
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Autumn Bash ~ Celebrating with Laura Frantz!

Happy first day of autumn - and welcome to the Autumn Bash 2013 (which is taking the place of the End of Summer Bash this year)! This week, we'll be celebrating the new season by learning a little more about some fabulous authors and the characters from their most recent releases. And yes, there will be giveaways! ;)

Today's guest is Laura Frantz, author of Love's Awakening - the second book in "The Ballantyne Legacy" series, which just released this month! Read on to learn more about Laura and her latest book beauty...


Amber: Welcome once again to the blog, Laura! Always a pleasure to have you visit. =) So, what does autumn mean to you, in your writing career and in your life? Is there something you especially love about the season?

Laura: I love the rich colors and cooler temps and that “feeling” in the air that something is about to change. Fall is when our apples and pumpkins and sunflowers are at their peak and I love to make applesauce and decorate for fall. Plus it paves the way for the holiday season!

Amber: Yes, I love that "feeling," too - plus the apple cider!

If the hero of Love's Awakening was invited to a harvest party, what would be his reaction? If he decided to go, what would he wear and how might he get involved?

Laura: My hero, Jack Turlock, would probably bring a keg of hard cider given his family’s occupation ;). Jack loves autumn though it tends to make him a little melancholy at times given the turmoil in his life. Since he is all fight and no finesse, he’d wear a simple linen shirt and breeches and boots. He despises dancing but likes a good fiddle and would enjoy watching from the sidelines.

Amber: He appreciates fiddle-playing? You know I love that in a hero! ;) Can't wait to meet him very soon!

What is your heroine’s favorite part about autumn in her hometown?

Laura: Western Pennsylvania is one of the most glorious places on earth in autumn. Since it was mostly rural farmland in Ellie’s day (1822), she’d savor the color in the woods and fields and enjoy a fall frolic. She loves to dance so would join in the festivities with abandon – unlike Jack!

Amber: I really need to visit the eastern portion of the country during the fall someday! Sounds breathtaking.

Could you share a snippet from your latest release? 


~ Excerpt from Love's Awakening ~ 

Ellie’s gaze flickered west to River Hill’s unseen fields. It was far too easy to imagine Jack swinging a scythe in the moonlight as Chloe told her he sometimes did, followed by a swim in the chill of the river. She forbade her thoughts to stay on this and thought instead of autumn with its corn stubble and spent fields to unseen rivers locked fast with ice, barring his way back to them.

Eyes damp, she bit her lip, stunned by the ferocity of her feelings. Since Chloe had told her he was leaving – selling River Hill – she’d felt she was drowning in emotion and couldn’t get sure footing. She longed to talk to someone, to pour out her heart aside from prayer. But that, she knew, would only make matters more complicated. She’d caused the household worry enough with her waywardness on the road. She wouldn’t add to it with her angst over the Turlocks, too.

~ End of Excerpt ~

Amber: Love your writing, Laura - sounds like this story is going to be an intense and intriguing addition to the series. Thank you so much for joining us today!



Laura is giving away a signed paperback copy of Love's Awakening (complete with bookmarks)! Here are the rules:
  • Leave a comment with your e-mail address (required). Let us know what you think of this introduction to the hero and heroine of Love's Awakening!
  • This drawing is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only.
  • One winner will be randomly drawn using the List Randomizer on, and will be announced on this blog on Saturday, September 28th.
Tomorrow's guest is Anne Elisabeth Stengl, and we'll be chatting about Goddess Tithe (complete with a cover reveal!).


  1. Ooh, the excerpt sounds fabulous! Going to have to read this one. Thank you for the Autumn Bash fun. :)

    amandaloves2write at gmail dot com

  2. I'm intrigued! Thanks for sharing!


  3. They both sound like great characters. Would be so thrilled to have the chance to read it. Thanks!

    g.gclermont at gmail dot com

  4. The characters in this book both sound like strong independent people who struggle with their perceived weaknesses. Ellie feels the loss of Jack deeply and it appears Jack may be running from his emotions for Ellie. Will put these on my to read list as the characters sound very interesting and I would love to see the story unfold.

  5. Thanks for the sneak peek. Looks like another fabulous read by Laura! She's such a great storyteller.
    Thank you!
    Campbellamyd at Gmail dot com

  6. Oh, so happy to be with you this misty morning! Autumn it is :)! Wishing you the very best, Amber, and all reading friends as we move into fall.

    I love reading these comments and am really thankful Jack and Ellie sound like intriguing reading. Would love for you to see the story unfold!

    Be back to enjoy more comments later...and will happily post to Facebook and Pinterest, etc.!

  7. I would love to win this give away thank you
    Shirley B.

  8. Loved the interview ladies! It's always a pleasure getting to spend some time with two of my favorites ladies! :-)

    I'm reading Love's Awakening on my Kindle, and LOVING it! It would be great to win a signed copy for my keeper shelf. :)

    Thank you!
    Scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  9. I would love to read Loves Awakening,I can't get enough of these books

  10. Would love to win. Need reading material.

  11. Fall is my absolute favorite season and Laura was right about Western PA being one of the most beautiful places in the world! I love living here and being to see all the trees change! There is a place not far from where I live that is kinda scary to drive on since it's a narrow road on the edge of a cliff but there are trees over that cliff that seem to go on for miles miles. And when the leaves change it is one of the most gorgeous views!
    Loved this glimpse into the characters and I can't wait to read this book! Thanks for the chance to win!

  12. Love this post, Amber--and what a lovely blog! :)
    This book was SO powerful and I simply adore Laura. No need to enter me, I just wanted to say hello.
    Amber Perry

  13. I loved the excerpt. And the descriptions of the characters and their feelings about the season. Would love to win this book.

