
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Litfuse Publicity Blog Tour: Grave Consequences

Here's a description of the book:

"The Powerful, Epic Romance Continues, Book 2 in Lisa T. Begren’s Grand Tour series

For Cora Kensington, the journey of a lifetime takes unexpected twists. And her future—her very life—depends on the decisions she’ll make at each crossroad. As her European tour with her newfound family takes her through Austria, France, and Italy, an unseen enemy trails close behind. Meanwhile, a forbidden love continues to claim her heart, putting everyone’s plans in danger.

And as Cora stays one step ahead of it all, what might need the most protection is her own heart, torn between the dramatic pursuit of a dashing Frenchman and a man who has been quietly staking claim to her affections all along. Love has dangers all its own. She must escape the bonds of the past and discover the faith to make the right choices, as each one has grave consequences."

You can read an excerpt from the book HERE.

My Rating


My Review

With delight I rejoined the Kensington family on their tour across Europe in this second book in Bergren's engaging "Grand Tour" series. The first scene hit with the jolt of a train just starting its departure, and then I was right back into the rhythm of alternating setting descriptions, historical tidbits, family drama, and romance.

I love the adventure these characters manage to embrace at the various places they visit. It provides chances for intriguing plot twists and character growth, which makes for some entertaining read! And it's a lot of fun to be reminded of all the beautiful places in the world I have yet to see. Visiting them through the pages of a book is a nice, cheaper way to thrill the imagination, for the time being. *wink*

With each new place the Kensingtons visit, the risks seem to multiply and the danger to both body and heart seems to escalate. The journey just kept rolling along and holding my interest as the pages turned, and it all came to an end with another jolt. I'm ready to board again for the next leg of the trip!

Cora has a lot yet to learn about love and purpose, but she's wrestling with the concepts, and its enjoyable to see her open up, try new things, and work on understanding - and hopefully moving beyond - her mistakes. I'm eager to see where she ends up at the end of the next book, Glittering Promises! All aboard!

*With thanks to the publisher for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion, to be shared during the Litfuse Publicity blog tour.*

About the Author

"Lisa T. Bergren is the award-winning author of over thirty-five books, with more than 2 million copies sold. A former publishing executive, Lisa now divides her time between writing, editing, parenting three children with her husband, Tim, and dreaming of her next trip to Italy. She lives in Colorado Springs."

To Buy the Book: click HERE

Blog Tour Schedule: Check out all of the reviews from other blog tour participants HERE

Litfuse Contest

Celebrate the release of Grave Consequences with Lisa T. Bergren by entering to win an iPad Mini!


One "grand" winner will receive:
  • A brand new iPad Mini
  • Grave Consequences and Glamorous Illusions will be pre-loaded onto the Mini!
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on March 23rd. Winner will be announced on March 25th at Lisa's website.

Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning.


  1. Sounds wonderful! Great review! I have the first one of this series on my Kindle.

    Thanks for sharing about the giveaway too! :)

  2. Michelle,

    It is wonderful! I'm really enjoying this series - so much fun, and so intriguing! :) I hope you enjoy Glamorous Illusions when you get a chance to read it! Maybe you'll get hooked on this series, too. ;)

    Thank you for your kind words and for visiting today! :) ((Hugs))


  3. This one was such a good read, Amber. :)

    So glad to read that you found it memorable also. Now... as we all collectively say: WHERE IS BOOK THREE!?


  4. I loved both of the books in the series and can't wait for Glittering Promises. Great review Amber!

  5. Rissi,

    Yes - to it being a good read, and to asking "Where is book three!?" :) I think you and I are on the same page here! ;)

    Thanks for stopping by!


  6. Julie,

    Thank you! :) I'm in total agreement - great series so far; eager to read more!


  7. Lisa,

    My pleasure! :) Excited for Glittering Promises!!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!