
Friday, August 2, 2013

Conclusion of the Songstone Blog Tour!

What better way to spend a summer vacation than by taking an island trip full of romance and character growth through the pages of a book? It's been awesome seeing readers' reactions to Songstone during the blog tour, as well as learning more about the book and author through the interviews. Even if you're not the official Rafflecopter winner (announced below), everyone can be a winner by picking up a copy of the book (currently only $3.97 for Kindle!) and re-visiting the awesome blog tour posts!


The winner of the Sweet Summer Giveaway (which includes a signed copy of Songstone when it's available as a paperback, a sea glass necklace, and a gift card!) is...

 Ruth Hill!

Congratulations! Be sure to check your e-mail! You have 1 week to respond before another winner is chosen.

Thank you to all those who entered the giveaway and left comments on the blog tour posts! We hope you had fun following the tour. =)


This blog tour couldn't have happened without the following people...
  • The Studio of Glass Etsy shop, for allowing Lena to order the sea glass necklace ahead of time. It made a lovely addition to the giveaway package!
  • Lena. I've loved working with you on all our bookish projects, and I can't wait for all that is to come! Keep doing all the awesome things you do. =)
Keep up with Lena!

While this blog tour is now over, be sure to keep up with Lena - she's got great things coming, including some new book projects (and hopefully some new cover designs *wink*). Consider joining her newsletter so you don't miss any of the excitement! 


  1. Great prizes. Congrats to the winner. Thanks also for the link for Lena's newsletter. I will sign up. :)

  2. Sandra,

    I agree! ;) Lena and I had fun figuring out the giveaway stuff and other details. :)

    And thanks so much for signing up for Lena's newsletter! She rocks, and I'm sure you won't be disappointed in keeping up with her exciting publishing journey. :)

    Appreciate you stopping by!


  3. Amber, thanks so much for all your hard work. You've done a remarkable organizing the blog tour!! You're such a sweetheart to work with and made the whole experience a joy. I'd highly recommend you to anyone looking to do a blog tour, especially for Inspy romance, YA fiction, or MG. :)

    Sandra, thanks for signing up for my newsletter! :)

  4. Congratulation to Ruth on winning the blog tour raffle! Your prizes will be on their way to you shortly! :-)

  5. Oh, Lena!

    I'm so, so happy you felt that way about the tour - I always have fun working with you on our projects, and I'm glad I could be of help to you! :) Thank you so much for the glowing endorsement!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!