
Monday, February 19, 2018

Romance Review Opportunity: Sweet Briar Rose by Lena Goldfinch

Good morning, friends! Hope your week is off to a wonderful start. I wanted to let you know about a new book from a dear friend and client, Lena Goldfinch, which is releasing in a couple of weeks. :)

We're looking for some bloggers who would be willing to review Sweet Briar Rose on their blog,, and Goodreads during the first full week of March. If you think you might be interested, keep reading for more info about the book and how to get in touch with me! And if you find yourself intrigued but can't commit to reviewing just now, please do pre-order this sweet romance, perfect for the lingering winter days...

Experience a Mail-Order Bride Story with a 
Fairy-Tale Romance

About the Book

Colorado 1880

Once upon a time, Rose was a barefoot dreamer, carving whimsical creatures from the driftwood she found on the beach. However, after the death of her father, Rose finds herself cut adrift. So she decides to answer an advertisement to become the bride of a blacksmith in Sweet Briar, Colorado, bravely leaving behind the coast of Maine and her beloved sandy beaches.

Living in the shadow of the Rockies, Emmett Southerland is a bit of a hopeless romantic—and always has been. He’s been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the dark-haired beauty in the photograph he keeps over his heart. However, once Rose arrives, he finds himself snowed in with her during the worst storm Colorado has seen in twenty-five years.

This sweet mail-order bride romance very loosely reimagines the classic tale of Sleeping Beauty, complete with a satisfying happily-ever-after. Sweet Briar Rose is a short novel of approximately 42,000 words.

Releases March 2018 from Indigo Road Publishing

About the Author

LENA GOLDFINCH is the Amazon-bestselling author of sweet historical western romance, inspirational romance, and books for teens. She's always been a sucker for a good old-fashioned romance, whether it's a novel or short story, young adult or adult, fantasy or realistic, contemporary or historical. Lena has been a finalist in several national writing contests, including the RWA Golden Heart and ACFW Genesis contests.

Note to Potential Reviewers

Sweet Briar Rose is a short, clean romance novel, a bit on the sensual side. Readers who prefer light-to-no romance or only Christian fiction might want to skip this opportunity. However, for those who enjoy historical romance with a snowy setting, warm moments, and a light fairy-tale theme, don’t miss Lena’s latest!

Want to Read the Book Now?

If you're willing to share your honest thoughts on your blog,, and Goodreads between March 3rd and the 10th, I can send you a free Kindle (.mobi) e-ARC from the author! If you'd like to review the book or if you have any questions, send me an email:

To learn more about my services as a freelance book editor and marketer, please visit

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