
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Seasons of a Story Publishing Site is Live!

It is with great joy that I present to you the brand-new site for Seasons of a Story Publishing!

The Story Behind the Story

Since the site is all about stories (the word is even included in the title), here's a little of the story behind this new spot:

A few months back I saw that Debz of Debz Bookshelf was offering free blog designs. At the time I was considering expanding my freelance business, focusing more on publicity campaigns. I thought I'd take advantage of Debz's super generous offer and work on a blog specifically for my blog tours and cover reveals, called (quite cleverly, of course) Editing Through the Seasons Book Tours.

But God had other plans.

I am indeed focusing more on publicity/marketing - just now in a different role at Harvest House. :)

I knew I'd have to put the blog plans on hold while going through the interview process for the job, and Debz was kind enough to set the project aside and put up with all my life updates. It wasn't until the last couple of weeks that we were both able to finally pursue the project again. I had already decided that if the book-tours blog didn't work, I'd want to focus the site on my indie publishing ventures - to have a home base for all my books (including projects in new genres).

Debz was a delightful collaboration partner. She captured my vision for the site, combining our styles and creating a blog that's absolutely lovely. It's fresh and unique, yet the design ties in beautifully with my existing brand. She was extremely patient with me as I asked lots of questions and requested various design tweaks. I couldn't have been more pleased with her skill, her hard work, and her dedication to the project. Plus, her sweet personality shines in her communications. Basically, I'm thrilled with her design services and excited to share the results!

She isn't currently offering designs, but if you're a fan of YA books and fairy tales, you should definitely follow her blog - and keep an eye out in case she becomes available for hire at some point! :) 

Become a Part of the Story

Back to the site... I'd love for you to browse all the pages and check out what's going on with Seasons of a Story! You can read up on what it's all about, check out my available books, see what's coming up next, join my street team (Amber's Gems FTW! ;)), and sign up for my next cover reveal. There's also a poll in the sidebar, if you want to weigh in regarding cover reveals!

To celebrate this grand unveiling, I'm hosting a fun little giveaway of sorts over at my author blog. Hope to see you there!

(Just to clarify, beyond my social media sites, here are the blogs I run: Seasons of a Story Publishing, Seasons of Humility, and The Heart's Spring. The Heart's Spring blog also links to different sites filled with info and extras for each of my debut series' installments. You can look at it this way: Seasons of a Story Publishing is my main, mostly static, author/publisher site. The Heart's Spring is my author blog, where new content gets posted off and on regarding my books and the writing process. And this blog is my personal blog with book reviews and stuff about my life. Confused yet...? I'm hoping the new "main" site will keep things organized and in perspective!)


  1. YAY! Oh it is beautiful, Amber! SO excited for you! <3

  2. Congrats on the new site! So exciting for you! :)

  3. Congrats, Amber! This post is full of AWESOME newsy stuff that just makes me happy. Looking forward to learning more and being able to help spread the word on all of this awesomeness. :)

    Off to visit the new site!


  4. Meghan,

    Aww, I'm so thrilled you think it's beautiful! It was a blast working with Debz - she really made everything look great. :D *Hugs*


  5. Jamie,

    Thank you so much for sharing my excitement! :)


  6. Rissi,

    I'm so blessed by your sweet support and friendship! Thank you for sharing my happiness and wanting to help spread the word. ♥ It means so very much!

    Hope you like the new site!


  7. Awww, Amber, I'm blushing! I'm so glad you're happy with it! I'm hoping to start designs again in a few weeks. Thank you for all the feedback!

  8. Debz,

    I'm happy to share about your awesome work! Thank YOU so much for all the time and effort you put into the design, and for putting up with all my "tweak" requests. :) It was really fun to work with you!

    I hope all your future design projects go well! And I'll send you an email in a bit with that endorsement, in case you want it. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!