
Friday, September 20, 2013

Coming This November ~ A New Romance from Sandra Leesmith!

I'm incredibly blessed to still be working with my first client for Editing Through the Seasons (my freelance editing & publicity business). I had the privilege of assisting Sandra Leesmith in republishing Love's Miracles this last spring, and now we're going through all the steps again for self-publishing a brand-new contemporary romance. Read on to learn more about the book and today's celebration...

A Cover Story

Once again we teamed up with the awesome and amazing Lena Goldfinch in order to bring you another beautiful cover! Lena and I have a lot of fun with our secret Pinterest boards, brainstorming cover ideas as we search for the right models to fit a story's characters. When I first started editing Sandra's latest, I did a quick search on some stock photo sites and found a model that I thought fit the heroine perfectly - long blond braid, earthy/flowy clothing, a contemplative and competent look. Lena didn't end up using the model's face on the cover, but her braid makes an appearance. (Ah, the magic of Photoshop - and Lena's talent in using it!)

Lena suggested branding Sandra's covers by having some similarities in the composition, etc. So we started looking for couple photos that might fit Danny (the hero) and Skye (the heroine), since we had a couple cover for Love's Miracles. After pinning a lot of different couple pics and images of the setting (Puget Sound area) and other little things to share ideas, Lena started putting together some comps. I think what helped bring it all together was the new title and a gorgeous background Lena found.

If you haven't yet heard (it's been kept sort of hush-hush, but not entirely), the title for this book is...

Love's Refuge

We decided to brand Sandra's latest releases, not just by cover, but by title. I came up with a list of ideas for a new title (mostly including synonyms of "refuge"), and after getting some feedback from Sandra's fellow authors at Seekerville, Sandra and I agreed that Love's Refuge was the most fitting.

While I had originally envisioned an eagle or plane for Love's Refuge where the daisy was on the cover for Love's Miracles (you'll have to read the book to find out why I focused on those symbols!), I love how Lena encompassed the theme so well in the background image. The title was done in the same style of Love's Miracles, and the couple came together beautifully once the heroine was given her braid and everything was made to match. =)

Here's the result of it all:

What I Love: How well this cover complements that of Love's Miracles. The title and the focus on the couple, with a down-to-earth approachability and a sweetness that shows the sort of romance story this is. The atmospheric background that depicts the isolation of the setting and the tone of the book. The building (a lighthouse instead of a cabin this time) that symbolizes the hero and heroine's togetherness. See what I mean...?

Ah! So lovely together!

What I also appreciate about the cover for Love's Refuge is the yellow in the word "refuge" that goes with the soft yellow light shining from the lighthouse, as well as the calming blues along with the hint of darkness to show this isn't all just fluff. Another fantastic cover from Lena, in my opinion!

About the Book

 Skye Larsen loves her peaceful life on Leeza Island in Puget Sound – the tranquility, the friendly neighbors, and especially the safety from big-city dangers. So when cruel pranks start to escalate and changes threaten to overtake the island, Skye is determined to fight for her haven. The presence of a handsome vacationer and the unexpected feelings he awakens can’t distract her from her goal.

Danny Fraser doesn’t realize how desperately he needs a rest until he meets Skye. By allowing him to glimpse her simple way of life, she helps him reorient his priorities – and steals his heart in the process. But his work and home in Seattle keep Skye at bay.

An isolated island girl with painful memories. A dedicated city boy with a wild past. What will it cost for them both to find a refuge from their storms?

Meet the Author

In case you're not yet familiar with my awesome client, here's a little info about her:

Sandra Leesmith loves to travel in her RV and explore all of nature’s beauty, discover America’s history, and fellowship with the wonderful people she meets while on the road. She enjoys reading, writing, hiking, swimming, and pickleball.

Learn more about Sandra and her books at You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

Giveaway & Freebie

To celebrate the unveiling of her new cover, Sandra is generously offering a giveaway and a freebie!

The giveaway (open to U.S. residents only) is for a handmade Kindle bag. It was crafted by these lovely people:

And it looks like this:

Sweet, no?? You can enter to win via the Rafflecopter form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway
The winner will be announced here on the 28th, along with all the winners of next week's Autumn Bash giveaways!

And what better coordinating freebie than a Kindle book? If you've yet to download Sandra's latest release, Love's Miracles, today is the day to do so! It's FREE for one day only (today, September 20th), and you can find it HERE.

Cover Reveal Participants

What makes a cover reveal so exciting is seeing the cover debut on various sites and hearing readers' thoughts on it! So do stop by these great blogs today to learn more about the book and what others are saying about the cover:
What do you think of Sandra's new cover? Does it make you want to read the book?


  1. Sweet, sweet is what I think of this cover! Isn't it great how the two covers compliment each other? Glad to see them follow a serial look, as do the titles. Although I wish there was something symbolic on this cover like the flower was on the first. Was looking out for it even before I read your post.

    Great, beautiful work ladies!

  2. Love the covers on your books! you really have captured the look of a blending of hearts. I am looking forward to reading the book.

  3. Absolutely beautiful! I love Seattle and Puget Sound, so I know I'll enjoy reading Sandra's new book. Interesting to learn the thoughts used to brand both books. Congratulations to all on an amazing cover!

  4. Thanks Amber for doing such a great job on the cover reveal. Isn't this cover awesome? I love Lena's work.

    And I loved reading about all the inside thought processes for tying in the two covers.

    And yes, an eagle would have been great, but would be hard to do. Wouldn't want feathers flapping in their faces. LOL

    I do like including wildlife in all of my stories. I love the outdoors so my settings hae to include the outdoors also. Lena did a great job in incorporating the beauty of Puget Sound.

