
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

God's Will: A Tender Story of Faith and Family

Here's a description of the book:

"Kathy Andrews is good at goodbyes. Her mother is sent to a sanatorium, her sister, left behind in Chicago, and her father, forced to roam looking for work. So she holds close to the only one she has left, her brother Danny. When the two go to live with the Marshalls in the sleepy town of Brighton, she doesn't let anyone past hello.

Elliott Russell frowns at his aunt and uncle's generosity--even though he and his sister are on the receiving end. He frowns, too, at the uppity city girl with a chip on her shoulder whom he can't get out of his head. When a tragedy rips apart what tenuous existence they manage to forge, will they find the sweetest place to be is in God's will--or will they turn their backs on faith that fails to protect against pain?"

My Review

God's Will reminds me of something I love about movies set during the Great Depression: the value placed on family and togetherness. The harsh and difficult backdrop (probably frighteningly familiar for too many people today) really forces characters to sift through the things of life and discover what they long for most - what hope will keep them alive in times of separation and financial hardship. The uncertainty of the era really makes positive outlooks and sweet relationships shine all the more.

That's what stood out to me about Gorecki's debut. While the hero got on my last nerves and didn't entirely win me over, the cast as a whole charmed me with their quiet, faith-based strength and their love for one another. I truly admire the author for pouring her heart into this story - for being willing to test her characters, display their doubts, and point unashamedly to their true source of healing. For a dose of rugged encouragement, and for fans of sweet historical Christian fiction, God's Will is a touching read.

The story is told through multiple POVs, and while the writing gets a little bumpy (at least in the version I read), there are some lovely word pictures and poignant points to ponder. The story is on the shorter end of the novel spectrum (which is how my novels are, as well!), but I still found it to be a slower read...gentle, sometimes drawn out more than necessary, but still very sweet.

If you're looking for an adventure story, you won't find it here - at least not in the traditional sense. Instead, this book offers a rough and longer emotional journey for the characters, but one that has its own rewards tucked into tender scenes.

*With thanks to the author for providing me with a PDF copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

About the Author

Meghan M. Gorecki is a twenty-something living a hundred or so miles from Gettysburg and a hundred or so years from the history that beckons her. So she goes there (and elsewhere) in heart and on pages. Meghan works as a medical receptionist by day and types away on her novels and blogs at night. She's a redhead thanks to a box, but a daughter of God thanks to the Cross.

Find Meghan on her personal blog, writing blog, Facebook, and Twitter!

Giveaway and Purchase Info

If you'd like a chance to win a paperback copy of the book, there are still a few days left to enter the author's giveaway!

You can purchase a copy of this book here: (affiliate link) God's Will


  1. Thank you SO much for this great review, Amber! <3 It means the world--even if the hero got on your last nerves & the writing was bumpy. LOL Trust me, I agree wholeheartedly with both those sentiments now. ;) I'm curious though which hero drove you nuts--Kathy or Elliot?

  2. Meghan,

    You're very welcome! Thank you for the opportunity to read this story of your heart, my friend. :)

    Ah...that would be Elliot, LOL. (I usually specify "heroine" vs. "hero. :)) He had some great character growth, for sure... But might I just say that I hated how he expected Kathy to be perfect when he was hardly a gracious gentleman?? And he came across as really selfish to me, at times. But still, you showed him to be a flawed human (with some flawed thinking), and I know the heroes of my own novels aren't the kind to win everyone over, either. ;)

    Congratulations again on your debut! Any other tender tales in the works? :)


  3. Haha! I *knew* it'd be Elliot! And my "jetlag" was the reason for wondering if you meant him or Kathy. Duh, hero means the Guy! LOL
    Honestly--people either love Elliot or hate him. THere is no in between. I hope at least his redemption by the end of the book was clear. ;)

  4. Meghan,

    No worries, hehe. ;) And yeah, I can see how he's either a "love 'im or hate 'im" kind of a guy! I was cheering for him early on, because I'm such a romantic, but he did end up pushing my buttons with his attitude. :P But yes, the redemption was certainly clear, and though it was a big leap in attitude adjustment, the conclusion of it all was very sweet. :)

    I think one of my main characters in both Forget Me Not and Bleeding Heart (Joe) might be like Elliot for some readers, in that he's not always a favorite. ;) But he's actually one of the characters that's touched my heart the most out of the series.


  5. Yay! Smashing review, Amber. Cannot wait to read this one and am SO happy for Meghan. Good for her publishing this novel, and I hope more is to come. :)

  6. Oh this sounds good. I like the cover. Great review.

  7. Rissi,

    Thank you! I'm happy for Meghan, as well - always exciting to see blogging friends sharing their stories and getting published! Hope you are touched by this one. :)


  8. Juju,

    While it's a slower read, I really do appreciate the honest struggles and the sweet cast of characters. :) And doesn't it have a great cover? It sets the tone well. Thank you for reading my review!



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