
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

On My Way!

Well, tomorrow my family and I should be off on our summer vacation! Virginia City, Disneyland, and possibly The Price is Right (my mom and I got tickets to be in the audience!)... Should be an adventure. *wink* Virginia City is one of the settings in Bleeding Heart, so I hope to take pictures for a guest post for the blog tour, and maybe pick up an item for the tour-wide giveaway. Love that place! And of course I love Disneyland!

I also have an editing project I've got to get done during the trip, and some other projects coming up... Plus, here's hoping I can get some reading done so I can get some more reviews up!

As for Bleeding Heart, even though the blog tour doesn't officially start until the 18th of August, the publicity campaign, if you will, is on its way! Here's where it starts - an interview on Melissa's awesome blog for "Welcome Mat Wednesday" (click the image below):

I'd love for you to stop by and say "hello," and maybe share about a character you'd love to spend a day with!

Speaking of blog tours, the winners from May the K9 Spy's blog tour will be posted today on her Facebook page! And I'm still planning on sharing the conclusion of the Songstone blog tour on Friday!

While things are going to be rather hectic on Friday, I'll also be sharing a guest post on Seekerville titled "Blog Tours, Cover Reveals, and Giveaways - Publicity 101." I'll be in off and on, hopefully (when I'm not out exploring the Wild West), to respond to comments! So, I hope to see you here and there!

How about you? Have you all had some fun adventures so far this summer - even if it's just through the pages of a book?


  1. My summer adventures have been limited to mostly what I read in books, but I got to "visit" some pretty interesting places and "meet" some nice characters. :-)

    Disney Land and Virginia City are two places I'd like to visit one day. Have fun on your vacation!

  2. Have a fabulous time, Amber! Hope you come back safe and very satisfied. Why yes, I have been on an adventure. Just came back earlier today from the U.S. Road trip. This girl is tired now. :) But I had a really blessed and special trip - Thank God. AND I also read a really good book! Can't wait to share. I'll be looking closely at the details for the blog tour and release of Bleeding Heart. And I hope we get a recap of your trip! :)

  3. Have an awesome vacation, Amber! Hope you have lots of fun, and it'd be so cool if you got to play on "The Price is Right"! :D My summer adventures have included mostly writing and reading jaunts, but those are exciting in their own right, as well. :)

  4. Have a wonderful time and trip, Amber! Wishing you safe travels. :)

    Summer adventures!? You know, mine have exclusively through my frantic reading. ;)

  5. Grace,

    Those are some of the best kinds of adventures, aren't they? :) I love that books allow us to explore new places and meet lots of interesting characters - really getting into their heads and hearts!

    Both are fabulous places, and I hope you get to visit them someday! I can tell you that, Lord willing, you might get to re-visit Virginia City through the pages of a book when I publish Forget Me Not in a few months or so. :)


  6. Ganise,

    Thank you so much! And how was your trip?? I hope you enjoyed visiting the US of A! :)

    I'll look forward to hearing about that book, and yes, I'll keep you posted! Did you get the group e-mail with all the latest blog tour info?

    Hope to share some pics when I return, especially of Virginia City! :)


  7. Rebeka,

    Thank you!! That would be pretty fun - and nerve-wracking, LOL! ;)

    Those are definitely exciting in their own right, and so special! I love my reading and writing adventures. :) And it's neat when some real-life adventures can inspire some fictional ones, too!


  8. Rissi,

    Thank you, my friend!

    "Frantic" is a good way to describe the reading habits of a book blogger, LOL. Hope you've had fun on those frantic adventures, though! ;)


  9. I visited family for one week, then got to go visit my friend in Washington for a week, then brought her down to my house for two weeks while we attend a theater camp. Later, my family and I will be going camping. Yeah, I thought I'd get a lot of writing done this summer. Ha! I've barely read too! But I did read 'Dragonwitch' and that's awesome enough to make the whole year! :)

    Have a good vacation!

  10. Hope you're having an awesome time, my friend! Sounds like a blast. (Although I'm not sure at all how you keep up with all your stuff and go on trips at the same time! I'm in awe of your organizational skills. You are one amazing woman.)

    I leave on Friday! Yay! So ready to see my family again. Especially my sweet nieces and nephews! Plus a few of my friends children and...and...all kinds of awesome people! So yes. I'm excited. Can you tell? ;)

  11. Hannah,

    Wow! This has been a busy summer for you! But it sounds like one packed with great memories. :) How awesome that you've been able to spend so much time with family and friends! How was the theater camp?

    I know what you mean about not getting as much writing and reading done as you had planned/hoped... *sigh* But that's great that you got to read Dragonwitch, and I don't doubt it was awesome! I'm looking forward to reading that soon. :)

    Thanks for stopping by!


  12. Kara,

    Thanks so much! I think it will be! :) I generally wouldn't have so much to do and think about while on vacation, but it just kind of happened this year. :\ I'm a little worried, but hopefully I'll be able to balance the fun with the work!

    And that's awesome!! I'm so glad you get to spend some time with your family. :D Sounds like a great group! I hope you have a safe trip and an absolutely wonderful, memorable time. :)


  13. Price is Right? Awesomeee! Good luck. I hope you get to meet Drew.

  14. Juju,

    I know, right?? My mom is a big fan, and we're excited to get to be in the audience! :) It would be pretty awesome to meet Drew...but I'm a little worried, if I did get called down, I'd get super flustered and nervous, LOL. My mom came up with a great T-shirt idea - will have to share on the blog soon!

    Thanks! :)


  15. Amber,
    Have a safe and fun trip.


  16. Have a wonderful time AMBER. You deserve a fun vacation.

  17. Carissa,

    Thank you so much! :) Hope you're having a great summer!


  18. Sandra,

    Aww, thank you, dear friend and client! :) I appreciate your patience and your kindness, and I look forward to diving into another one of our projects soon!


    P.S. I had fun at Seekerville today! Thank you so much for covering for me when I was out and about and not responding to the afternoon comments! I think I'm all caught up now. :)


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!