
Monday, June 4, 2018

Where the Train Took Us on My Birthday

My new novella's birthday (Where Trains Collide released yesterday!) was also my birthday...and how perfect is it that my husband, Josh, surprised me with train tickets to celebrate? :)

On Friday, Josh and I checked the mail, only to find an odd letter addressed to me from the "Glacier National Park Birthday Club." I opened it, was a little leery of the potential scam, and then discovered the letter was actually from Josh. :) Enclosed was a boarding pass for a train trip on Saturday to and from East Glacier. So sweet!!

It was such a delightful day! We boarded the train in Whitefish, Montana, and enjoyed the morning sunshine and gorgeous views during the two-hour trip to East Glacier. The train winds along the river during much of the journey and skirts the southern boundary of Glacier National Park. And now that it's spring (going on summer), the tree-lined path is green as can be and so lovely!

Josh had arranged for us to pick up a rental car in East Glacier when we arrived, and we spent most of the day enjoying the incredible sights in the Many Glacier and St. Mary areas of the park...

The Many Glacier Hotel is beautiful and has the most amazing backdrop!

We saw so much wildlife! 
Josh is scoping out a moose and her baby across the lake.

One of my favorite memories from the day was our hike to Apikuni Falls. It was quite steep, uphill almost the whole way there...but the views and the waterfall (and the cute critters!) were the best. Then we got to hike downhill the whole way back. ;)

Josh was able to get a pic of both of us at the falls. ♥

We actually saw a grizzly bear and her cub!! 
Thankfully, we were able to safely view them from the car. :)

In the St. Mary Lake area, we got a view of Wild Goose Island (above), Sunrift Gorge, and Baring Falls.

I couldn't have asked for a better birthday adventure, and I'm so grateful to my thoughtful husband for planning it out and making this a weekend to remember. ♥


  1. Beautiful pictures Amber! And the Grizzlies! Ack! Glad you were sensible enough to stay inside the car and photograph them! How fun to go on a train trip for your birthday and release day! I'd say your guy is a keeper!

  2. Awww, you two are so cute together! Josh sure IS a thoughtful and loving husband. Of course, you're an awfully sweet and loving wife too! I'm so happy you had such a wonderful birthday weekend and the pictures are so beautiful. I thought it was ironic that you wore a t-shirt with a mama bear and cub on it and then saw the same. The claws on those bears are incredible and pretty scary. Emily said...."I'm sure the teeth are too!" LolI agree! I'm so glad that you guys saw them from a car and not on the hiking trail!!! We sure are looking forward to seeing you both in a little over two weeks. All my love, Mama :) ALWAYS!!!

  3. Gorgeous photos, Amber! It sounds like you had an amazing birthday, and I'm happy for you! 😊

  4. Julie,

    Thank you!! Yes, we definitely preferred to see grizzlies from the safety of the car. ;) Very glad we didn't run into any on the trails!

    And Josh is definitely a keeper. ♥ I'm a blessed wife!


  5. Mama,

    Thank you so much! ♥ We had great parents who raised us well! :)

    You noticed the Crater Lake shirt. ;) Yep, that is pretty funny! And fitting! I'm definitely grateful we got to view the bears from the safety of the car. It wouldn't be so cool to see them from a trail... Eep!

    Thank you for your sweet words, and I'm so excited to see you all soon! Always!!


  6. Miranda,

    Thank you, friend! You're so sweet. :) Thank you so much for all your support with this book release and for your ongoing friendship!


  7. Amber, Years ago when I was a teenager I was hiking with some friends in Yosemite. We were on a trail on the way to see some falls and I looked up and a bear and her cubs were coming down the trail right in front of me! Freaked me out! We all jumped off the trail and started a whisper chain down the trail warning people to get off the trail for the bears. Thankfully the momma didn't think there was any threat to her cubs and she calmly walked down. But I think I shook the rest of the time we were hiking!

  8. Julie,

    Um, wow!! And yikes!! I'm so glad to hear that Mama Bear and her cubs stayed calm and left everyone alone. That would definitely shake me up too! But what an experience to share about once you were safely home. :)


  9. What a memorable trip!! Thanks for sharing those beautiful photos! Happy belated Birthday!

  10. Linda,

    Totally! :) And thank you so much!! So glad you stopped by, friend. :)



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