
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Two Sweet Cover Treats!

Such an exciting way to begin the day! Not only did I receive my first endorsement for Forget Me Not, but two gorgeous covers have been unveiled for the world to see. Check them out!

The Paris Connection by Cerella Sechrist

I was so thrilled last fall when I discovered that Cerella was publishing two new books for the Harlequin Heartwarming line! I adored Love Finds You in Hershey, Pennsylvania (and even re-read it last year), and I was always eager for any news of future books from Cerella. Gentle Persuasion released in December, and The Paris Connection (its sequel) will release this March. Talk about the perfect cover for spring, right?? I love the cheery combination of colors, and the soft scene with lovely flowers, a bike ride, and a warm embrace. And the near-kiss is a promise of a heartwarming connection to come. So sweet!

The especially exciting thing about this is that I have the pleasure and privilege of organizing the blog tour for The Paris Connection this March! So be sure to mark your calendars for March 1-8, and stay tuned for tour sign-up information and more news about all the spring fun in store!

If you'd like to see the author's official cover reveal post, click HERE. She's got a bonus hot chocolate recipe that sounds delish!

Fly Away Home by Rachel Heffington

This debut author and I have chatted a bit about self-publishing by e-mail, and it's been fun getting to know her! She blogs over at The Inkpen Authoress, and she's well on her way to making a splash with her upcoming release. Just look at that cover! It's sort of different having a black background, but I love how it makes the model's features stand out and the lights of the city below shine even brighter. That blue-grey color of the model's eyes and the water is so very lovey, and the auburn hair blends so well with the dark background, like waves of fire gently illuminating the night. There's a really nice contrast at play here, and the way the title is set up along with the model's expression really provoke a sense of longing.

I'm going to be reviewing this book on Valentine's Day (February 14th), so be sure to tune in then to hear my thoughts! You can also check out Rachel's awesome cover-reveal giveaway HERE, as well as add the book on Goodreads.

Have you come across some sweet cover candy lately or other exciting bookish news to share?


  1. Ooo! Lovely. The first is sweet and romantic... and I ADORE Rachel's cover art. I think the black backing is actually gorgeous in a very classical way. Plus, the story sounds intriguing. Cannot wait to snag a copy. :)

  2. Rissi,

    I so agree on all counts! I'm really looking forward to reading and promoting both of these stories. :) Their covers are delightful!


  3. Amber,

    You described The Paris Connection cover perfectly! It makes me love it even more. :)


  4. Cerella,

    Aww, yay! It's such a lovely cover, and I'm sure the story is fabulous, too. :) Looking forward to reading it and working on the blog tour!


  5. I agree, the black background is different, but I love it! I'm putting Cerella's book on my wish list!!

  6. Casey,

    Me, too! And I'm sure Cerella's will be a great addition to your wish list. :) I'm reading Gentle Persuasion, and it's interesting so far! Looking forward to finishing that one and starting The Paris Connection. If you read e-books, I hope you'll consider joining the tour!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!