
Sunday, June 3, 2018

The Blog Tour Begins... | Where Trains Collide

The day is here! It's been over two and a half years since I released a new book, but this little novella is finally available. :) Thank you so much for stopping by to celebrate the release of Where Trains Collide with me!

I'm honored and thrilled to have some wonderful bloggers helping to spread the word this week, and I hope you'll check out their posts (and maybe check out the novella, too, if you like sweet romance!). There's also a gift-card giveaway to add to the fun!

About the Book

Inspirational Contemporary Romance Novella 

Two hearts racing in different directions will meet where trains collide.

Burned out and disillusioned with her chosen career path, Trisha Knolane gives in to impulse and hops on a train bound for Oregon, eager to escape the stress of college for a few days. But what begins as a fun little adventure takes an unexpected turn when she discovers that her ex-boyfriend is also on board.

All her hopes and dreams had once centered on Paul Benson. Now, when Trisha doesn't know where her current track will lead, Paul’s reappearance in her life only complicates matters and sparks difficult questions.

Questions that could change the course of her life.

A heartfelt and thought-provoking contemporary romance novella, Where Trains Collide faces the uncertain season of new adulthood head on and shows that sometimes a path of broken dreams can lead to life’s best destination.

Purchase for $.99 on Amazon! | Add to Goodreads

Author Bio 

Amber Holcomb (Stokes) is an indie author and freelance editor living below the majestic mountains of Montana with her adventurous husband. Previously, she worked in marketing for a Christian publisher for nearly three years. Her passion for books compelled her to earn a bachelor’s degree in English and now fuels her work with words in this new season of life.

You can learn more about Amber’s books at

Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest | Goodreads


In celebration of this new novella, enter for a chance to win a $15 gift card! Giveaway is open internationally (to anyone age 18 or older who can receive an Amazon gift card via email). Void where prohibited.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Blog Tour Schedule

June 3
Book Spotlight | My Favorite Pastime
Book Spotlight | A Real Writer’s Life

June 4
Author Interview | My Favorite Pastime

June 5
Review + Travel Story | My Favorite Pastime
Review + Author Interview + Travel Story | Meagan Davenport

June 6
Review | Carissa’s Bookshelf
Review | The Green Mockingbird

June 7
Author Interview | Unicorn Quester
Review | Chosen Vessels
Review | Heidi Reads…
Review | Christian Bookshelf Reviews

June 8
Review + Deleted Scene | Flowers of Quiet Happiness
Review | Liv K. Fisher


  1. Congratulations on releasing your book! Sounds like an amazing read!

  2. rbooth43,

    Thank you so much for the kind words, and for checking out the tour! :)


  3. Congratulations Amber on your release day! I enjoyed the book and am looking forward to sharing it on my blog.

  4. Well, there was a specific question to answer! I always forget to look on the giveaways before I comment! ha! I would say that any time we go on a trip it is an adventure! Our trip to and from CA was interesting. It snowed and sleeted on the way out and on the way home our brand new car had a glitch. We lost the cruise control and lane mitigation and other gadgets that go with that. Turns out a bug splatted dead center on the radar so that it couldn't "see" to navigate! We've enjoyed catching clams in the bay in CA, camping in the Sierra's, camping at the beach, driving across country several times, seeing The Grand Canyon(AMAZING!!! God's creation totally brought tears to my eyes! We traveled across country with a 3 year old into Sturgis to see Mt. Rushmore and ended up in the middle of the 50 year biker jubilation celebration where there were no hotels for hundreds of miles and bikers over every square inch of the place! I love in your post about your birthday trip all of the pictures of wildlife that you took! On our trip home last week we stumbled on some prairie dogs playing at a rest area. It was so entertaining! And a welcome rest from driving! We've visited Yosemite and Yellowstone and some beaches in FL. Give me the wide-open places to site-see rather than going to a theme park any day! One of these days I want to do a train trip! Bucket list!!! Congrats again Amber on your book release day!

  5. Julie,

    Thank you so much for all the ways you've been supporting me and cheering me on with this book release! ♥

    I love all you shared about your travels. :) Sounds like you had some memorable (if not quite so fun!) experiences on the way there and back on your recent trip! I'm glad you made it home safely! The prairie dogs sound precious. :) I love all the ground squirrels and such in Glacier; they're too cute!

    Josh and I really want to see the Grand Canyon someday. That's on our bucket list! I hope you get to take a train trip sometime. :) Traveling by train is so neat, especially when you can great views in the observation car with all the windows!


  6. My most adventurous trip was Hawaii! We were able to visit two different islands and it was incredible!

  7. Heidi,

    That's awesome!! Which islands did you visit? I went to Hawaii for the first time last year on our honeymoon (the Big Island), and it was definitely amazing! Such a beautiful place with an atmosphere all its own. I want to go back! :)


  8. Omw ... hard to say what's been the most "adventurous" trip I've been on. I've had a few!!

    Intentionally adventurous, though -- it's a toss-up between a trip to Amsterdam and England a few years ago, and my most recent England/Italy trip (last September). Hopping trains to various locales and exploring Europe -- sooo much fun!!

  9. Meagan,

    I can well imagine!! I love that you've been on so many trips and adventures. :) And how awesome to explore Europe by train! I haven't been to Europe yet, but perhaps someday! I'd love to go to Ireland or Scotland. :)


  10. We drove to Wisconsin and it was a blast!

  11. I trip to CA just made a quick plan and took off driving across the country it was so much fun lots of good memories.

  12. Lisa,

    Aw, that's great! So glad you had an awesome trip. :)


  13. hamjenny,

    How exciting! Definitely sounds like a fun and spontaneous adventure. :) Glad you have good memories from the road trip!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!