
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Launch of The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks Blog Tour!
Meet Buckley Bergdorf, Cat Detective and star of the recently published The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks, the second Buckley and Bogey Cat Detective Caper. His latest case? Well, beyond catching those crafty Christmas crooks, his mission in the next two weeks is to search for his cutest cat brethren and discover new friends on his first-ever blog tour! Read on to learn more...

The Background

I "met" author Cindy Vincent when I was working on a publicity project for May the K9 Spy this past summer. (I know right? K9 spies and cat detectives...awesome combo!) Cindy hired me this fall to edit her latest book about cat detectives. It sounded cute - and let me tell you, it definitely satisfied in the adorable department! From the sweet and real Christmas message, to the loving and hilarious antics of a Maine Coon cat named Buckley and all his feline (and human) friends, I fell in love with The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks. So I was more than happy to take on Buckley's story as a publicity project. It's my hope that after you meet Buckley during the tour, hear more about his book, and celebrate the Christmas season with us, you'll fall in love, too.

Check out the schedule for the tour below...and don't miss the fun contests Buckley's hosting via Pinterest!
The Timeline
If there are any changes to this schedule, they'll be posted on the blog tour page. And while you're checking that page out, be sure to grab a blog button to help us spread the word, and learn more about Buckley, his partner in crime (Bogey), his Mom, and his books!

The Rewards

Every good detective (or reader) should get a reward for a job well done, right? While Buckley & Bogey are big fans of cat treats, Cindy knows you might wish to play for different prizes. So enter one or both of the Pinterest contests for a chance to win one of three murder mystery party games from Mysteries by Vincent!

Contest #1

"Pin the Cover Contest" Official Rules:
  • Take the cover image for The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks from the blog tour page or Buckley Bergdorf, Cat Detective's Pinterest page
  • Pin it to one of your boards on Pinterest.
  • E-mail the publicist at saying you've participated. Please write "Pin the Cover Contest" in the subject line, and include your Pinterest user name and the name of the board you pinned the cover to in your e-mail.
  • One winner will be randomly drawn from all e-mailed entries and announced at Seasons of Humility on December 21, 2013.
  • Please note that you must have a Pinterest account and be a resident of the U.S. or Canada to be eligible for this contest.
  • Prize: Lies, Spies and Allies, 8-player murder mystery party game from Mysteries by Vincent!
Contest #2

"Pin Your Cute Cat Pic Contest" Official Rules:
  • Select a cute/fun picture of your cat that you're willing to have pinned on Pinterest. (If you don't have a cat, you may send a picture of any craft you've created that includes a cat theme. For example, a cat drawing, a cat quilt, a cat cake, etc.)
  • E-mail the photo to the publicist at Please write "Pin Your Cute Cat Pic Contest" in the subject line, and include your name and the cat's name (if applicable) in your e-mail. In addition, please select a line from The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks to go under your picture as a caption. (If you haven't read the whole book, you can browse the beginning in the sample from Amazon.)
  • The photos will be pinned to the "Buckley's Cutest Ever Cat Photos in the Universe" board on Pinterest soon after they have been received.
  • The pic with the most "like"s (click of the heart button) will win their choice of the two murder mystery party games listed above. (In the case of a tie, the winner will be chosen randomly using the List Randomizer on A second winner will be randomly drawn from all qualifying entries for the other murder mystery party game. Both winners will be announced at Seasons of Humility on December 21, 2013.
  • Please note that you must be a resident of the U.S. or Canada to be eligible for this contest.
  • Disclaimer: Refer to Pinterest's Terms of Service and Copyright information if you are unsure whether or not you're willing to share your picture on Pinterest. By submitting your cat pic, you agree that the picture is yours to share, and Editing Through the Seasons and Mysteries by Vincent are not responsible for any copyright violations. 
  • Two Prizes, Two Winners: Diamonds Are For Eva and Lies, Spies and Allies, 8-player murder mystery party games from Mysteries by Vincent!

The Clues

Here are some clues to solving the "mystery" of how to make the most of this tour: 1) Check the blog tour page and/or follow me on Twitter for the latest updates; 2) Check out every stop along the tour - there will be chances to win the featured book, along with reviews, interviews, and more; 3) Check out the contests! Basically, we need you to make the tour the most fun it can be... So Holy Catnip! What are you waiting for? ;)

(If you have any questions about the tour or contest, you can e-mail me at I'd be happy to answer your questions!)


  1. Awesome! I entered the first contest. (:

  2. Go, Grace!

    Way to kick off this blog tour! We appreciate your participation, and hope you'll have fun following the tour and entering the contests/giveaways. :)


  3. Hello, Amber! Wow, you've done such a great job setting up our blog tour! Buckley and Bogey are both purring like lawnmowers over seeing their new book on a blog. According to them, this is almost as good as canned tuna! Quite a compliment coming from a couple of cats.

    Hope everyone's got their cute cat pictures ready for "Buckley's Cutest Ever Cat Photos in the Universe" board contest. I can hardly wait to see what everyone sends us.

    And don't forget, three of the prizes we're giving away are murder mystery party games and they're absolutely perfect for a fun, at-home New Years Eve party!

    Gotta run! Hope to see everyone on the blog tour!

    Cindy Vincent

  4. Holy Catnip, Amber! I love what you've done with the place. Our blog tour is as pretty as the Christmas tree in our front entryway! And thanks for calling me a star. I've never been called a star before. Mostly I just try to be a good cat detective and help solve all our cases. Plus I'm still trying to get my huge paws to go in the right direction. Let me tell you, that still isn't going so well . . .

    Uh-oh. I hear my Mom calling me for dinner. I can smell the Fancy Feast from here. Gotta run -- see you on the blog tour!

    Your friend,

    Buckley Bergdorf, Cat Detective

  5. Cindy & Buckley,

    Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm honored by the compliment. ;) And I'm so happy you both are pleased with the launch!

    Cindy, that's a great point about the murder mystery party games being perfect for a New Year's Eve party! I'll have to share that. :)

    And Buckley, your humility makes you more of a star in my eyes. :) Thank you for being such a great example to kids and adults everywhere!


  6. This sounds like an adorable story that my cousin might enjoy! I entered the first contest :)

  7. Jillian,

    I quite enjoyed it myself, and I don't doubt that children and adults with a love for all things cat and Christmas (and mystery!) will enjoy it, too. :)

    Thank you for entering the first contest, and best of luck! Hope to see you around elsewhere during the tour!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!