
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Will You Join Me in the Anne of Green Gables Read-Along?

Some Twitter friends are participating in an Anne of Green Gables read-along next month (waving to Jenni and Kara ♥), and I think I'd like to join the fun! I'm fairly certain I read most of the Anne series when I was much younger... But I'm pretty sure it's been ages since I've read any of the books, and I have this absolutely gorgeous copy of the first book that I'd love to dive into!

I know I'm not the only one who has fallen in love with this cover/edition. :) Raise your hand if you own this copy too!

I'm also a huge fan of the Anne of Green Gables movies with Megan Follows (particularly the first two; the third is just so intense and bittersweet!). The read-along hosts are doing a watch-along/movie party after the read-along, if you're also a fan and that interests you!

Reading Schedule
  • Chapters 1-13: March 1-11
  • Chapters 14-26: March 12-22
  • Chapters 27-38: March 23-31
Discussion Schedule
To learn more about the read-along/movie party and to sign up, click HERE.

Whether you're new to Anne or wanting to re-read this first book for the thousandth time, it would be so great to have you join us! Let me know in the comments if you're signing up too. :) 


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you're going to join us! It should be lots of fun! :D

  2. This is such a brilliant idea! Love all things Anne! I had the opportunity to visit PEI last fall and now I have been reading L M Montgomery's journals-highly recommend! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Jenni,

    Thank you (and Suey and Kami) for hosting this!! Definitely promises to be a lot of fun! :D


  4. Michelle,

    Read-alongs are awesome, for sure, and it's bound to be delightful when it features Anne! :) That's so wonderful you got to visit PEI, especially in the fall! That's a dream of mine. ♥ Bet the scenery and sights were amazing! And that's great you're reading through the author's journals. :) I don't think I'd realized they had been published!

    Thank you for stopping by and commenting!



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