
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Contentment Reading Challenge 2013: March

March has been a bit of a crazy (in a good way!) month for me. You can read a little about that in one of this month's previous posts: "Winner and Wonders." As an update to that post, I finished the first draft of Bleeding Heart! Next step for BH? Well, it should be off to an editor in April, and I'm planning on editing BH that month through May. And I'm hoping to start talking cover design with an author friend sometime next month, which would be awesome! I've been getting pretty excited about all the things to come, but I want to try and make the most of each step along the way. =)

I'm also making some progress with my client for my freelance editing business. I'm looking forward to next week, when I can introduce you to her and a couple of other dear writer friends. Curious as to what I'm referring to? Well, March 30th will be my third blogoversary! I've been blogging for three years, and those years have all been wonderful, challenging, fun, inspiring, and encouraging, thanks to all of you!

To celebrate, I'm hosting a blog party! I wanted to showcase some of the authors who have really helped my business find its footing, so to speak. So we'll be sharing some fun interviews and a couple of giveaways, giving you a chance to learn more about their writing projects! Here's the button for the party:

Copy this code to your website to display this banner!

Feel free to share the button using the code below it, if you'd like! And if you're wondering about the background picture, you can learn more HERE. (You'll find a note about the drinks I used to make these pretty "layered" concoctions, as well as a link to the "recipe"/directions on another blog.)

So, what does any of this have to do with the Contentment Reading Challenge? To be honest, nothing, really! Basically, I didn't do any re-reading this month, and I'm sharing some of my excuses as to why I didn't. ;) Since I'm doing the "Wading" level (challenging myself to re-read 10 books this year), I'm about 20% of the way through, so I think it will be all right!

What about you? If you're participating in the challenge, I'd love to hear about any books you've been re-reading lately! And if you're posting about it, feel free to link up your March update-post below:


  1. Congrats on 3 great years of blogging AND on the new editing business. Hope you got that invoice finished that you were working on. ;-) I hope the editing for the book goes well. I'm going to grab your button tomorrow for my blog. It's tough to do things like that when I'm on the Kindle.

    Renee C.

  2. Renee,

    Thank you on all counts! :) I did indeed finish that invoice - hoping I did all right! ;) I'm really enjoying the project I'm working on, and I'm looking forward to future projects with this client!

    Haha, I understand - thank you for being willing to take the button later! I'm looking forward to the party. :)


  3. I shared your Blogoversary button on my blog :) Congratulations on 3 years! Looking forward to the celebration!

  4. Julie,

    Thank you so much! :) And I'm also grateful to you and Renee for sharing my editing business button - thank you both for helping me to spread the word! :)

    So glad you're looking forward to the party! The guests are super sweet, and I think ya'll will enjoy getting to know them a little more! :D


  5. Congratulations on 3 years! And, for finishing the 1st draft of BH!! I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to see more about it. :)

    You always have great parties over here, so I'm looking forward to your newest one!

  6. Bluerose,

    Thank you!! Oh goodness, I've been sorting through mementos and greeting cards today - reminiscing and looking back on how much I've changed over the years. And I feel like I've changed a lot even in the past few years while I've been blogging! So crazy... (Sorry, I'm in one of those weird, melancholy moods, LOL!)

    Anywho... So glad you enjoy the parties here! ;) I enjoy putting them together and having all of you celebrate with me! And I can't wait to share more about BH with you - thank you for your encouragement!


  7. Ya'll? Amber I thought you were from the west, but you are sounding like you are from the south! LOL! I'm sure we will have a blast as we always do when you throw a party! :)

  8. Julie,

    LOL! I am definitely from the West Coast, but for some reason I like using the word "ya'll" in online comments at times... Trust me, I do NOT sound southern in real life! ;)

    And that's so sweet of you to say! You guys make it a blast by your comments! :)


  9. I've now done my update post for March on the reading challenge.
    Hope you had a great Easter!

  10. Beth,

    Wow, girl!!! You re-read 10 books in March?? You are blowing this challenge out of the water - I definitely think I need to add a "Deep Sea Diving" level for you! ;)

    Thanks so much for linking up! I did indeed have a wonderful Easter - I hope you did, as well! :)


  11. Hi Amber,

    I'm glad to hear about all that you have been up to recently, thanks for having this challenge :)


  12. Rachel,

    Aww, thanks so much for stopping by and reading about what I've been up to! :) I'm so glad you've joined the challenge!

    By the way, aren't you graduating in about a week??? Congratulations!! You're almost there! :)


  13. Hey Amber,

    I'm actually finishing school in December, so just one semester left! Thanks for your kind words :)

  14. Rachel,

    Last semester - that's exciting! (Sorry I was a little off on the timing, LOL! I saw the seniors group picture on Twitter and noticed you were in it. It was a great picture!) :)

    Thank YOU for your friendship! I hope things are going well for your senior year. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!