
Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Gift of Books: Ordered, In the Stocking, and Under the Tree

Hello again, friends! It is probably no surprise that I get excited about books. ;) So, like an eager little child, I just wanted to share about these ones I got for Christmas this year!

My aunt and uncle kindly sent Josh and me a gift card, and we really enjoyed picking out books to buy—one for him, one for me, and a children's book to add to our collection for our little girl on the way. :) Whose Waves These Are by Amanda Dykes was my pick! I've posted about one of her novellas before. She's a great author, and I've heard wonderful things about this book. Between the author and the reviews and the Maine setting and the gorgeous cover, this one seemed like the right choice!

Josh and I have fun stuffing stockings for each other, picking out little gifts and treats—and you can see my sweet stash from Josh in the picture! I confess I "helped" him pick out the book. ;) And after seeing Rissi's review, I was especially excited to receive My New Crush Gave to Me by Shani Petroff. Should be fun! (And I also can't wait to enjoy those candies!)

The Language of Souls by Lena Goldfinch was a gift from my parents, one that I had on my list. Not that I haven't read it was actually the book that introduced me to Lena's delightful work! But I had first read it as an ebook, and now that Lena has updated the cover (so beautiful, right??) and added an epilogue (so sweet!), I loved the thought of finally adding it to my shelf. Yay!

Another gift from my parents! Entertaining with Disney by Amy Croushorn caught my eye online, and I had so much fun looking through it yesterday. While I'm not sure when or if I'd be able to actually host a party like the kind this book presents, I'd love to try some of the recipes (cupcakes, cookies, gumbo...lots of neat options)—and the pages are really beautiful for viewing and dreaming!

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What about you? I'd love to hear about any new books you got for Christmas or ones you're excited to borrow/buy/read in 2020! 


  1. So lovely! Gotta' love fun and thoughtful little gifts, especially when they include books! I've heard amazing things about Amanda's books, but haven't made time to read them! Hope after the review, you enjoy "My New Crush Gave to Me," friend. :)

    My aunt gifted me a book on my list, which was "Together Forever," by Jody Hedlund.

  2. Rissi,

    Aww, how fun! Jody Hedlund is a great author, and I hope you enjoy that one. :)

    And I did have a lot of fun reading My New Crush Gave to Me! As I just commented on your blog, your review was on point. :)

    Looking forward to reading Whose Waves These Are too!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, friend, and hope you have a wonderful new year!


  3. Lovely gifts, Amber! Whose Waves These Are was one of my favorites of 2019, and quickly became an all-time favorite! Hope you enjoy! :)

  4. Miranda,

    Thank you so much! I checked out your top 10 post for 2019, and I loved seeing Whose Waves These Are on there. :) That's awesome it's also an all-time favorite for you; I can't wait to dive in!



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