
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Conclusion of the Cats Are Part of His Kingdom, Too Blog Tour!

While today is the "official" conclusion of the Cats Are Part of His Kingdom, Too blog tour, we've got three new reviews posted today for you - and you have the rest of this month to submit your entries for the giveaway! So the sweet anticipation continues... :)

Tour Recap

We had a lovely variety of posts for this inspiring tour! Here are the direct links so you can find any  you missed or revisit the ones that touched you:

Cindy and I are sincerely grateful to each of those who participated in the tour - and to all of you who have been following along! Thank you for your support of this book and author. ♥

Purchase Info

While the Kindle freebie promotion has now come and gone, we've still got some great prices for you!

And if you're interested in Cindy's Cat Detective Capers (middle grade fiction), here are the links for those, as well:

The Case of the Cat Show Princess

The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks


You have the rest of this month to submit your entries for the special review giveaway! To enter, all you have to do is leave an honest review of Cats Are Part of His Kingdom, Too on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and/or Goodreads (it can be the same review on all three sites). Then share the link(s) via the Rafflecopter form below, and you'll be entered for a chance to win a Swarovski cross necklace (valued at $130) or a set of the Buckley & Bogey Cat Detective Capers (mentioned/pictured above)!

Please note that this giveaway is open to residents of the US & Canada only. You have through May 31st to submit your entries - and the winners will be announced on June 2nd. You can come back to this post or visit the blog tour page to enter when you're ready! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank you for following this inspirational tour! If you've read the book, please let us know your favorite of the 33 devotions. Or tell us one thing you've learned from watching your cats/pets!


  1. Thank you, Cindy, for your sweet book! I've read the first ten devotionals and closely relate to Moose. I need reminders about not being anxious about anything.

    Amber, thank you for taking us on tour. I've been traveling, so haven't read all of the posts, but hope to read some more today.


  2. Well, Amber, here's another ending to another fantastic blog tour. What a wild, intense, and exhilarating time it's been!! Whew, talk about a whirlwind . . . We've met tons of new people along the way, had the pleasure of working with some fantastic bloggers, and to top it off, this book was listed in #1 and #2 spots on Amazon, in two different categories. And hopefully, this book has brought comfort and inspiration and encouragement to those who needed it.

    This is our second blog tour together, and I'm always a little sad when they're over.

    In any case, I would like to publicly thank you, for another blog tour very well done. You went above and beyond, and did such a fantastic job. And I couldn't be happier with the way everything turned out. May God always bless you, as you continue to bless so many others!!

  3. Thanks so much, Sherida, for your kind comments!

    I think there's a little of Moose in all of us . . . times when we "forget" that we don't need to worry. I certainly have had more than my fair share of those moments!

    But aside from his anxiety, Moose was quite the guy. He had such a cute, playful personality. He loved to hide from the other cats and then pounce on them when they went by. If ever there was a cat capable of laughter, it was "The Moose!"

    Have a blessed day!

  4. Big time thanks to Amber for another beautifully done blog tour, you have a way of making this look so effortless and filled with grace :)

    And big time blessings to Cindy for this sweet devotional, you're a blessing to your readers whether we are new or seasoned!

    You're both such a blessing to us bloggers and readers, may God's hand and favor be upon you lovelies in every area of your lives :)

    And Cindy, thanks for the giveaway! Best wishes to every reviewer who enters, please give our love to your delightful kitties....they are also special and dear to us :)

  5. Hey, Kara!!! So happy you're here!! Glad you were able to join the party and be involved with this tour, too!! (It was such a blessing to meet you during our last tour and to get to know you since then!!) Thank you for your wonderful words. God has blessed me beyond measure along this journey. I have such a thankful heart -- as they say, my cup runneth over, for sure.

    And yes, for those who haven't yet, you still have plenty of time to enter the giveaway. This Swarovski cross is absolutely stunning. The picture does not do it justice.

    As for the kitties, well, the boys will have their third Buckley and Bogey book coming out this summer. Buckley is hard at work on it as we speak! (Okay, actually he's kind of napping at the moment, but he'll be working on it just as soon as he wakes up . . . and eats . . . but then he'll get right on it!) Maybe we'll all run into each other again, right after Buckley and Bogey follow the clues to uncover some mysterious jeweled statues . . .

  6. Sherida,

    I agree with Cindy - there's a little Moose in all of us, isn't there? We have every reason to trust, and yet we still get anxious... God is patient with us. :)

    I'm glad you joined us for part of the tour, and I hope you enjoy catching up on any posts you missed! Happy reading, and blessings to you, too!


  7. Cindy,

    Aww! You know you've tremendously blessed me, as well, and it's been my pleasure to organize this tour for you. :) It's taught me a lot and been a wonderful experience! I'm thrilled that we were able to connect with the right readers, and I, too, hope the devotional inspires and encourages those who picked/pick it up. :)

    Thank you for your very kind words and for entrusting another blog tour to me! Your friendship and advice are invaluable. The thing about blog tours is that we can discuss and plan it up to months in advance - definitely a labor of love, and thus poignant to see it come to an end. But I think we make a great team - along with Buckley and the gang, of course! ;) God bless you and yours!


  8. Kara,

    Thank you so much for your continued encouragement! I'm thrilled you took the time to be a part of this tour - always a pleasure to have you on board. :) Your kindness and thoughtfulness are huge blessings, my friend. *Big hugs* God bless, and thank you again for everything!


  9. Thank you for letting me be a part of this blog tour, Amber. I had a lot of fun with reading and reviewing Cindy's devotional. I'm now looking forward to picking up her other cat-fantastic works! (:

  10. Grace,

    Thank YOU for being a part of the tour! I so appreciated all your tweets and your enthusiasm for the book. :) I'm thrilled you had fun with it all, and I hope you enjoy the Buckley & Bogey books!


  11. I think the one about Miss Mokie and her sweet little life. She so reminds me of May...
    It's really something!
    Yep - that's my favorite.
    The application to HANG ON help's coming... :)

  12. May (and KC!),

    Aww - I love it! You and Cindy are so sweet, as are your pets. :)

    And yes, there are some great tidbits of encouragement in Cindy's devotional, aren't there? Sometimes we just need a reminder that God hasn't given up on us. :)




Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!