
Friday, January 10, 2014

Winner and New Ideas!

The Morning Glory cover reveal was such a grand way to start the year - thank you all for your support and enthusiasm! ♥ We all agree that Lena Goldfinch is an awesome cover designer, right??

In case you missed my post with the story behind the cover and links to the blogs participating in the reveal, you can find it HERE. And don't forget that The Heart's Spring series blog is now live! You can check out my first four posts (includes a sneak peek at Forget Me Not) and share your thoughts on what you'd like to see there in the future. I'd love to know what sort of news/extras interests you!

As for the winner of the Morning Glory cover reveal giveaway, it's...

Nancy McLeroy!

Congratulations, Nancy! I've sent you an e-mail, so be on the lookout!

If you weren't a winner this time, but the prizes interested you, be sure to check out Cindy Lindgren's and Jaye L. Knights's Etsy shops. Beautiful treasures abound! And I've ordered some items for the Forget Me Not tour-wide giveaway that I'm excited to share soon... So be sure to mark the first week in February on your calendars! I'm going to be busy in the next few weeks working on guest posts and interviews, finalizing the manuscript for Kindle release, etc. - not to mention starting some upcoming projects for friends/clients, and some other stuff for "The Heart's Spring" series...

Speaking of which, I don't know about you, but I feel like great ideas hit me when I'm working out or in the shower. That happened to me yesterday, where some story elements "clicked" (one thanks to a blogger's thoughts on Bleeding Heart) and a thought for a project inspired by an idea my grandma once shared with me stood out. I started in on another companion short story last night, and I'm really looking forward to working more on all aspects of this series.

This series isn't and won't be perfect. I know I'm still growing, still maturing, still learning more about writing, the industry, and life in general. But honestly, I feel so blessed that connections and opportunities came together so that this series of my heart could be shared in this season of my life. I came across this quote on Pinterest - fitting, don't you think?

"Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand - and melting like a snowflake." ~ Sir Francis Bacon

I wouldn't necessarily say we aren't living in eternity, because I believe eternal life begins when we start our journey with God through faith in Him. But I like what this quote is really saying - that our time on earth, our time to make a difference here, is limited. So let the moment shine, and make it count before it melts away. (That doesn't mean we won't have seasons of waiting, of course! But there are always other things to do while we wait for one thing to come about, right?)

Self-publishing "The Heart's Spring" series is giving me the chance to try creative things, to discover them and apply them moment by moment. As many of you have heard me say before, every story has a season (hence the name of my publisher, Seasons of a Story), and the same goes for every writing journey. Each one is unique. But I can declare with gratitude to God and the people He has placed in my life that I'm loving this season and the chance to share my passions in this way!

And now I've rambled on long enough... Tell me, what is it you want to (and can) do now, as 2014 begins? What new ideas are you excited to pursue?


  1. My Plans for 2014 include graduating in May with a bachelors in Criminal Justice. Also waiting and praying to see if God wants me to go to Law school or use my degree in a different way.

    This is also the year that I finally get the three different stories in my head on paper. One is a teen novel set in modern day. Two are historical based on events and two different love stories in my own family that happened half a century apart. They say fact is stranger than fiction

  2. Carissa,

    Those are awesome goals! Congratulations on your upcoming graduation!! Will look forward to hearing where God leads you. :)

    And very cool about your stories! Those historicals sound wonderful - and so very true about fact being stranger than fiction. My grandparents had some very interesting stories, too. :) I think it's great you're planning on recording them in this way!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!