
Friday, October 4, 2019

Discussion 1 ~ Christy Read-Along

Welcome to the first discussion of the Christy read-along! ♥ If this is the first you've heard of the read-along, you can view the schedule in this invitation post.

Today we'll have a quick little discussion on chapters 1-4. If you've already read these chapters, you can share your thoughts in the comments section below or in your own post! (Feel free to use the image above, linking back to the Christy read-along tag.) If you still need to catch up on the reading, you're welcome to check in whenever you're ready. :) We're happy to have you join us whenever you can!

Let's get started with the compelling introduction to this story...

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Christy: Chapters 1-4

Discussion format: your favorite quotes, general impressions, and three questions to answer for each week's reading

Favorite Quotes*
  • "I would walk softly into the realm of what might have been."
  • "For no reason at all the white fields on either side of the narrowing lane reminded me of the top of one of my mother's devil food cakes, thickly covered with white frosting. I remembered my child's-eye view when I had been just tall enough on tiptoe to be eye-level with the cake: that expanse of snowy white icing, glazing over where it was beginning to harden; the little wavy lines in it, so unsullied before any small fingers had sneaked bits off here and there." {I just love this comparison and the tantalizing descriptions!}
  • "She's a smiley woman. All her wrinkles are smile-wrinkles."

General Impressions

So far, I'm loving the descriptions of the setting and Christy's journey! It's a meandering sort of beginning, but it's fascinating to experience a new world with Christy (and her daughter in the prologue).

As a side note, I'm completely intrigued by the fact that Christy's daughter's name is given as Catherine! But from the author's bio, I see that author Catherine Marshall's mother had a different name...Leonora. I've just done a quick online search, which seems to indicate that there is some truth in the basis of the novel, although it's definitely fiction. If you're interested, here are a few articles I found (although beware of spoilers!):
So interesting!

Anyway, I love the variety of characters and personalities introduced in these early chapters. I think Christy's perspective is captured so well; she definitely sounds like a young woman who is eager to make a difference but is still quite innocent and naive, stumbling a bit as she enters a new world. I love how she describes it as stepping into the past, like old photographs have "come to life" around her.  

I realize there's so much more I could say about other characters and the scene with Bob Allen, when Doctor Neil MacNeill makes his memorable entrance to the story. But I'm about ready to head to bed. ;) So I'll just add that I like Mr. Pentland's character, how he's so dedicated to his work but also compassionate toward Christy, not forgetting her in the midst of the craziness. I also thought it was fun to see that there are some Holcombs in this story, haha! And I'm looking forward to reading more...

Discussion Questions

Answer any or all three of these questions in the comments section or in your own blog post!

1. What do you think of the narrator/perspective for the prologue? Would you prefer to jump right into the story, or do you think the prologue is effective in piquing your interest?

2. What are your first impressions of Christy and her goals?

3. If you were in the cabin when Bob Allen is brought in, how would you react? Would you lend the doctor a hand? Watch the surgery in fascination? Step out the door as fast as you could?

Join us next Friday for our second discussion! 
(Chapters 5-11)

*Catherine Marshall, Christy (New York: Avon, 2006), 7, 32, 34.


  1. Great post Amber! Love your quotes(I went kind of crazy with mine!) and love that you also loved the descriptions in the book. I'm loving re-reading it and look forward to reading what others think of the story as well! Here's my post:

  2. Julie,

    Thank you so much! I'm so happy you're enjoying the re-read and read-along. :) And I think it's so fun that you share lots of quotes because 1) they're so good! and 2) I enjoy reading your commentary! :D This book definitely has wonderful descriptions that really set the scene.

    Will come comment on your post!


  3. I'm enjoying reading this book finally. Here's my post:

  4. I would not have stayed to help the doctor with Bob Allen. I get squeamish around blood and guts.

  5. Carissa,

    I'm so glad to hear it! Thank you so much for participating in the read-along. :) I'll come comment on your post!


  6. Kami,

    Totally hear you! I doubt I'd be much help in such a situation!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!