
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

3...2...1... How a Star Falls Has Launched!

I'm so excited to introduce Derrick and Brielle to the world—the stars of my first new-adult contemporary romance novella! (Pun intended, naturally!) This project represents several firsts for me, actually: first published contemporary story, first book I offered for pre-order, and first time I hired another blogger to help with the marketing. While I'm still hosting my own blog tour, I wanted to try out a book blast with Kathy of I Am a Reader. So feel free to hop on over to her site to enter the $50 gift card giveaway! (But please do come back, as we'll be having lots of fun here, too. :))

Have I told you all how much fun I had writing this story? Seasons really are so important with my writing, and How a Star Falls fully came together this fall, after a lot of transitions in my life. It was such a blessing to look back at the home I love and the places God saw me through. And it was a blast to pen something more whimsical and modern in nature while touching on some of the deep questions new adults tend to ask. (Well, at least this new adult did!)

Here's the official blurb, in case you haven't seen it yet:

How does a star fall? 
Quickly. Completely. Unexpectedly. 

Derrick Knolane escapes to Trinidad Head most evenings, avoiding his apartment and planning for the day he'll break free of Humboldt County. Working in a music store might be fine for a while, but it's far from the goal he had in mind when he got his college degree. Not to mention the fact that his roommate is a jerk and his family won't stop trying to run his life.

Then Brielle falls into his world.

She claims to be a star. Not from Hollywood, but from heaven. He thinks she's crazy. Certainly delusional. Yet, he can't just leave her alone on the cliffs. So he takes her home.

And his whole world falls apart.

A heartfelt and fanciful contemporary romance novella, How a Star Falls explores the uncertain season of new adulthood and shows that sometimes the worst inconveniences make for the best miracles of all.

Purchase on Amazon 

The story is currently only available for Kindle, BUT a paperback version is in the works and is very close to completion! And let me tell you, it's going to be a cutie. :) A little novella with a gorgeous cover, wouldn't you agree? (S/O to Lena Goldfinch for another amazing design!)

Speaking of the paperback, would you like to win a copy? Well, let's get on to the details about the tour then!


Tuesday, November 18th
Wednesday, November 19th
Thursday, November 20th
Friday, November 21st
Saturday, November 22nd
Sunday, November 23rd
Monday, November 24th
Tuesday, November 25th
Wednesday, November 26th
During the tour, you'll also find fun behind-the-scenes posts at The Heart's Spring.

A Special Starry Giveaway!

I'm really happy with how this giveaway came together. :) Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of all the prizes just yet, as one of them is still being crafted (a seaside-themed necklace) and the other is still in production (the paperbacks, which are simply awaiting the cover design and approval before they can be ordered). However, here's a glimpse of most of the prizes:

The signed books are pretty self-explanatory. Although I will add that they'll be a darling 5x8 size!

The DVD is Remember Sunday, which has become one of my favorite movies. Why that movie for this giveaway, though? Let's just say shooting stars and comets play a large thematic role in the story, and they even mention Orion—Brielle's constellation! Plus, the heroine (played by the girl from Tuck Everlasting) is a new adult, feeling at a standstill in life. The choices she makes and the questions she and Zachary Levi's character ask all tie in really well with How a Star Falls.

The CD is An Airplane Carried Me to Bed by Sky Sailing. Derrick mentions this band (Owl City's alter ego) in the first chapter of the book, and he listens to a song from the CD titled "Brielle." That song and the sound of the whole CD fit beautifully with How a Star Falls.

The lovely jewelry is crafted by Christy of Belle on a Budget. The star earrings are pictured, but there will also be a beach-themed necklace as part of that prize package. I'll hopefully be sharing a picture of that later this week!

The prizes are divided into 3 packages, as shown on the Rafflecopter form. Please note that this giveaway is limited to U.S. residents only due to shipping costs. Good luck to everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
P.S. Now is the perfect time to get caught up on my other books, if you're missing any! Bellflower (the short-story collection) is FREE for Kindle through Friday, and Forget Me Not is on a Kindle Countdown Deal through next Monday. Happy reading, friends, and thank you so much for helping me celebrate this occasion!


