
Friday, March 14, 2014

Love's Promises Cover Reveal & Release Announcement!

Today is a big day - Love's Promises by Sandra Leesmith is making its debut with both a cover reveal and e-book release!! First of all, I must apologize for the late start... As the book's editor, I spent much of yesterday reading through the manuscript to double-check the writing and formatting before publication. Unfortunately, just before I was about ready to finalize things with KDP late last night, the Internet went out. And yes, there were some tears shed... An agonizing reminder that sometimes working last-minute isn't the best way to go. It was an utterly awful feeling as the hours ticked by, the Internet remained out, and I had no way to get my post together or contact anyone online to explain the delay. But God is indeed merciful, and the Internet is currently back - hopefully at least long enough to get all of this together! My sincerest apologies for the wait, and thank you very much for your patience.

And now, back to the fun, because there is a lot of it to be had today!

A Cover Story

The road to the final version of this cover was a bit longer than previous designs, but it was so worth it in the end. Lena Goldfinch (Stone Lily Design) was once again the cover designer, and we once again have a similar layout - but the cover for Love's Promises has its own unique flair and feel.

It started a couple of months back, before I had read/edited the manuscript. Sandra gave me an idea of what the two main characters looked like, and she sent a longer synopsis so I would have a feel for the story. Based on that, Lena and I tried to find the right couple/models and background. But I think reading the story really makes a difference in the input I can give - on the models, especially. The first cover comps Lena put together (while very fresh and lovely!) weren't exactly the right fit. Sandra wanted the lake background to be very distinctive, and the couple wasn't quite meshing. So we agreed to set the cover design aside until I had a chance to edit the book. Hence the reason we're doing a cover reveal later along with the e-book release. ;)

After having a better idea of what Monica and Greg (the heroine and hero) were like, I went back to search the stock photo sites. And then on Dreamstime, lo and behold, I found a couple with their foreheads touching (a theme I'm happy we're continuing in the covers!) that struck me. I pinned it to Lena's and my secret board for the cover and claimed, "Oh my goodness, I think this couple could be it!!" Of course, the female model had brown hair instead of red, and she looked perhaps a bit younger than Monica, but the "feel" of it was just right for me. There was Monica's "clouds of auburn hair," Greg's big smile, Monica's sophistication, Greg's tenderness/laid-back mood.... And the pose was just perfect. I also proceeded to pin some Lake Tahoe landscape images to give Lena an idea of what we might want to use.

Then Lena worked her magic. :) She played around with backgrounds and colors, fixed up Monica's hair, made some tweaks to the sunset, and voila! We have this very gorgeous cover...

What I Love: The way this couple captures the personalities of Greg and Monica. (And really, isn't Greg so incredibly handsome and adorable?? He's such a fun hero!) The way Emerald Bay and Fannette Island are prominently displayed in the background, showing the Lake Tahoe setting in a unique and distinctive way. (Plus the Tea House is on that island, which plays a role in one of the scenes in the book!) The way the cover is dark to hint at the suspense of the story, but also bright with the sunset and their smiles to show the promise of love. And the way the layout and colors hearken back to the previous two covers, but also leave this one standing out in a new way.

Which cover do you like the best?

About the Book

For Monica Scott, building her late father’s house at Lake Tahoe isn’t an option—it’s a necessary distraction from confusing memories and an uncertain future. But a handsome planner working for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) is keeping Monica from moving forward with the project. Never mind that he’s young and charming with a great sense of humor. No one is going to stop Monica from making her father’s dream—and her own—a reality.

All Greg Linsey wants is for his work to mean something. His job at TRPA gives him the opportunity to fight for the environment he loves and make a difference in his small corner of the world. But with the sophisticated Monica Scott’s arrival, his dedication is tested as never before, especially when Monica turns to his unscrupulous nemesis for assistance.

As Greg and Monica’s animosity turns into something far sweeter, can they learn to accept each other’s promises and avoid the growing danger to their lives and hearts?

Editor's Note: The story is set in 1985 so that Sandra's earlier research of the TRPA remains relevant to the characters. Not sure if you'd classify that as a historical or a quasi contemporary... In any case, it's an inspirational romance with a dash of suspense and a dose of environmental concerns. :) You can add the book now on Goodreads!

Release Announcement!

It's here!! Despite the aforementioned delay, Amazon (with its awesomeness and speedy turn-arounds) now has Love's Promises up on their website! You can purchase a Kindle copy for only $2.99 at the link below:

Happy day! And happy reading! ;)


To celebrate the cover reveal and e-book release of Love’s Promises, Sandra is giving away a red leather-bound journal perfect for recording your own promises! The giveaway is open to U.S. residents only, and you can enter via the Rafflecopter form below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Cover Reveal Participants

Want to learn more about Sandra (the author) and Lena (the cover designer), and read some bloggers' thoughts on the cover? Be sure to visit all these lovely blogs today!
What do you think of Sandra's latest cover? Will you be reading the book?


  1. Congrats, Congrats, Sandra!!! Looks absolutely beautiful!!! I wish you all the best with your new book!!

  2. Hi Amber, I bet this book is going to be something because we both had Internet delays. I'm late to my party this morning because of problems also. sigh.

    But it all works for the good because I love all the info you imparted about forming the cover. It was a longer process but you and Lena worked your gifts and came up with a cover I LOVE.