  14. Very interesting I want to read the book!

  15. Great interview. I'm interested in the fantastic characters especially after reading the awesome excerpt. Thank you for sharing this giveaway and please enter my name.
    Barbara Thompson

  16. Can't wait to read and hope to win.

  17. Ooh! I LOVE Western PA in the Fall It is, after all, my favorite season of all. We just attended the 3rd annual Ole Time Fiddlers Competition(PA State), one of the opening events the beginning of the 60th annual Clarion Autumn Leaf Festival. It never disappoints and we've been going since I was still in a stroller. I am looking forward to reading Love's Awakening, especially since it's set in my home state!! Thank for sharing with us, Laura, and for the interesting excerpt too! I must admit that you have me hooked now and that I will spent the rest of my time trying to figure out what happens. That is, until I get to read it for myself because I am intrigued by Jack and Ellie and would dearly love to hear more about them. Thank you for the giveaway. I would be most blessed to win.
    ~ Juli

  18. I love this introduction to the hero and heroine of Love's Awakening. But then fall is my favorite season. So I loved the reference to fall.


  19. I love fall too. Such a pretty time of year. Can't wait to read this book!

    Thanks for the giveaway. : )

    sunshine6892 at hotmail dot com

  20. Love Laura Frantz's writing! Courting Morrow Little is my favorite so far. But I can't wait to read Love's Awakening. Love's Reckoning was blissful...

  21. Thanks for the interview and excerpt. I love hearing the authors thoughts on what her characters think of fall and a good fall frolic.
    I love pulling out the sweaters and bluejeans come fall!


  22. Love it - HIGH emotion! Would love to read the book! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity, Laura!

    Happy autumn to you - love everything about it, those Ky. hills will soon be beautiful! Beautiful weather here today - hope your Sunday has been blessed!


  23. If he loves the fiddle then he loves music-that's half the battle! She loves 2 will have to meet and put away their differences in order to fall in love! Can't wait to read it!

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

  24. So enjoy all these comments - and to learn there are some Pennsylvania folks among the bunch! And some fiddle lovers:) My son, Paul, plays the fiddle and last night we saw an amazing concert of step dancing and fiddling here in Washington. Made me want to rewind my life and learn to do both!

    Anyway, thanks for such heartfelt, interesting comments. A real joy reading them!

  25. Wow! The excerpt sounds wonderful! Love's awakening is definitely going on my to read list.Ellie sounds like a character I would love to get to know. Thanks for the interview and fun giveaway!

  26. The except has brought numerous questions to mind along with the desire to dig into the story. Thank you for offering a chance to get to know the characters.

  27. Good evening, everyone! Sorry I'm late to joining in the discussion - appreciate all of your comments! Isn't Laura such a wonderful writer? I'm so excited to meet her latest hero and heroine!

    Michelle: Awwww! *Hugs* And I'm totally not surprised that you're loving it - I know I will, too, as soon as I get to it (which should be sometime this week, since the Revell tour is happenin'!). :D

    Rebecca: Appreciate your comment! Could you please leave an e-mail address if you wanted to be included in the giveaway? It's just so I can contact the winner. :) Thanks!

    Abbi: I think fall is my favorite season, too - it's just delightful! And you're a Pennsylvania girl? Very cool! That sight does sound breathtaking! :)

    Amber Perry: Well, thank you so much! :) I have no doubt this will be another lovely book by Laura Frantz - she is sooooo sweet and talented! Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!

    Juli: Oh, that competition and festival sound just wonderful! What a great way to celebrate the season. :) Thanks for sharing!

    Brooke: I think Courting Morrow Little might be my favorite so far, too, although each book is beautiful in its own way. :) I love her writing, as well!

    Melody: True! Love your thoughts - thanks for sharing! ;)

    Laura: *Big hugs* Such a pleasure to host you, dear friend! I'm definitely a fiddle-lover - I just love bluegrass and folk music! That concert sounds awesome. :) Thank you so much for being my guest here today!


  28. Love all of Laura's books so far! Can't wait to read this one. The anticipation is killing me! :)

  29. It was quite an experience to read Laura's first book. That is my all time favorite. Enjoying this series also.

  30. Knowing about some of Jack and Ellie's likes and dislikes has made them become a little more real to me. I am so excited to read this book!! :) Laura Frantz, your book have an amazing quality to them... makes it hard to wait for them to come out! :) :)
    Would love to win a copy for my bookshelf!
    Thanks for this... Shantelle (

  31. We have Laura's books in the church library. I would love to win this book for my personal library.
    Janet E.

  32. Ooo, what a fun event, Amber! Anxious to "meet" these two - sounds like they'll be a memorable couple. :)


  33. This sounds awesome!


  34. It sounds amazing!! Can't wait to soak in another one of her masterpieces : )

  35. Beautiful excerpt, the characters sound so intriguing. I look forward to Love's Awakening.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  36. I really loved the first book and really want to read this second book. Great blog.

  37. Sorry forgot the e-mail

  38. Oh, you tempt me with that talk about those Kentucky hills :). And thanks for the kind words about my books. I'm really honored and wish I had a book and bookmarks for each one of you! Bless you so much.

  39. I can't wait to read Jack and Ellie's story! Thank you for sharing this lovely interview and book excerpt.

    texaggs2000 at gmail dot com

  40. Oh my goodness!!!! *Squeal!!* This looks amazing! :D

  41. I've been waiting on this book since Love's Reckoning came out last year! It sounds marvelous!


  42. Thank you all for your lovely comments! Laura is a talented author - with lots of fans, as is evidenced by your responses! :) Winner will be announced soon!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!