
Monday, May 13, 2013

We Have A Winner!

It was a close call, my friends... I thought I might have to extend the giveaway deadline and e-mail Jocelyn Green for help! I guess it's been too long since I've done a "Mondays for the Military" post, because I don't think I've ever had a giveaway where I didn't get any entries at all! (Or maybe I'm choosing to block out those times from my memory, LOL.)

In any case, I'm so pleased (and relieved!) to announce that we do have a winner of the Military Wives' New Testament with Psalms & Proverbs...


She has two nieces who are military wives, so it's wonderful to know that this will find a good home. =)

If you know of any military wives or happen to be one yourself, you can check out this post to learn more about this edition of the New Testament, the editor, and a special offer! 

And thanks again to Zondervan for offering this giveaway!


  1. Yay! Big CONGRATS to Julie! :)

    Knowing she has a connection to the military, I agree, Amber! She's a perfect winner. :)

  2. Thanks, Rissi! :)

    I was very pleased and relieved to see Julie's comments on the post - so glad she entered the giveaway! Definitely the perfect winner. :)


  3. Thanks Amber! I've decided to give the Military Wives New Testament to my niece that is married to the Marine. I think that she will really enjoy it. Whew, I'm glad there weren't any other takers ;)

  4. Julie,

    You're quite welcome! I'm glad you spoke up and entered. ;) I hope this blesses your niece!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!