
Friday, December 20, 2013

Reading Cram Read-a-thon Day 12: Spell It Out Challenge

I'm a zillion light-years behind in this read-a-thon, but I still have today and tomorrow to read, so...!

In other news, I completed a round of edits for Forget Me Not, which means I'm that much closer to getting the book into my readers' hands! It was really neat to finally be able to go back, over two years after completing the first draft, and make some (hopefully good) changes that needed to be made. Except for some lines and similar scenes, I pretty much completely rewrote Part 1 (of three parts), and I had a lot of reworking to do to tighten up and polish the writing. Revisiting the times when some of my characters were first introduced was so special, though - I ended up laughing and smiling a lot, falling more in love with these characters of my heart. Now the manuscript is in the capable hands of my copyeditor/proofreader, Rachelle Rea, and soon I'll be preparing for the February blog tour. Stay tuned!

Meanwhile, I've got one publicity project ending this weekend (don't miss out on all the contests and giveaways for The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks blog tour, most of which are closing tonight!), I've been chatting with some clients/friends about exciting projects for early 2014, and I've been working on some behind-the-scenes stuff for the cover reveal of my third novel, Morning Glory (happening January 3rd!).

And now, back to the #ReadingCram read-a-thon! Today's challenge involves using the first letters of titles read in 2013 to spell out a word:

There's something for everyone there: a fascinating dystopian, a delightful contemporary romance, a clever children's story about a bunny vampire, a fun historical romance, and an epic fantasy. I gave all of these 4 or 5 stars and found them to be quite enjoyable reads!


  1. Kim,

    My pleasure! Thanks for hosting the giveaway/challenge! :)


  2. Fun! As usual, love how you put this together, Amber. And your little candy cane "spell it out" graphic!? So cute! :)

    Congrats on finishing your edits for FMN. That's a great accomplishment. Well done.

  3. Rissi,

    Aww, thank you! Your graphics on your blog are so awesome, so I'm honored by the compliment. :)

    And thank you so much for the encouraging words regarding FMN!


  4. Oh, I love the graphic you used - so neat! Great list of books, Amber. :)

  5. Melanie,

    Aw, thank you! I created it using PicMonkey - love that site! :)

    Thanks for checking out my list!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!