    Thanks for setting up this reveal and I hope everyone else loves it too. And from all the tweets I saw when I could finally log in, it looks like the case. woo hoo

  3. Thanks Cindy V. I am delighted that you love the cover. It was worth the effort. smile

  4. Cindy,

    Aww, so sweet of you to stop by! Didn't the cover turn out beautiful?? :)


  5. Sandra,

    Oh, as much as I hate to see either of us without Internet on a day like this, I'm glad I wasn't the only one! *sheepish grin* I was so, so worried last night - I kept praying over and over that somehow the Internet would come back. I just hated the thought of everyone (especially you!) counting on me, and me letting them down with such an important event. This should teach me to write up posts like this a couple of days in advance! (And to have finished Love's Promises earlier!) If only I could actually take that lesson to heart... I should! *sigh*

    Anyway, I'm so grateful that 1) I woke up when I needed to, and 2) the Internet came back! I wrote some kind of intense poetry last night in my depressed state, and one of the lines I wrote was "Can mercy find me in the dark?" It did. :) God took care of things while I got a couple hours' worth of sleep, and things turned out all right. I don't deserve that, but I'm so glad for everyone's sake that this came together!

    Sorry I'm rambling... I'm sleep-deprived, haha. Anyway, I'm so thrilled you love the cover, Sandra, and I'm glad you were willing to wait a while so we could get it just right. :) I'm really pleased with the "feel" of this one, and it makes me happy that you are, too! ♥

    And yes, everyone seems to be loving the cover! :D


  6. You sound so much like me, Amber! ;) I was putting my post together at the last minute last night, too. I'm always hoping to get ahead! :S Every time out internet goes out, I'm reminded how much I NEED to make that happen.

    I'm loving the cover, though!! I can't wait to read it, too.

  7. Despite losing the Internet (and I totally understand what you were going through, girl), you put together a lovely post hitting all of the highs of this journey. Well done on bringing it all together.

    I am probably most partial to Love's Refuge though perhaps that's just because I own it. ;)

  8. Have not read the earlier books, but now with the review and the covers, think I will.

  9. Bluerose,

    Glad I'm not alone in this particular quirk! ;) I seriously perfected the art of procrastination in college (i.e.: writing some papers the night before they were due...). Unfortunately, it's more of a bad habit than an art, LOL. And ugh, yes, the Internet going out should prompt me to get posts up ahead of the game! I always count on having time the night before, but last night I was in full-on panic mode, with lots of anguish. :\ But I'm very grateful it all worked out!

    Anyway, so glad you love the cover! I'm hoping you'll join us for the blog tour, as well. :) It's a great story - you learn a lot and get a sweet romance, to boot!


  10. Rissi,

    I really appreciate your understanding and sympathy, my friend. ♥ And thank you so much for the kind words! Glad my thoughts came across clearly enough. ;)

    And LOL, I hear you about being partial to the covers of books you own! They're that much more special because they grace your shelf or Kindle, and you know you'll get to read the stories behind them at some point. :)


  11. Martha,

    Oh, that would be great! If you enjoy tender, atmospheric romances, I think you're in for a treat. :) While you don't have to read Sandra's other books to enjoy this one (it's a stand-alone), she has a similar style throughout her stories, and each book (of the three I've read and edited so far - Love's Miracles, Love's Refuge, and Love's Promises - is engaging with its presentation of relationships and great settings. Happy reading! :)


  12. Another BEAUTIFUL cover! I just love them all!

    I'll be reading Love's Promises soon. I've enjoyed Sandra's previous Love's books. And there's a tea house?!? Perfect for me!

    Congratulations to you all for another beautiful book!

  13. oh wow... I LOVE the newest cover!!! I think I like it best, but then, I love the repeating theme of all three. AWESOME. I look forward to reading it too. I've been enjoying Sandra's stories thus far.

    Love, love, love the cover!!!!

  14. Sherida,

    So glad to hear that! :) I agree that Lena did a beautiful job on all the covers!

    And yay for reading Love's Promises! I know you've got a lot on your plate, but if you want to be on the blog tour in April, do let me know. :) (I might e-mail you anyway, just to see! LOL)

    The history of the Tea House is very interesting... I think you'll enjoy that. :) There's a lot of neat information in this story - Sandra really did her research!


  15. DebH,

    Yay!! Love your enthusiasm. :) Happy to hear you love the newest cover, as well as the themes throughout all of them!

    I think you'll really enjoy this story. :) It's another atmospheric read with a lovely emphasis on the setting/environment, plus a sweet romance with some interesting secondary characters and suspense. Sandra's got talent!


  16. Sandra, what a lovely send off for your new book! Good for you!

    I hope you guys have a great and busy day/weekend of folks stopping in and grabbing a cookie or two... there are cookies, aren't there???


    I'll leave some of our fresh peanut butter chocolate brownies. They're always handy!

  17. Ruthy,

    How about Girl Scout cookies - Thin Mints and Tagalongs? :) And yes! The more peanut butter & chocolate, the better! ;) Thanks for bringing some.

    Thank you for stopping by and checking out Sandra's latest cover reveal!


  18. ahh covers! I personally think each is representative of the individual stories , so they're each perfect!

    and as I'm currently listening to Love's Refuge, that's one I'm currently fond of ;))

    I am excited for this new release & anticipate an exceptional read/listen ! the storyline is right up my alley.. anticipation!
    Thanks for celebrating it's arrival =) Congrats !!

  19. Faith Hope Cherrytea,

    I agree that they fit very well with the individual stories - so glad you think so, too! :)

    I hope you're enjoying Love's Refuge! It does have a lovely cover, doesn't it?

    And I'm glad to hear you like the story line for Love's Promises! It's a great read. :) Thanks for joining us in the celebration of its release!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!