't done by Disney or Pixar! The animation is really good, and I love the music! )

  • Book of the day: Seeing Things by Patti Hill (This book is from such an interesting perspective, and the main character--who is an older woman with Age-Related Macular Degeneration--has a dog named Miss Bee Haven, which is why this book works with the theme!)

  • Song of the day: The Puppy Song by David Cassidy (I confess that I connect this song with You've Got Mail, but I found a video on YouTube that included David Cassidy's version of the song. It's cute, and it also ties in with the interview because David Cassidy is related to Shaun Cassidy, who played Joe Hardy in the 70s Hardy Boys show!)


And now for the final giveaway! (Or should I say giveaways, plural?) Angie from Never a Dull Moment not only offered to giveaway the book for Tuesday (The Prophecy), but she also offered to give away the books for today! She picked them out to fit especiallly with the Slinky Dog/Toy Story theme! Thanks so much, Angie!

The first book is Pedigreed Bloodlines by Sandra Robbins. Here's the description from "When Leigh Dennison’s dear friend and champion show-dog breeder, Addie Jordan, is killed, Leigh goes on the hunt to sniff out the murderer. If only she could devote full time to her sleuthing. But Leigh, who has never been a dog lover, now finds herself as the owner of Addie’s kennel, which houses a puppy with a bright future in the show ring.

Attention Deficit Disorder is just one obstacle Leigh must overcome as she sets out to succeed with the kennel and find the person who killed the woman she loved like a mother. At the top of her suspect list: a homeless Vietnam veteran, a young Cherokee high school dropout, the owner of a rival kennel…and the man with whom Leigh is falling in love.

As clues unfold to the killer’s identity, she makes another surprising discover—there’s a reason a dog is known as man’s best friend."

The second book is Dog Gone by Eileen Key. Here's a description of the book from "Cleaning lady Belle Blevins dusts off her sleuthing skills. . .
when a rash of missing dogs jeopardizes her best friend s boarding business. Why would anyone go to such extremes to steal a family pet?
When Belle learns the missing animals could possibly be in the hands of dognappers, she trades her vacuum for a detective kit and enters the world of valuable show dogs. Will she win a blue ribbon in the romance category? Or will her curiosity put her on the no-show list for the next round of competition?"

Both of these books are Heartsong Presents Mysteries books. It's a double giveaway! Whoever wins today's giveaway wins both books! To enter, just leave a comment saying you would like to be entered. You must have a U.S. mailing address, and you must leave your e-mail address in your comment.

Have a "d0g-gone" good day!

(Toy Story picture from the Pixar website.)


  1. What a fun theme for your birth week! And you have totally inspired me to do my own blog focus on Toy Story when the new film arrives in theaters! It is by far my favorite of all Pixar films (and that's saying something!) and with such a love there's just no way I could pass up the chance to speak on it. Great work, girl! Looking forward to what you have in store for the days ahead.

  2. SO sorry I didn't get here yesterday, girl. I at least wanted to be able to tell you:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! *grin*

    But obviously, I didn't : / SORRY!

    Hi Emily *waves*
    So cool that your sister is on today! I would definitely want to be Jesse too. She's such a cool cowgirl!

    Amber, are these books good? I've seen a few things about them, but I'm not sure exactly. Never known anyone who read them.

    Are you allowed to enter more than one day? Or just one?

    Keep an eye out for a post I'm putting up *giggle*

    Talk to you later,

  3. Spirit is one of my all-time FAVORITE movies!!!!!!!!! It makes me cry every time :P Now I'm tempted to go watch it... lol

    I would like to be entered :) Ya for a double giveaway!

  4. Phrenetical,

    Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm so glad you like the theme! It has been a lot of fun for me. And that's so cool that this theme has helped inspire you to talk about Toy Story on your blog! I'm honored. :)

    Today is actually the last official day of the birthday week, but you can go back to the last three posts if you would like! There's a giveaway for each post, and each day has a theme based off of a Toy Story character!

    If you'd like to be entered for any of the giveaways, don't forget to leave a comment with your e-mail address!

    Thanks again!


