
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Launch of the Cats Are Part of His Kingdom, Too Blog Tour!

On this, the U.S. National Day of Prayer, we begin a very special blog tour. Cats Are Part of His Kingdom, Too is a devotional book designed to remind you of the behind-the-scenes ways God is at work in your life. Through anecdotes from Cindy Vincent's experiences as a cat "Mom" and related Scripture, the thirty-three devotions offer encouragement and comfort. You'll get an opportunity to read the book for yourself via a Kindle freebie promotion - and by sharing your honest review, you'll have the chance to enter to win some very sweet prizes. So come be inspired during this week full of great offers, reviews, spotlights, interviews, and blogger devotionals!

The Schedule

Thursday, May 1st
Friday, May 2nd 
Saturday, May 3rd
Sunday, May 4th
Monday, May 5th
Tuesday, May 6th 
Wednesday, May 7th
Thursday, May 8th
*Giveaway winners will be announced on June 2nd, in order to give readers a month in which to read the book, submit their reviews, and enter the giveaway.

As crazy and stubborn as he is, Muffin Man is a well-loved member of his family, just like the cats in Cindy's book.

The Giveaway

This giveaway, like the tour, is a special one - and a little different from the usual set-up! To enter, all you have to do is leave an honest review of Cats Are Part of His Kingdom, Too on  Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and/or Goodreads (it can be the same review on all three sites!). Then share the link(s) via the Rafflecopter form below, and you'll be entered for a chance to win a Swarovski cross necklace (valued at $130) or a set of the Buckley & Bogey Cat Detective Capers (one of which was featured here back in December)!

To make this giveaway even easier to participate in, check out these tidbits:
  1. The book will be FREE for Kindle May 2-6 (starting tomorrow and ending next Tuesday night)! You can pick up your copy HERE. (Regularly priced at $2.99.)

  2. The giveaway will be open throughout the month of May. The tour only lasts a week, but the giveaway will stay open the whole month so you have plenty of time to read this short but sweet read and submit your entries!
You can come back to this post or visit the blog tour page to enter when you're ready!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
If you have any questions about the tour, or if you'd like to link up your own devotional or review of Cats Are Part of His Kingdom, Too, please email me at And if you'd like to learn more about the book or help us spread the word by taking a blog button, you can visit the blog tour page (also linked to at the top of the sidebar). We hope you are touched and encouraged by this devotional and the posts for this tour!


  1. Cindy's devotional book sounds lovely! The picture of Muffin Man makes me miss my Pepper and Cinnamon....but I have grandkitties to visit at each son's home. :)

    Prayers for all today on World Day of Prayer! Blessings!

  2. Hello, all, and Happy National Day of Prayer!! It is so wonderful to think of all those people with all those prayers. What a difference it can make!

  3. Amber, the blog page looks absolutely gorgeous! You have done such a great job setting this up!

    And my, my, Muffin Man! What a handsome cat you are! Your picture is fantastic. So glad you are back and helping out with yet another great blog tour!

  4. Ooooops! National Day of Prayer. :)

  5. On another note . . . Welcome all, to our blog tour for Cats are Part of His Kingdom, Too! It's so great to be here. This is my second tour with Amber -- she did such a wonderful job the first time, that of course I wanted her to do this blog tour as well. She also did the copy-editing on another of my books, and well, I couldn't be more happy with her work. Besides that, it seems like we always have some "big adventures" on these tours, too! Plus we meet lots of new people along the way, which is always a joy!

    But I have to say, this tour is a little more personal than the last one, since I used "real life" examples in this book. As you read this devotional book, I hope you come away with the sense of just how very much God loves you. The concept is simple, but hopefully the "take away" will be huge.

    I look forward to interacting with so many of you along this week long journey!

    May God Bless you on this National Day of Prayer!

  6. Thanks, Sherida!! So nice to have you here. And my kitties are voting that you adopt a few cats of your own -- sometimes grandkitties just aren't enough!! Maybe this book will motivate you to make a little visit to your local cat shelter . . .

  7. Sherida,

    It's a very sweet and encouraging little read. :) I was so happy to hear on Renee's blog that you plan to read and review it! Cindy's offered some great incentives to share a review, in addition to the fact that it's a quick and uplifting devotional. :)

    Pepper and Cinnamon are such wonderful names. I'm glad you still have grandkitties to visit - I'm more of a cat person, myself, and I just love their personalities and cuddliness! Sadly, Muffin Man doesn't overly like to cuddle...but he has to endure it anyway, haha. ;)

    Blessings on this National Day of Prayer!


  8. Cindy,

    You're so sweet! I'm grateful for the opportunity to help you promote another of your encouraging books. :) Thank you for your continued belief in me, and for your generous words!

    This is definitely a special tour - thanks for giving readers that introduction from the author! I'm looking forward to seeing all that develops from this tour, as well.

    And glad Muffin Man could join in. He's so photogenic, he has to be included! ;)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!