
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Launch of Lena's Sweet Spring Reads Blog Tour!

Spring is almost here - and I think most of us are quite ready for the change in seasons! Just in time to celebrate, we've got a fun blog tour featuring four sweet YA (young adult) reads by Lena Goldfinch (my fabulous cover designer and friend). Not to mention the delectable giveaway and the announcement of Lena's latest release, Take a Picture (+ Chain Reaction)! So grab some candy (I recommend the Reese's Egg or those Cadbury Mini Eggs), check out the schedule, enter the giveaway, and enjoy the reviews & news!


Sunday, March 9th
Monday, March 10th
Tuesday, March 11th
Wednesday, March 12th
Thursday, March 13th
Friday, March 14th
Saturday, March 15th


Lena is giving away some sweet treats in honor of the tour! The first prize drawing is open to residents of the U.S. & Canada only; the second prize drawing is open internationally. Winners will be announced Saturday, March 15th, so don't wait to enter via the Rafflecopter form below...

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Be sure to visit the blog tour page to learn more about Lena and her latest release, and to find direct links to the blog tour posts once they're live! Have a sweet week!


  1. Thanks, Amber! Looking forward to an exciting - and sweet - week! Thanks too to all the wonderful bloggers participating!

  2. Lena,

    My pleasure! I'm looking forward to this, as well. :) We've got some fabulous bloggers on board - celebrating some fabulous reads!


  3. Yay! I'm loving these books and I'm excited for the tour! Just wanted to note that I am actually posting my reviews on different days (TLOS on Mon, Aire on Tues, SS on Wed, and HJ on Thurs) if that's still ok!?

  4. Hugs to you Lena and Amber, thanks for the chance to be part of this blog tour :) I'm always blessed to promote great books like these! Good job on putting the details together, Amber, big time thumbs up to you!

  5. Abbi,

    So glad you're enjoying the stories! Isn't Lena a great writer? I love her stuff - both her books and her designs! :)

    And I've updated the schedule - thanks for the heads up!


  6. Kara,

    *Hug* back at you, my friend! Thank YOU for being a part of the tour - your help in spreading the word is such a blessing to authors. :)

    And thank you for the kind words! You know I have a blast with these tours. :D


  7. I am so excited for Lena and looking forward to this tour. Thanks Amber for all you do for us authors.

  8. Thanks, Sandra! Yes, Amber is a true gem, isn't she? :)

  9. Sandra & Lena,

    Awww, you two are awesome! Thank you so much for the kind words. ♥ It's a joy to work with you both!



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