
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

You're Invited to the Christy Read-Along!

Hello, friends! It's been pretty quiet around here on the blog lately... I'm so sorry I have yet to finish writing/posting Maya's story and there hasn't been much to check out here! It's been a busy season full of changes for Josh and I, including a move this month from Montana to Eastern Washington. (Bittersweet, for sure, but we're hopeful this will be a good next step for us!)

While I don't expect to start posting all the time, I really want to host another read-along this autumn. :) And with Christy by Catherine Marshall being 46 chapters, it should fit perfectly into October and the first half of November, before Thanksgiving and the holidays arrive. Yay!

This is a book I've tried starting before but haven't finished, and I'd like to change that! (I confess I'm a big fan of the TV series from the '90s.) Whether you're in a similar place, wanting to read a classic you've never completed before, or you're looking for an excuse to re-read an old favorite, I'd love for you to join me in reading and discussing Christy. :)

Here are the details...
  • The read-along will start Tuesday, October 1, and end Friday, November 15.
  • We'll read 1 chapter per day for a total of 46 chapters/days. Hopefully I did my math right!  
  • Discussions will take place here on Fridays (October 4, 11, 18, 25, and November 1, 8, 15) for a total of 7 discussions.
  • I'll provide ideas and questions, and you can take part through commenting on my discussion posts or creating your own blog posts!
Here are some examples of past read-alongs I've hosted: Persuasion, Northanger Abbey, Emma, Pride & Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Sense & Sensibility, The Silver Chair, Emily of New Moon.

It's always such a blast to read a book with blogging friends and share thoughts and impressions! Let me know if you'll be joining this read-along by commenting below or posting on your blog. (Feel free to use the image in this post and share it wherever you'd like!)


  1. I'm in. I've been meaning to read this one for years. It was my mom's favorite book. I figure it's time I've read it.

  2. I read Christy for the first time this year, and I loved it!! I would join, but I'm not ready for a re-read quite yet. I might join in on some discussions though. I hope you have fun!

  3. Your read-alongs are always so much fun! And like Emily of New Moon, this is one that I've never read before! I'll definitely be joining in. I was just trying to figure out what I was going to read and blog about for October!

  4. Carissa,

    So glad you're joining! And that's so special that Christy was your mom's favorite book. ♥ I'm totally with you in having wanted to read this for years; I just haven't been motivated enough to finish it. But I hope we can enjoy it together! :)


  5. Kami,

    I'm thrilled to hear you loved it! And totally understandable that this would be a bit too soon for a re-read. :) But I would love to have you jump in on any of the discussions!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!


  6. MovieCritic,

    Aww, I'm so happy you enjoy the read-alongs, friend! I always love having you participate! I'm glad you'll be taking part in this one. :) And yay that the timing was perfect for you too!


  7. I'm in! Sorry I'm a bit late in responding :) I have read CHRISTY several times over the years and it is one of my favorites so I can't wait to see what everyone thinks!

  8. Julie,

    Yay!! No need to apologize; the read-along is just getting started. :) (And I announced it pretty close to its start date too!) So fun to know Christy is a favorite for you, and I'm looking forward to discussing the book with you!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!