  5. Hannah,

    You're so sweet! Thank you for the birthday wishes! And don't feel like you're late in saying them--I'm making my birthday last longer by doing more stuff this weekend. :) I haven't actually had my birthday party yet! (That will be on Sunday!) So no worries!

    I'll tell Emily you said hi! :D She's very fun, and it was cool interviewing her for today! ;)

    To be honest, I haven't actually read these books. They're from Angie, and she'll be the one to send them to the winner. The only books I've read that are featured this week are the Love Finds You ones, and you can click the link on those posts to read my reviews. :) But these books sound cute! ;)

    And OF COURSE! You can enter all four of the giveaways! I'm sorry if that wasn't clear!

    I'll have to keep an eye on your blog, then! ;)

    Thank you so much for stopping by!


  6. Ariel,

    Isn't Spirit great? :D I love that movie, too! Pretty powerful for an animated movie!

    Thanks for your entry! (And yay to Angie for letting us have a double giveaway today!) ;)


  7. once again amber...Happy Birthday-week...thanks for sharing your books w/ us...

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  8. Karen,

    Thank you! Only one of the giveaways was actually from me. The others were from some very generous friends of mine (Cerella Sechrist and Angie)! But I'm so glad you enjoyed the week!

    Thank you for your entry!


  9. I'll have to add Spirit to my "watch" list. I've never seen it. I've never heard of these books, either. It's so sad that birthday week is almost over for us! :)

  10. Bluerose,

    Spirit is a great movie! I think you would like it! :) And it is sad that the week is almost over. :( But it's been so much fun, thanks to all of you! And I'm sure I'll have more themed weeks this summer!

    Thanks for your entry!


  11. I've never seen Spirit but will have to check it out. I did finally rent The Princess and the Frog...very cute.

    It was nice "meeting" your sister. :)

    Hope you had a great Birthday week. :)

  12. Angie,

    I really liked Spirit, so I hope you do, too, if you watch it! :) And that's great that you saw The Princess and the Frog! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!! :D

    It was fun interviewing my sister, and I'm glad you enjoyed getting to "meet" her. :)

    I had a wonderful birthday week, and thanks to my wonderful friends and family, I think this "birthday weekend" will be great, too! ;) Thank you so much for helping make my "Birthday Story Bash" so much fun and (I believe) a great success!


  13. Go! Go right now and check out my post!!!!

    *grinning madly*

    You'll see....*said in a sing-song voice*


  14. Happy Birthday, Amber!!

  15. Hannah,

    I just did!!! And oh! there are no words to say how thrilled I am!!! :D Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Hannah!

    If anyone wants to join us, we're having one crazy fun party over at Hannah's blog right now!!!


  16. Tina,

    Thank you so much! So fun to have a Seeker come visit my blog! :D


  17. Girl, you are so stinkin' fun. Don't even talk to me about it! How could I NOT throw you a party.....*thinking hard*....ummmmmmm.....I coudln't!!! LOL!

    Yes, everyone please join us over at my blog ( We're having the biggest, best cyber partay for our very own Amber's 19th birthday. I hope maybe we'll see you there....besides Amber needs help finishing her 2 cakes (yeah, she gets 2 cakes!!), whooping the pinata's butt, and jumping in the fun house!!

    Another incentive: seeing Amber in her new Bo Peep costume!!!! LOL!! Can't you just picture it *poking fun*

    So stop on by, even if just for this time. I like to think I do some fun things on my blog : P

    Amber, I'd love to enter all the contests, I guess. Lol! Can't totally remember, though I htink I might.....hmmmmm....I just will. So you need my email?


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! *balloons and streamers*
    Never know what I've got up my sleeve. Always expect the unexpected when you're around me!

    *big wink*


  18. Hannah,

    I'll remember that from now on for sure! (Expect the unexpected with Hannah!) Have I told you yet that you're so sweet? I guess I have, but I can't say it enough! That was such a nice surprise!!!

    And good for you entering all the contests! What's a party without party favors, right? Good luck to you! I'll be drawing the winners very soon!!! Winners announced tomorrow! :D

    Thank you over and over for the fabulous surprise and for making my birthday so special!


    P.S. To anyone else who is reading this comment, if you don't already follow Hannah's blog, head on over there! :D There's lots of fun going on over there!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!