
Monday, April 14, 2014

"Season"-ed Snack Size Reviews

Sometimes it's nice to just have a little something to read - a little story to make you smile or intrigue you. I indulged in a couple of shorter reads in the last few days (and yes, I confess, I bought one this weekend for $.99...). Here are my thoughts!

You Made Me Love You by Beth K. Vogt

Rating: Spring

I loved Wish You Were Here, so the fact that this is a fun little sequel with a truly adorable cover made this a must-read for me! While not as deep as its novel-length predecessor, and while the heroine (Meghan) sometimes came across as abrasive rather than cute in her teasing, I still really enjoyed this sweet read about clashing personalities, staying true to yourself, and standing strong in humility in the midst of awkward circumstances. The ice cream scenes were great, and I loved Seth's character growth (and the way a certain someone made him fall in love!). All in all, a great follow-up to a wonderful book!

Out of the Blue (Hindsight, Book 1) by Kelly Martin

Rating: Spring

Martin intrigued me with her early-2014 release, The Afterlife of Lizzie Monroe, so I've been curious to read more of her work. Out of the Blue is another creative story (novella-length) with a great hero POV. This is just "the beginning," which means readers will have to wait a while for "the middle" and "the end." Even still, I found this to be an easy read with fun nods to BBC's Sherlock. I liked the mystery, despite a few points where the elements didn't seem to mesh perfectly. There are darker tones - and there's certainly a strong suggestion that darker revelations are to come. Yet it's a clean NA (new adult) read that presents an interesting (albeit not yet fully explained) premise in an engaging, small college-town setting. 

Note: "Seasoned" or "unseasoned" is in reference to my book rating system. Thanks to Juju of Tales of Whimsy for the inspiration regarding mini reviews!

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