
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

God's Will Cover Reveal & Book Announcement

I love that indie publishing has taken off and opened doors for some great new stories to find homes with readers! It's always exciting to hear about these upcoming releases, especially when they happen to be authored by blogging friends. :) Today I have the great pleasure of sharing about Meghan Gorecki's May debut, God's Will (Christian historical fiction)...

About the Book

Kathy Andrews is good at goodbyes. Her mother is sent to a sanatorium, her sister, left behind in Chicago, and her father, forced to roam looking for work. So she holds close to the only one she has left, her brother Danny. When the two go to live with the Marshalls in the sleepy town of Brighton, she doesn't let anyone past hello.

Elliott Russell frowns at his aunt and uncle's generosity - even though he and his sister are on the receiving end. He frowns, too, at the uppity city girl with a chip on her shoulder whom he can't get out of his head. When a tragedy rips apart what tenuous existence they manage to forge, will they find the sweetest place to be is in God's will - or will they turn their backs on faith that fails to protect against pain?

About the Author

Meghan M. Gorecki is a twenty-something living a hundred or so miles from Gettysburg and a hundred or so years from the history that beckons her. So she goes there (and elsewhere) in heart and on pages. Meghan works as a medical receptionist by day and types away on her novels and blogs at night. She's a redhead thanks to a box, but a daughter of God thanks to the Cross.

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Release Info

This book is set to be released May 19th in both paperback and Kindle formats! I plan to share my review May 23rd or thereabouts, so be on the lookout for that. In the meantime, do be sure to add the book on Goodreads and show Meghan some love! This is the story of her heart that she's been working on for seven years, something I could relate to with my experiences writing Forget Me Not. There's always something special about that first story. :) Plus, Meghan's debut is set during the Great Depression, an era that has enchanted me with its unique struggles and its characteristics through movies like The Journey of Natty Gann and Kit Kittredge.

What about you? Do you enjoy stories set during the Great Depression?


  1. Juju,

    Doesn't it? I'm excited for an inspirational romance set during the Great Depression. :) And I'm excited for Meghan's publishing journey!


  2. Yay! Love it, Amber. It's such fun to share these introductions with the talented bloggers I've "known" since that first blog post - and Meghan was one of my first blog supporters so it's cool to be able to help her share this exciting news. :)

  3. Rissi,

    It is a lot of fun! You're awesome to always be so supportive. :) Looking forward to the day I can help promote your work, my friend!



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