
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Books of 2017

There are still a few weeks left in 2017, and there's a good chance I could discover another favorite between now and then... But given today's topic from The Broke and the Bookish, and assuming many other bloggers will be sharing their favorites today too, I'm making a list that's worth checking twice. ;)

I confess I didn't read a ton of books this year; I believe it was only a little over 20 or so. But I experienced a lot of favorites in my own life, like getting married and moving to a beautiful new place. So, no regrets! But of the books I read, here are some I quite enjoyed...

Top Five Fiction

#5 Heart on the Line by Karen Witemeyer

It was hard to narrow down the fiction list. The Austen Escape by Katherine Reay and Yes, Carol...It's Christmas! by Cindy Vincent were worthy contenders (and ones I recommend!). But given my love for the historical romance genre (especially fun Westerns by Karen Witemeyer), I'm including this one. :) Whether it was my life at the time or the fact I was reading this on my Kindle, it was slow going at the beginning, but the ending sure had me hooked, and there were lots of things to love about this story. You can read my full review HERE.

#4 The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck

I liked the style and structure of this story, with characters from past and present. It was a fun read, especially a few months before my own wedding. :) 

#3 Illusionary by Desiree Williams

This was an engaging contemporary/fantasy read, and I especially loved the ending! A strong finish has a big bearing on how you feel about a book, don't you think? You can read my full review HERE.

#2 Ten Thousand Thorns by Suzannah Rowntree

This retelling of Sleeping Beauty is SO good. The setting and style make it unique, and the characters and dialogue make it meaningful. You can read my full review HERE.

#1 Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

I suppose this an obvious choice. :) Pride and Prejudice just might be my favorite Jane Austen tale so far! It was great to read this book for the first time with a few friends for our read-along this October. The characters, their growth, and the plot all made this a delightful read. It's lighthearted, but also has a lovely depth. 

Top Five Nonfiction 

#5 Making Marriage Beautiful by Dorothy Littell Greco

I read several marriage books this year, and this one has some great points. I think a lot of what I've read tends to blend together...but from my review (which you can read HERE), I know I found some helpful thoughts in this book. :) 

#4 Wait and See by Wendy Pope

More than anything, I appreciated how this book provided a way to record my waiting journey. I liked the prompts and the journaling space, and the writing itself was simple but engaging. 

#3 Cherish by Gary Thomas

When I don't review a book (and sometimes even when I do!), it's a little tricky to remember months later what you specifically liked about it. I believe I found a lot of great food for thought in this one (I tend to use that phrase a lot... *self-conscious grin*), and I liked the theme of it. As with Making Marriage Beautiful, I gave this book 5 stars. :) 

#2 Letters to My Daughters by Barbara Rainey

Another marriage book! ;) What makes this one extra special (besides the fact that it was a sweet gift from a dear friend on my wedding day ♥) is the artistic angle. I like the letter format, and I love the creativity in comparing different aspects of marriage to different artistic pursuits. 

#1 Humble Roots by Hannah Anderson

Is it funny or fitting to give a book on humility the #1 spot? ;) I just finished this one, and I'm glad I read it in time to include it on this list! Humble Roots is a beautiful exploration of humility and how it can affect every area of your life. I highly recommend it! You can read my full review HERE.

* * *

While I didn't read a lot this year, I did read some really great books. Of course, I have many more on my TBR, and who knows how many of those could have ended up on this year's favorites list? It's my hope to read a lot more of the books I already own next year! I have no doubt there are some true gems on my real and virtual shelves waiting to be discovered. :)

What have been your favorites of 2017? 
What books are you hoping to get to in the New Year? 


  1. I love Karen Witemeyer and Rachel Hauck but haven't had the chance to read either of these books. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed them.

  2. Brittaney,

    They are wonderful authors, for sure! These are two very enjoyable books, and I hope you get a chance to read them sometime. :) Thank you for stopping by!


  3. Yay! Pride & Prejudice made number one! That read-along was so much fun!

  4. MovieCritic,

    Aww, so glad you had fun with the read-along, friend! :) It was a blast chatting about the book with you all! And such a very good book it is. ♥


  5. Congratulations on your marriage! I love that you're reading books about marriage and how to build a stronger relationship with your spouse. Marriage involves a lot more work than non-married people think it does! Good thing it's worth it :)

    Happy TTT!

  6. I'm so glad you enjoyed Pride and Prejudice! It is such an amazing book. Lovely list, Amber! :-)

  7. Susan,

    Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words. :) Marriage is definitely worth the work! ♥

    Thank you for visiting!


  8. Miranda,

    Pride & Prejudice is definitely amazing! I enjoyed reading it with you this fall. :) Thank you for checking out my favorites list!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!