  5. Lena is truly the woman to go to for a beautiful cover! ;) I've loved each and every one of them.

    I'm loving all the blues on this cover! Lighthouses always feel so refreshing to me.

  6. Miranda,

    Isn't it sweet? :) And yes, I love how well the covers go together!

    I was originally hoping to add an eagle or plane for that extra symbolic touch, but with the composition of this cover, it could have gotten a little crowded (as Sandra notes in her comment). ;) However, I think you'll find that the lighthouse will end up being symbolic in and of itself, and the atmosphere and tone of the cover add subtle symbolism to go along with the title, too. :)

    Thank you for your comment and post!


  7. Jackie,

    Wonderful - so glad you like Sandra's latest covers! :) If you haven't already, be sure to snatch up a free Kindle copy of Love's Miracles, then join us in anticipating the release of Love's Refuge in November!


  8. Sherida,

    Isn't it, though? So glad you think so! :)

    I think you'll enjoy how Sandra captured the setting. :) Thank you for reading the post and sharing our excitement!


  9. Sandra,

    My pleasure! I LOVE Lena's work, too - she's given us such gorgeous covers. :)

    Glad I could give you a behind-the-scenes look! And LOL about the eagle. Yeah, that could have gotten awkward. ;)

    I love the outdoors, too, and I love incorporating the places I know and love in my stories, as you do. :) I really enjoy the atmospheric feel of your books and the way you use the settings to challenge and assist the characters. Nicely done!


  10. Bluerose,

    Seriously, right?? ;) So glad you've loved them all so far - there's more to come! :D

    Aren't the colors so pretty on this one? "Refreshing" - that's a good word for the background with the lighthouse. :)


  11. Beautiful cover! I love the refreshing atmosphere of the scene, and the continuity with the first book is excellent. We lived in Tacoma many years ago--such a beautiful area. Thanks for inviting me to this event, and blessings to Sandra's writing endeavors! It's so exciting to have a new book releasing. :-)

  12. The cover tells me there is a light at the end of the tunnel where I will be safe.

  13. Jill,

    So glad you like it and how it fits with the cover for Love's Miracles! :) I love the Pacific Northwest - truly a lovely place to be. Thanks for stopping by and leaving an encouraging comment!


  14. Melody,

    I'm so glad the cover conveys that hopefulness to you. :) Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


  15. So gorgeous, ladies. Really love this one. :)

    Congrats on a new novel, Sandra. And same to Lena on another lovely design. :)

    PS: My sincere apologies, Amber - I totally FORGOT to add in/or link to the giveaway. Sorry - did not mean for that oversight to happen, guess I just spaced.

  16. i love all of your comments. It is so wonderful to meet Amber's friends and know that you support each other. That's what really helps in this writing business. And life for that matter. smile

    And Melody--you got it. Kudos for Lena and Amber in conveying the meaning in the title and cover.

  17. SUPER TERRIFIC job on the covers.

    You definitely have the branding idea down beautifully.

    I'll just betcha the story will be just as wonderful... :)

    Congratulations one and all!!!

  18. Hi May, the branding is Amber's idea. Never even occurred to me which goes to show why we need editors and publicists. smile

  19. Thanks again Amber for the super duper cover reveal event. Couldn't have done it without you.

  20. Rissi,

    I'm so pleased! I think this book might be more up your alley, too. :)

    Thank you for taking part in the cover reveal - and again, no worries about the giveaway thing!


  21. KC,

    Huzzah! Thrilled you think so, my friend! And yes, Sandra is a talented author, and this is a great story. :)

    Thanks for stopping by!


  22. Sandra,

    I'm definitely blessed by all these wonderful blogging friends. :) There's a great community in this blogging niche, and their support has enriched my life. Glad to have you as part of our "family"!

    In this business, it really is all about who you know, isn't it? I'm so thrilled that you and Lena have helped me find a place in this industry. :)

    Appreciate all of your sweet comments! Lena gets the credit for truly branding the covers - I'm glad that we were able to do the same via the titles (etc.). And you get credit, too, of course, for creating a brand for yourself with your writing style! :)


  23. Love, Love, LOVE the new cover, Sandra and Amber (and Lena, of course) and YES, YES, YES, it makes me want to read the book RIGHT NOW!! But Miss Sandra's gift for telling a fabulous story certainly has something to do with that too. :)

    Good luck, Sandra, with the new book and I cannot WAIT to get my mitts on it, girl!!


  24. Gorgeous cover, and Love's Refuge is the perfect title for this book!

    Congrats on the new release, Sandra!

  25. Once again, you've come up with a great cover. Very sweet, yet sexy at the same time. I love it.

    I like the branding of the names, too.

    Way to go, Team Sandra!!

  26. Love this cover Sandra. Even better than the previous one. Gorgeous.

  27. Julie,

    The queen of romance likes the new cover - huzzah! ;D So glad! Thank you for stopping by. :) I'm thinking you won't be disappointed with Sandra's latest!


  28. Pam,

    Happy to hear you like the cover and title! I'm glad the Seekers were willing to share their input on the title. :)


  29. Audra,

    Thanks so much! Sweet and sexy - can't go wrong there with a romance cover, right? ;)

    Honored to be part of Team Sandra!


  30. Tina,

    Awesome - so glad you think so! :) Thanks for visiting!


  31. Love the cover - beautiful!

    Think I will love the book, also!

  32. bonton,

    So glad to hear it! And yes, the story itself is great, too! I had the pleasure of editing it for Sandra. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!