  1. Congratulations, Amber! I just downloaded How a Star Falls! Sounds lovely! Blessings!

  2. Wow, BIG TIME Congrats on the release of this beautiful looking story, Amber!!!!!!! I'm SOOOOOO happy for you and excited for all that is going on with this book release, looking forward to reading it :)
    Hugs and blessings to you my friend,

  3. To answer the question.....nope, don't have a favorite star, but I've always been fascinated with stars and have even bought a telescope or two to find them better :) Best wishes to the other entrants and once again, congrats Amber!!!!!

  4. Congrats! Thanks for sharing the inspiration for the prizes and how they tie in with the book! I was wondering!

  5. Yay!!!! SO exciting, Amber! :D


  6. Hello Amber. This book sounds good. Like the cover. Also you have some good gifts for your give-away. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  7. Sorry, forgot to answer your question. My favorite star is the first one I see at night because I have made many wishes on it through many years. :)
    Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  8. Congratulations on the release of How a Star Falls, Amber! I am so excited for you and wish you much success! I do enjoy stargazing, but do not have a favorite star or constellation.

  9. A big CONGRATULATIONS to you Amber, for the release of your new novella!!! It's so wonderful to know you're following your dreams and writing the books that God puts in your heart. Good job!!! Enjoy and celebrate the moment!!

    (I know I owe you a HUGE email. So much wonderful stuff has happened here -- will tell all when I get a chance. I promise!)

    My favorite star is the Bethlehem Star, since to me it is the star that represents Christmas, and shows how light always conquers darkness. And in that vein, I think it's fantastic that you released your new book in time for the holidays!

  10. Yay! I pre-ordered the book, so it was exciting to have it magically appear in my Kindle app. Looking forward to reading it soon.

  11. Sherida,

    Thank you, and thank you! I hope you enjoy the story. :D Blessings to you, as well!


  12. Kara,

    Aww, thank you so much for the kind words of encouragement and support! I hope you'll enjoy Derrick and Brielle's story. :)

    And stars really are fascinating, aren't they? I love how clearly they point to bigger things beyond what we know, and a majestic God who creates beauty and order. Very cool about your telescopes! I think you'd really like this Hallmark movie (Remember Sunday), then. :)


  13. Laura,

    Thank you! And you're welcome. :) I was very determined to get a copy of Remember Sunday for this giveaway because of how much I love it and how well it connects with HaSF, and music is an important part of the story. So I wanted to share how deliberate these prize choices are and how excited I am about them. :D


  14. Kara (Flowers of Quiet Happiness),

    Thank you so much, dear friend, for sharing my excitement! :D


  15. Maxie,

    Glad you like the story premise and the cover! (Didn't Lena do a lovely job on the design?) And I'm glad to hear you like the prizes I picked out for the giveaway. :)

    Great response to the question! "The wishing star" is such a sweet answer. :)


  16. Britney,

    Thanks so much for the kind words, and for your participation in the tour!


  17. Cindy,

    So wonderful to see you here! And thank you so much for the encouraging words. :) *Hugs*

    Will look forward to that email when you get a chance! Happy to hear that wonderful stuff has been happening. :D Guess we've both been rather busy, haven't we?

    And what a fabulous choice for your favorite star! Love it. ♥ And I didn't overly think of that, but yes, I'm excited that How a Star Falls is out in time for Christmas! Since the story takes place in early winter, the timing worked out pretty well. :)


  18. Audrey,

    Thanks so much for pre-ordering! Don't you just love when books magically appear on your Kindle app/device? ;) So fun! I'm honored you want to read the story, and I hope you enjoy it!


  19. It's not a star or constellation but my favorite heavenly body is the moon. I think it's one of the most beautiful sights in the world.

  20. Bonnie,

    Great choice! The moon really can be so beautiful, especially a full, golden fall/harvest moon... *happy sigh*


  21. I've always loved the constellation Cygnus. As a child, I even had the little glow-in-the-dark stars on my ceiling in that shape!

  22. bn100,

    The stars all together make their own beautiful sight, don't they? It can be hard to pick a favorite. :)


  23. Reyna,

    Aw, that's awesome! I just looked it up and saw that it's the swan. How lovely! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!