
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Journey Begins: Resistance Blog Tour!

The Ilyon Chronicles are being introduced to the world today with the release of Book 1, Resistance! Epic imagery, poignant characterization, and a heartfelt and daring stand...Jaye L. Knight begins her NA (New Adult - featuring older teen/twenty-somethings) Christian fantasy series with conflict and courage. Read on to discover how you can join this journey...

Know the History

There are several ways to get your hands on this exciting and compelling introduction to the fantasy world of Ilyon:
  • Purchase a Kindle copy for only $3.99!
  • Enter the Goodreads giveaway for a chance to win 1 of 3 signed paperback copies!
  • Enter the tour-wide giveaway for another chance to win a signed paperback! Details below...  

Follow the Plan of Action

We've got a fabulous line-up of bloggers who are eager to inform you about Resistance! Don't miss a single stop...

Tuesday, May 20th
Wednesday, May 21st
Thursday, May 22nd
Friday, May 23rd
Saturday, May 24th
Sunday, May 25th
Monday, May 26th
Tuesday, May 27th
Wednesday, May 28th
 Get the Gear

Time to gear up for the journey! Here's your chance to win...
  • a signed copy of Resistance
  • a Resistance-inspired necklace crafted by the author (Jaye L. Knight)
  • a Better Homes “Warm Rustic Woods” candle
  • a wolf paw leather bookmark from Lodgepole Leathercraft
    Please note that this giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What do you think? Are you ready to start the journey with us and join the Resistance?


  1. Hey Amber and Jaye, looks like another great blog tour! Just LOOOOVE the cover to Resistance, looking forward to reading all the great reviews :) Thanks for the incredible giveaway, blessings ladies!

  2. One more thing, LOVE the new blog look Amber.....refreshing and sweet!!!

  3. Kara,

    I'm really thrilled with the response this tour has received from bloggers! Isn't that cover so cool?? Jaye is very talented - and generous. :)

    Thanks so much for checking out the tour, and for the super kind words about the new blog design! I'm happy you like it. :D


  4. Kara, I'm glad you like the cover. It was SO much fun to put together. Definitely my favorite so far of any I've done. :)

    And thank you so much, Amber, for putting this all together. I know I couldn't have done anything half this good on my own. :)

  5. I agree, the cover is AWESOME!! :) The book sounds very interesting and I hope to read it sometime! :D

  6. Also, question: I'm not on GFC so does it count to follow the blogs by email or not?

  7. Jaye,

    Aww, I'm so glad I could be of help! It's been a lot of fun working with you in polishing and promoting this great story. :) Thank you for hiring me!


  8. Deborah,

    Loving your enthusiasm for this cover, book, and tour! Hope you get to read it sometime, too! :)

    As for your question, sure! I think that should be fine. If your "following" entry was one of the winning ones, I would just have to verify it with Jaye, as you can't see email followers the way you can see GFC followers. So if you wouldn't mind leaving your email address instead of your GFC user name in the blank on the form, that would be great. :)

    I apologize for the delay in answering your question!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!