
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Caring for Caregivers: Out from the Shadows
When Grace Thorson contacted me about this blog tour, I really wanted to take part - not just because Grace has been so kind in participating in the blog tours I run via Editing Through the Seasons (which she has!), but also because I've recently been given a greater glimpse at the sacrifices of caregivers.

My grandpa is currently living in a local care/retirement home. Over these past few months I've had the opportunity to get to know some of the people who work there, and they're often friendly, kind, and considerate - even when they're stressed, elbow-deep in dishes with people needing their attention, assisting the residents to and from the bathroom, cleaning up messes, and addressing a variety of issues and day-to-day tasks. I greatly admire their fortitude in a job that's all about helping people who no longer have the ability to help themselves, at least in certain ways. 

While I confess to being a little hesitant at first (and sometimes still!), I've become more and more comfortable at the home. One resident always has to shake hands when we come in. Another loves to give hugs and can proclaim any day her birthday. :) Yet another once told me about his time going through the Panama Canal back when he was in the military. These are my grandpa's new housemates, and it makes me happy that my grandpa's presence there is what gave my mom and I the chance to meet them. So I'm grateful for the caregivers who provide this home for my grandpa and the other sweet residents - a place where we can stop by any time, pick my grandpa up for a special occasion, visit with my grandpa in his room, or join him and the gang at the table while they eat dinner or enjoy some ice cream!

If you're a caregiver or know of someone who is, read on to learn more about a book meant to encourage you. You're appreciated and loved!

About the Book

No place is so dark, no shadow so deep, that God can't find us.

Does the suffering you witness or experience seem pointless? Do you feel like your problems are endless? Do you wonder if God cares about you?

Caregivers live in the daily shadows of death, countless duties, and shattered dreams. But they don t have to exist in the shadows of their faith.

Nurse and veteran caregiver Pam Thorson offers weary families hope and insights gained from her own struggles. Out from the Shadows is a collection of thirty-one stories that pull back the veil on the unique joys and challenges of caregiving. Each devotion draws from the author's own experiences to reveal a fresh understanding of Jesus' call upon our lives as we care for others.

Available for purchase on Amazon

 About the Author

Pam Thorson is a licensed practical nurse, author, speaker, and full-time caregiver. She pioneered in the homeschooling movement from 1982-2006 and authored her first book, Song in the Night, in 2008. Her newest book, Out from the Shadows: 31 Devotions for the Weary Caregiver (Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas), pulls back the veil on the unique joys and challenges of caregiving. Pam resides with her family in the Northwest.

Book Trailer


Click HERE to check out the blog tour itinerary!


  1. Thanks, Amber, for sharing your heart and a place here for Out from the Shadows. Your words moved me to tears. Caregivers and the people they care for are often relegated to the shadows. Thank you for helping me bring these wonderful people the attention and encouragement they deserve. Most of us are caregivers on some level. We can all use inspiration to make it through another day.

  2. Thank-you, Pam, for writing this lovely book. What a wonderful gift you have put into the world. It sounds as though you're helping to heal others through a brokenness of your own.

    I'm sure this will be such a great comfort to so many. It seems that, no matter who you are, you'll be a caretaker at some point in your life. May God continue to bless you, and give you the strength, courage and faith you need to continue your work.

  3. Thanks, Cindy, for stopping by. It's great to meet you. It's true that we will probably either be a caregiver or need a caregiver in our lifetime. And everyone who cares for others, such as moms, dads, and grandparents, are caregivers, too, in every sense. Blessings!

  4. Pam,

    It's my pleasure to feature you and your book here - and I'm blessed to know this post touched you! Thank you for writing a book to encourage those who sacrifice so much for others. I bought a copy and plan to give it to my grandpa's care home so anybody can pick it up when they need a pick-me-up. :)

    *Hugs* to you!


  5. Cindy,

    I'm grateful to people like you and Pam who take the time to share a little bit of inspiration/encouragement with others through devotional books. :) Thank you for stopping by, my friend!


  6. What a wonderful sounding book. Having been through all of this several times, I truly do have deep admiration and appreciation for caregivers who truly care about the people they work with.

    Best wishes on your book Pam. I know it will be a blessing to many who face the ordeal of watching loved ones dealing with old age.

    And Amber, I am glad you are discovering the blessings and joys that can be found amidst the heartbreak and stress of dealing with the aging process.

  7. Sandra,

    It does look like a wonderful and encouraging read! I also deeply admire and appreciate caregivers, and I'm sure your service and love have been much appreciated by those you've cared for, as well. ♥

    Thank you so much for your continued kindness and encouragement to me. :) I'm blessed to know and work with you!


  8. Hello Amber! (:

    Thank you for being a part of my Mom's blog tour for Out from the Shadows. You've been so amazing in spreading the word on its release. I greatly appreciate it!

    I thoroughly enjoyed your book spotlight! Your comments on it are wonderful and thoughtful.

    I LOVE joining your blog tours - so much fun! I hope to participate in many more to come. (:

    ~ Grace Thorson

  9. Grace,

    It's been my pleasure! I think it's wonderful that your mom put together a book specifically for caregivers. :) I'm glad I could share about it - thanks for inviting me!

    And I'm so glad you enjoy participating in the blog tours! I have a blast putting them together. :)

    God bless!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!