
Friday, December 27, 2019

New Year, New Read-Along: Let's Read and Discuss Heidi Together!

Just a few more days until the start of 2020! Happy (almost) New Year, everyone!

If you're looking for a classic to read/re-read to kick off the new year, or if you simply want to discuss an old favorite with friends, I'd love to have you join the Heidi read-along. :)

Here are the details...
  • The read-along will start Wednesday, January 1, and end Friday, January 31.
  • We'll read 1 chapter per weekday for a total of 23 chapters. (You can use the weekends to catch up or get ahead if you'd like!)  
  • Discussions will take place here on Fridays (January 10, 17, 24, 31) for a total of 4 discussions.
  • I'll provide ideas and questions, and you can take part through commenting on the discussion posts here or creating your own blog posts!
Here are some examples of past read-alongs I've hosted: Persuasion, Northanger Abbey, Emma, Pride & Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Sense & Sensibility, The Silver Chair, Emily of New Moon, Christy.

I want to say this will be my first time reading Heidi by Johanna Spyri...and I'm looking forward to finally enjoying the beautiful copy featured in the read-along button above. It was a Christmas gift given to me in 1998 by a very sweet lady from my grandparents' church, and she wrote a kind note inside letting me know that the book was once a prize from a spelling contest in 1955, and she hoped I would enjoy the story like she did. ♥

Do you have a long-cherished copy of the book or special memories from reading it as a child? Please do share in the comments section—and let me know if you'll be participating in the read-along too! (Feel free to use the image in this post and share it on your blog or social media if you'd like to announce your participation!)


  1. I read this one as child and loved it. It was the book that me and my grandpa always read together. My childhood copy is currently held together with book tape. I'm looking forward to this read along.

  2. I read it when I was a young girl. I loved it! I'll be reading it on my Kindle though I have an old copy of the book that I had when I was a child. I'll be joining the read-along!

  3. Yay, I'm excited about this! It's been since 2015 since I read it, so I'm looking forward to revisiting it! Your story about your copy is so sweet! The book that I have is my sister's that our grandma gave to her with a matching necklace when she gave me the book Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, so we have always connected the two. :) Merry Christmas and happy New Year, Amber!

  4. Carissa,

    I love that you read it with your grandpa and you still have your much-loved childhood copy! I look forward to discussing the story with you. :) Thanks so much for joining in!


  5. Julie,

    It's great that we have different reading-format options! And I love that you still have your childhood copy. :) As always, I so appreciate your enthusiasm for and participation in these read-alongs!


  6. MovieCritic,

    Aww, I'm so glad you're excited! I love that you'll be revisiting the story with us. :) And it's so sweet that your grandma gave both you and your sister books that are now linked in your memories! ♥

    Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to you too! Looking forward to our discussions!


  7. I even have a copy of Heidi in German that at one put in my life I could actually read cover to cover. But not using German in the last 10 years I've lost most of the ability to read it let alone speak it.

  8. What a sweet gift! That's definitely something to cherish. Wishing you a very blessed New Year! :D

  9. Carissa,

    That's so neat! Even the fact that you could read through it all at one point is really impressive; it takes a lot of language skill and knowledge to be able to read a book in a language that's not your first! And what a special copy of the book to have. :)

    I've started reading Heidi and am finding it sweet and intriguing so far in just the first couple chapters!


  10. Ashley,

    Aww, thank you! I so agree!

    Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you have a blessed new year too!! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!