
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Cute Cat Pics (Blog Tour Update #1)

The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks blog tour is in full swing! You know what that means, right? It means Uncle Sam (or Aunt Amber?) wants you to send in your cute cat pics!

Want some inspiration? I bring you Muffin Man, the weirdest member of our family...

 Yeah, he doesn't find the teasing very funny, hehe.

He does have a playful side, though! (He was "born to be wild," you know.)

But mostly he likes to relax. Isn't he so talented at finding places to sunbathe?

Taking a cozy catnap... (Cutness. Overload.)

And you thought he couldn't get any more adorable! (Say it with me now, Wreck-It Ralph fans: He's adorable. He's a winner. And everyone loves an adorable winner!)

Surprise! Who wouldn't want a Muffin Man for Christmas? ;) He looks ready to join Buckley & Bogey on The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks, don't ya think?


So what do you say? Should we crown Muffin Man the Cutest Cat in the Universe? Or do you have a cat who should claim that title?

Give Muffin Man some competition...and compete for prizes! We've got two murder mystery party games up for grabs in this contest, just in time for you to plan a fabulously fun New Year's Eve party. Check out the official rules below. I'll be awaiting your e-mails! And here's the link to the contest board: Buckley's Cutest Ever Cat Photos in the Universe Contest.

Two Prizes, Two Winners: Diamonds Are For Eva and Lies, Spies and Allies, 8-player murder mystery party games from Mysteries by Vincent!

"Pin Your Cute Cat Pic Contest" Official Rules:
  • Select a cute/fun picture of your cat that you're willing to have pinned on Pinterest. (If you don't have a cat, you may send a picture of any craft you've created that includes a cat theme. For example, a cat drawing, a cat quilt, a cat cake, etc.)
  • E-mail the photo to the publicist at Please write "Pin Your Cute Cat Pic Contest" in the subject line, and include your name and the cat's name (if applicable) in your e-mail. In addition, please select a line from The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks to go under your picture as a caption. (If you haven't read the whole book, you can browse the beginning in the sample from Amazon.)
  • The photos will be pinned to the "Buckley's Cutest Ever Cat Photos in the Universe" board on Pinterest soon after they have been received.
  • The pic with the most "like"s (click of the heart button) will win their choice of the two murder mystery party games listed above. (In the case of a tie, the winner will be chosen randomly using the List Randomizer on A second winner will be randomly drawn from all qualifying entries for the other murder mystery party game. Both winners will be announced at Seasons of Humility on December 21, 2013.
  • Please note that you must be a resident of the U.S. or Canada to be eligible for this contest.
  • Disclaimer: Refer to Pinterest's Terms of Service and Copyright information if you are unsure whether or not you're willing to share your picture on Pinterest. By submitting your cat pic, you agree that the picture is yours to share, and Editing Through the Seasons and Mysteries by Vincent are not responsible for any copyright violations. 
P.S. Don't forget that you can pick up your copy of The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks now on Amazon! (Paperback is less than $10, and the e-book is only $3.97!)


  1. My 2 year old woke up as I was scrolling through your pictures. He has a slight cat obsession. ;) He kept proclaiming(with a little smile on his face)...."Awwwwwwww!" He thinks your Muffin Man is especially cute(as do I)!

  2. Muffin Man, you are one cute cat! Buckley and Bogey would definitely love to have you join them in an adventure! You could help them crack the case by distracting the humans with your supreme cuteness, while Buckley and Bogey sneak around and investigate!

  3. Awww. Muffin Man is adorable. Love the photos. Makes me miss all my ferals at home. Most of them let me pet them now. It is truly amazing.

    ps They do get fed even when I'm not home. But they love it when I do come home and give them treats.

  4. Muffin Man is such a cutie and VERY photogenic!! He'd make a FINE detective alongside Bogey and Buckley, GREAT photos :)

  5. Bluerose,

    Awww, that is too sweet!! So glad you both liked looking through the pics. :) Muffin Man is a strange one...but he is stinkin' adorable, and we love him. ;)


  6. Cindy,

    Hahaha, now there's an idea! Yeah, he's a bit of a lazy he could either distract people with his adorable catnaps or his occasional bouts of nighttime craziness where he runs around with wide eyes and a bushy tail. Either way. ;)


  7. Sandra,

    Isn't he a cutie? Even if he is a weirdie. ;)

    That's so sweet that you help care for the feral cats and give them attention! I'm sure they do love it. :)


  8. Kara,

    I so agree - he's super photogenic! He's always getting into these insanely cute poses. :)

    Thank you for the sweet comment!



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