
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Reading Cram Read-a-thon Day 13: Most Anticipated 2014 Releases

Today is the last day of the read-a-thon, so it's time to "read like the win, Bullseye"! The last challenge for the #ReadingCram read-a-thon is a fun one - picking the 2014 reads you're most excited for! I'm limiting myself to my Top 10, but honestly, there are a ton of great reads I'm looking forward to enjoying in the new year. You can check out my shelves on Goodreads and/or Shelfari to see what I've already got on my TBR piles and keep up-to-date on the books I plan to read.

Disclaimer: This list doesn't include the 2014 releases I haven't heard about/confirmed yet, the new authors and books I might discover, the books I can't wait to read that I already own, and my own releases (which I'm excited about, but probably shouldn't include, LOL).

Most Anticipated 2014 Releases

Cress by Marissa Meyer ~ I am so psyched for this third installment in "The Lunar Chronicles" series! I adored Scarlet and am eager to find out what happens next...!

Full Steam Ahead by Karen Witemeyer ~ I love Witemeyer's writing style, historical romances, and the blurb for this story!

 The Afterlife of Lizzie Monroe by Kelly Martin ~ I've seen Martin's books around, but haven't read any yet. However, this one sounds so different and intriguing! And the cover only adds to the intrigue...

The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E. Smith ~ I enjoyed The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, and I'm excited about another clever and imaginative love story from Smith! 

Here to Stay by Melissa Tagg ~ I loved Melissa's debut, and I feel like you can't go wrong with the story of an inn owner, this hero (a secondary character from Made to Last), and this cover!

Shadow Hand by Anne Elisabeth Stengl ~ Another book with a gorgeous cover! I'm excited about this story of interesting secondary characters, with a promise of adventure and (hopefully) love.

Books Currently Sans Covers:
  • Love Gone Wild by Amy Matayo (The premise sounds soooooo good!)
  • The Ransom by MaryLu Tyndall (Houston, we have a sequel to the awesome "Legacy of the King's Pirates" series!)
  • The Paris Connection by Cerella Sechrist (I'm so thrilled Cerella is being published again, and while I still have to read her latest, Gentle Persuasion, I have no doubt both will be excellent!)
  • Whatever Lena Goldfinch publishes in 2014! (As one of Lena's editors and a big fan of her work, I can't wait to find out which book projects Lena decides to pursue this next year! She has tons of fabulous ideas!)
What about you? Which 2014 releases are you most anticipating? Can't wait to discuss more fabulous reads with you all in the new year!


  1. Whoa. This looks like a great line-up, Amber. I've been curious about Jennifer Smith's work so its nice to have a trusted recommendation. Amy's sounds really good - you're so right! And of course, I'm anxious to get my hands on Melissa's.

    Hm... not sure what else. Susan May Warren's is high on my list as is Rachel Hauck's last 'Royal' book. Who else...? Oooo, Katherine Reay, Colleen Coble, Dani Pettrey and very likely lots of others... including yours. :)

    And just in case we don't chat again (though probably we will)... Merry Christmas, Amber!

  2. Oh, I'm excited for the Geography of You & Me. I asked for it on NetGalley and hope I get it. I also have Cinder but haven't started the series.

  3. This reminds me I really need to try Melissa Tagg.

  4. I just ordered Cinder because EVERYONE has been talking about it. I have a feeling I am going to love it and will be just as excited for Cress. Also, The Geography of You and Me has such a beautiful cover, I may have to buy it just because of that!

  5. I'm reading/listening to Cinder and it's an intriguing read. Enjoying it a lot so far. :)

    Here To Stay also made my list - Made To Last was such a great read and I am so excited to read Blaze's book! :D

  6. Rissi,

    Thank you! The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight is kind of a quieter read that takes place over a short amount of time while covering the main characters' back stories. I really did enjoy it, overall, and I loved the premise. :)

    Doesn't Amy's sound so good?? I guess I should read The Wedding Game soon, too. ;) I have so many books on my TBR piles and on my Kindle!

    Those are some great authors, and I'm sure their upcoming releases will be grand! I'm so touched you would include me among them. You are incredibly encouraging, my friend! *Hugs*

    Hoping we'll chat a bit more before Christmas, but yes, a very merry Christmas to you and yours!! :)


  7. Alex,

    Here's hoping you get accepted to review it! :) I got all excited and dashed over to NetGalley to check it out, but I guess it's not for the US...bummer! However, this might be a nice one to have on the shelf, anyway, with a lovely cover like that. :)

    Oh, I hope you enjoy Cinder! I think it's an awesome series. :)

    Thanks for checking out my list, and for hosting the challenge! Happy reading!


  8. Juju,

    Her debut was really good - a sweet read! Hope you enjoy it. :) I'm looking forward to this next one! Doesn't it look/sound great??


  9. OlgiaLikesFood,

    Everyone does seem to enjoy it (and I will include myself among that number)! :) Hope you do, too!

    And I am totally guilty of wanting to buy books based on covers... ;) The Geography of You and Me has a great one, doesn't it??

    Thanks for stopping by!


  10. Melanie,

    So glad you're enjoying it! And I loved Scarlet even more! :)

    Agreed on Here to Stay! Awesome that it made your list, too. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!