
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Conclusion of Lena's Sweet Spring Reads Tour!

It's always a pleasure to spread the word about my awesome cover designer/mentor/friend's fabulous books! And it was so fun having some wonderful bloggers join me by posting their reviews this past week. I loved seeing the enthusiasm for these sweet stories via the blog posts, comments, and giveaway entries! Remember that you can learn more about Lena Goldfinch on her website, and you can purchase the books reviewed this past week on Amazon (US), Amazon (UK), Barnes & Noble, Google Play, iTunes, and Kobo.

Lena's YA fantasy romances: The Language of Souls, Aire, & Songstone


We've got two winners to announce today (with the first prize being open to US/Canada only and the second prize open internationally).

The winner of a paperback copy of any of Lena's books (winner's choice of The Language of Souls, Aire, Songstone, Haunting Joy, or Take a Picture) is...

Angel H!

And the winner of an e-copy of Take a Picture is...


Congratulations to you both! I'll be sending you an e-mail, and you have until Wednesday (March 19th) to respond before I pick another winner - so be sure to check your inboxes. :) Happy reading!

Lena's YA contemporary/paranormal stories: Take a Picture + Chain Reaction, Haunting Joy, & Haunting Melody (releasing later this year)


It was awesome to see the eagerness on the part of the bloggers to read/review/promote Lena's stories! Lena and I are both very grateful for each of these bloggers and their thoughtful, insightful, and fun reviews:
Be sure to click the links to check out any reviews you might have missed!

Paperback Announcement

Paperback-lovers give a cheer! Lena decided to make Take a Picture - her new collection of two sweet short stories - available in paperback format! Check out the full cover:

Isn't it so cute?? I love it! And you can have this lovely little double-feature grace your shelf for less than $6! (That doesn't include any shipping expenses, though, just as an FYI.) Here's the link:

Thank you all for following this sweet almost-spring tour! Don't forget to subscribe to Lena's newsletter to keep up-to-date on all her latest author news. :)


  1. Big time congrats to the winners, what a fun blog tour!! A huge thank you to Amber and Lena for such a great job putting everything together and making our job as the blogger so easy and enjoyable :) And a tremendous YAY to Take a Picture being available in print, such great news!! Hugs and blessings all around, it was a pleasure being part of this :)

  2. Kara,

    Thank YOU for being a part of the tour! Lena and I so appreciate your fun and engaging reviews of Take a Picture and Aire. :)

    And isn't it great to hear Take a Picture is in print?? :D

    Thank you for the kind words and your encouragement! Hugs right back at you!


  3. First off, Amber, you're amazing! I could have never coordinated all this awesomeness! THANK YOU!! :)

    I was blown away by all the wonderful reviews, but also by everyone's enthusiasm with participating in the blog tour. A big thanks to all you wonderful bloggers! You guys are the best!! :)

    Congratulations to the winners, Angel & Aerykah! I hope you enjoy your prizes. Thanks for being a part of my fun week. :)

    Lastly, I will admit that I'm just a little giddy about the print edition release of Take a Picture / Chain Reaction. I'm looking forward to getting a box of them soon. :) I'm also excited to announce that AIRE and HAUNTING JOY are going to be audio books! They're both currently in production, with release dates this summer. Wow, what a year! :-)

    Thanks again, Amber! And thanks again to all you wonderful bloggers!


  4. Hi, Kara! Thanks so much for your awesome reviews and for your support. Much appreciated! :)

  5. Lena,

    Aww, you know it's my pleasure! *blushing* YOU are amazing with your cover designs and formatting! I couldn't have navigated the self-pubbing world without you. *Hugs*

    I'm really thrilled with how this week went, as well - so glad everyone had a blast! :)

    This is definitely an exciting year on the publishing front! I love that you made Take a Picture available in paperback, and I think that's awesome that you're tackling audio now, too! Will be eager to hear how it turns out for you. :)

    Let's do this again sometime! ;)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!