
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Conclusion of the Resistance Blog Tour!

Wow - this has been quite the tour! It's been such a delight to see the enthusiasm of long-time, as well as brand-new, fans of Jaye L. Knight/Molly Evangeline throughout this past week.

Want to know what everyone's been gushing about? You can pick up your own e-copy of the book for only $3.99 on Amazon...and rest assured that a paperback version will be available there very soon!

Tour Recap

Did you miss any of the stops along this grand adventure? You can revisit them via the links below!

  • "Knight has created an awesome fantasy world that is great to explore" ~ Rebekah of Backing Books
  • "In some ways Resistance was not what I expected, and I mean that in a good way" ~ Brooke of Breathless Imaginings
  • "Resistance was everything I hoped it would be and more! It is definitely one of the most powerful Christian fantasy books I have ever read!" ~ Laura of Crafty Booksheeps
  • "I thoroughly enjoyed the way Resistance blends the Roman Empire with medieval fantasy" ~ Audrey of The Lore-Mistress
  • "It is, I believe, a book everyone should read at least once in their lifetime" ~ Jack of However Improbable
  • "There is something almost mesmerizing about this author’s writing style" ~ JoJo of JoJo's Corner
  • "The book is filled with action, love, suspense, trial, deliverance, and all the other things you can hope for in a book like this" ~ David of Reality Calling
  • "I have read many fantasy novels and I’m happy to say that I found Ilyon, the land in which the book is set, completely original" ~ Tialla of Tialla's Tellings
  • "I loved every bit if it, and I’m looking forward to the rest in the series. I’ve started many series, but never bothered to finish some. But this one, I’m making it a point to do so" ~ Miranda of To Be A Person
  • "If you’re at all interested in fantasy, Christian fiction, or indie publishing in general, this book is well worth the read" ~ Aubrey of Aubrey Hansen
  • "This book was AMAZING! I guess reading it in 6 hours is proof of that" ~ Mercy of Mercy Ray
  • "I was hooked from the first paragraph and could hardly put the book down" ~ Faith of Writings, Ramblings, and Reflections
  • "Resistance was a fast paced, faith-filled, suspenseful journey that I will be sure to jump into again in the near future" ~ Alyssa of Literary and Lace
  • "I have found a new favorite author. Resistance is gripping, intense, the utmost page-turner" ~ Meagan at The Curried Nut
  • "This was a very well told story of two characters who come to their awareness of their faith" ~ Vonnie of Vonnie's Reading Corner
  • "A great new novel, with memorable characters, strong faith, and great dialogue" ~ Faye of Labor Not in Vain
  • "It brought me to tears, made my skin tingle in delight, had my mind racing, and made my heart sigh" ~ Shantelle of A Writer's Heart
  • "I absolutely loved this. It’s a fantasy book without magic which is so unique and well done" ~ Suzanne of Bookblogarama
  • "None of my high expectations were disappointed. Instead, they were blown away" ~ Kendra of O.Scarlett! Reviews
  • "The world of the Ilyon Chronicles [is] entirely new and fresh" ~ Rebeka of The Other World
  • "Thrilling, thoughtful tale of courage, self-sacrifice, and resistance against oncoming evil" ~ Hannah of The Writer's Window
Author Interviews
Character Interviews
Special Feature

Jace and I also posted the title of Book 2 in the series (coming in 2015) and a personality quiz created by the author!


The entries came flooding in for the tour-wide giveaway, and Rafflecopter's randomly chosen winner is...

Serena M.!

Congratulations, Serena - I've sent you an email! Enjoy immersing yourself in the world of Ilyon by smelling the woods, admiring a wolf, and reading the first epic story of the series. =)

If you weren't a winner, remember that you can pick up your own copy of the book on Amazon, purchase a piece of handcrafted jewelry from the author at her Etsy Store, and buy a bookmark from Lodgepole Leathercraft

The End of the Beginning

And so we come to the end of our journey celebrating the release of Resistance. Don't forget, though, that this is just the first in an epic six-book adventure! You can learn more at the Ilyon Chronicles website.

Thank you for joining the resistance, and huge thanks to all the bloggers who made our journey so thrilling!


  1. Yay! Thank you! Now to go check my email...

  2. serena,

    Congratulations! I got your email. :) Hope you enjoy the prizes!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!